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Reason for Dox: leaking private information
[                      Basic Information                   ]
Alias: barry [ AFR ]
Full Name: Baran Bulut
Age: 16
Ip Addres :
Phone Number: Nvt.
Country: Netherland
Address: noorderbreedte 1034 PP Amsterdam, Nederland.
School: Bredero Mavo AMSTERDAM
Gender: Male
Race: Turkish
[                        Health Issues                     ]
Mental Problems: He has multiple personality disorder, sometimes he gay, and some times he straight.
[                       Pictures                           ]
Video with lil brother & him : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889538325197758484/893074598097190922/video0.mov
His face [ With gay filter ] : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/893185812643086356/893186782735237120/image0.png?width=251&height=585
[                       Family                             ]
Grandma : nuran bulutoz : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/893185812643086356/893189137077764117/14606964_1819704918275173_4448564998771310592_a.jpg?width=135&height=135
Uncle : ramazan bulut : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/893185812643086356/893189487658676284/243334584_1008346453290920_2282506268731256340_n.jpg?width=135&height=135
[                      Social Information                  ]
Instagram: brnb.020
Snapchat: brnb.020
Social Activity: Chilling in faggot coms like .gg/afr / fiveM coms.
[                      More Information coming soon        ]

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