# Doxxed by IlluminatiDoxs | doxbin.com/IlluminatiDoxs :)
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   ___  _______  ________  _  _____   __     _____  __________ 
  / _ \/ __/ _ \/ __/ __ \/ |/ / _ | / /    /  _/ |/ / __/ __ \
 / ___/ _// , _/\ \/ /_/ /    / __ |/ /__  _/ //    / _// /_/ /
/_/  /___/_/|_/___/\____/_/|_/_/ |_/____/ /___/_/|_/_/  \____/ 

⛧ Full Name: Yakir Sanbeto | יקיר סנבטו
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 19.1 (09/18/2003)
⛧ Phone Number #: 053-963-1735
⛧ Email Address: yakirbizz@gmail.com (108041254150744072273)
⛧ IP(s):, (November 2022)
⛧ New Address: Derech Ha'ma'hahimim 18/42 St, Beersheva | דרך המשחררים 18/42, באר שבע -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address: Sd Yaalim 76/64 St, Beersheba | שד יעלים 76/64, באר שבע
⛧ Pictures: https://prnt.sc/QEuKyuKGtxvx, https://prnt.sc/Q2SjMakTTFn_
⛧ Identity Card: 325657310

   _______   __  ___________  __  _____  __________ 
  / __/ _ | /  |/  /  _/ /\ \/ / /  _/ |/ / __/ __ \
 / _// __ |/ /|_/ // // /__\  / _/ //    / _// /_/ /
/_/ /_/ |_/_/  /_/___/____//_/ /___/_/|_/_/  \____/ 

         - Daddy -
⛧ Full Name: Thespa David Sanbeto | תספא דוד סנבטו
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 63.4 (25/05/1959)
⛧ Phone Number #: N/A
⛧ Email Address: N/A
⛧ New Address: Shevet Asher 35/19, Petah Tikva | שבט אשר 19/35, פתח תקווה -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address: Tzfat 92/12 St, Petah Tikva | צפת 92/12, פתח תקווה
⛧ Pictures: https://prnt.sc/uwhxIq67pGkw
⛧ Identity Card: 11294261  

         - Mommy -
⛧ Full Name: Susana / Shushana Adana Pakdo | סוסנה / שושנה אדנה פקדו
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 47 (0/00/1975)
⛧ Phone Number #: 052-361-3437
⛧ Email Address: N/A
⛧ New Address: Derech Ha'ma'hahimim 18/42 St, Beersheva | דרך המשחררים 18/42, באר שבע -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address: Sd Yaalim 76/64 St, Beersheba | שד יעלים 76/64, באר שבע
⛧ Education: High School: כפר הנוער הדתי כפר חסידים & College: כפר הנוער הדתי כפר חסידים
⛧ Pictures: https://prnt.sc/7_DZYjOqKy9e, https://prnt.sc/tLg31o4XMSQp, https://prnt.sc/XS32GRidymz-
⛧ Identity Card: 015803869

           [ Mother Side ] 
             Empty Info.

           [ Father Side ] 
             Empty Info.

   __ ______  __  __________  ____      _____________  __   ____  ________ ______________  _  __  _____  __________ 
  / // / __ \/ / / / __/ __/ / __/___  / ___/ __/ __ \/ /  / __ \/ ___/ _ /_  __/  _/ __ \/ |/ / /  _/ |/ / __/ __ \
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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯[ HOUSE INFO ]⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
⛧ 3D House Pictures
; Eyebird - https://prnt.sc/2bcZPDf4tQSM
; Building - https://prnt.sc/hdrgM9sFMzw6, https://prnt.sc/oVTNZQ4o7wX8, https://prnt.sc/fLNbcaeb7U8q

⛧ House Pictures
; Front - https://prnt.sc/MbuuFhZoBvy7
; Back - https://prnt.sc/rfW4DIEy6HyY
; Sideways - https://prnt.sc/8CZWOpqgDiuD, https://prnt.sc/Dq3JkGIlYHr1
; Map - https://prnt.sc/j3nyLk3tRYhm
⛧ Price: 6,118 New Shekels (₪) To meter [465K Shekels (₪) Sum] (Confirmed to 10.12.2020)
⛧ House Width - 249.3 Ft. (76 Meters)
⛧ Rooms: 4 & Floors - 6
⛧ Build In: 1994
⛧ Area: 76
⛧ Brokerage: Nadlan Al Ha'zman

    ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯[ GEOLOCATION INFO ]⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
⛧ Google Maps Link - https://bit.ly/forcehouse
⛧ Country: Israel | ישראל
⛧ Location / Address: Derech Ha'ma'hahimim 18/42 St, Beersheva | דרך המשחררים 18/42, באר שבע -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ State: HaDarom | הדרום
⛧ Postal Code: 8434009
⛧ Lat & Lon - 31.25207498653379, 34.78994071483613 - ⛧ GPS Coordinates: 31° 15' 7.56'' N, 34° 47' 23.6832'' E

   ________  ____________   __     __  __________  _______     ___  ______________
  / __/ __ \/ ___/  _/ _ | / /    /  |/  / __/ _ \/  _/ _ |   / _ |/ ___/ ___/ __/
 _\ \/ /_/ / /___/ // __ |/ /__  / /|_/ / _// // // // __ |  / __ / /__/ /___\ \  
/___/\____/\___/___/_/ |_/____/ /_/  /_/___/____/___/_/ |_| /_/ |_\___/\___/___/  
⛧ Twitch: Forceee2 [https://www.twitch.tv/forceee2]
⛧ Facebook: Yakir Sanbeto [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004602066927]
⛧ TikTok: f0rceee [https://www.tiktok.com/@f0rceee]
⛧ YouTube: Forceee [https://www.youtube.com/c/Forceee]
⛧ 1 Old YouTube Channel: yakir sanbeto [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxvMVfiraaSjgFHMcxb8ug]
⛧ 2 Old YouTube Channel: יקיר סנבטו סנבטו [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9mUIUV4wgF00FOPSftAZ0w]
⛧ 3 Old YouTube Channel: יקיר סנבטו [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZzY3-rLMQowZsKfL-7eGYQ]
⛧ Discord Server: Force's crib [https://discord.com/invite/uddE76CSTX]
⛧ Discord Account: Force#1864, 304948429702823938

   ___  _______   ________  _  __  ____      __   ___   __________  _      ______  ___  ___  ____
  / _ \/ __/ _ | / __/ __ \/ |/ / / __/___  / /  / _ | / __/_  __/ | | /| / / __ \/ _ \/ _ \/ __/
 / , _/ _// __ |_\ \/ /_/ /    /  > _/_ _/ / /__/ __ |_\ \  / /    | |/ |/ / /_/ / , _/ // /\ \  
/_/|_/___/_/ |_/___/\____/_/|_/  |_____/  /____/_/ |_/___/ /_/     |__/|__/\____/_/|_/____/___/  
      Hello Ma boi force wasupp my nigga? how you doin'? you ok? you reak november? ofc you are! and me too on your photos! ???? let me check out your small dick? no way motherfucka that yours? https://prnt.sc/zqJDUD7rkrt0 (Censored so that the
dox are not deleted) now my nigga what i need to do with you? you look likr a nogger pussy, you looked at in your mirror sometimes? your hair like a tree lmfao, get a job a stop streaming like a loser, get money and bitches and stop cum on porn & hentai
in internet and your exposed yourself on live lol, i must not send you a food that far away from all the food's apps, all the little shit kids in beersheba lol, cut urself and take a pic and send to me ???? and dont send my nudes anymore this is november
                                                                Love you MF from IlluminatiDoxs | doxbin.com/IlluminatiDoxs 
                                               - BTW This is a basic dox and i find more relatives so take this warn as a warning to your behaveior - 

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