First, Middle And Last Name: Joseph Woodd Walker
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Current Address: 120 Hemingford Road
London N1 1DE

Number linked to accounts: 074-512-14822
A doc of 9% of what he has done

Reasons: Transphobic, Power hungry Predator,
Preys on minors for fun, sexually harrassed minors.

Fulcrum is a person who thinks that harassing
and stalking multiple minors to the point of
Suicide is a good thing to protect minors
from people he deems predators. 
He cares not for the health, mental health, 
and wellbeing of anyone he goes after. 
He has, in the past, bragged about driving 
someone to suicide which in itself is problematic. 
The countless number of people who have been driven 
into dangerously harmful mind states due to his harassment, 
stalking, threatening, manipulation, and overall malicious and 
predatory behavior is likely closer to 100 than to 0 if not over 100.  
He is a threat; a predator disguised as a protector whom anti's let get away 
with significantly more harmful and predatory behavior towards minors than any MAPs 
I have personally  ever seen. Hes a csa survivor who
Claims he attacks people who reminds him of his own
Attacker, but at this point he really just goes after
Anyone he deems bad due to his inferiority complex