____  _  _     _____  _____              ______ ______ __  __ ____   ______     __                               
 |  _ \| || |   |_   _|/ ____|     /\     |  ____|  ____|  \/  |  _ \ / __ \ \   / /                           
 | |_) | || |_    | | | (___      /  \    | |__  | |__  | \  / | |_) | |  | \ \_/ /                             
 |  _ <|__   _|   | |  \___ \    / /\ \   |  __| |  __| | |\/| |  _ <| |  | |\   /                          
 | |_) |  | |    _| |_ ____) |  / ____ \  | |    | |____| |  | | |_) | |__| | | |                            
 |____/   |_|   |_____|_____/  /_/    \_\ |_|    |______|_|  |_|____/ \____/  |_| 

Reason For Dox: Groomed a 13 Year Old

──────────────────── ❝ Main Info [001]  ❞ ────────────────────────

Xbox Username: GDMC Miracle
Alias: Raze
Name: Kyran
Last Name: Schrap
Age: 17
Weight: 163 LBS - 73.8 KG
Height: 5'10 - 177cm
Race: Caucasian
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Native Language: English / American English
Religion: Athiest
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

──────────────────── ❝ Location [002]  ❞ ─────────────────────────

Country: United States Of America
State: Seattle
Zip Code: 98026
Town: Edmonds
Address: 7330 208th St SW
Picture Of House:
Timezone: Pacific [GMT-8]
IP Address:
Internet Service Provider [ISP]: Comcast Cable Communications LLC

──────────────────── ❝ END [003]  ❞ ─────────────────────────────────