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Reason for doxx: 

Ghouliexp is a 19 year old larping neo nazi femcel who happens to be a feminist and also harasses and hates men and e dates 13 year old boys on discord and Instagram and sends them nudes as well as that
she is known for attacking random females and spreading her insecurities about her body to them and engaging in unfunny acts such as doxing and harassing their parents/lives well sana fateh is currently rotting away
in jail after the united raiding association reported her to the local police department of Oss and she wont be getting out any time soon. 

Full name: Sana Fateh


Nationality: Turkish dad, Kurdish mom

Address: Nachtegaallaan 39, Oss, The Netherlands

Age: 18 (2004)

Snapchat: sananour2004

Instagram: ghoulieyy

twitter: ghouliexp

Collage: Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg, Netherlands

Discord: Ghoulie#1599 (ID: 720028252415983708) (Old)

Phone number: +31 6 25137801 (Old)