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                                                                        0x0  | Intro
                                                                        0x10 | Reason
                                                                        0x20 | Proof
                                                                        0x30 | General Info
                                                                        0x40 | Mom Info
                                                                        0x50 | Address Info
                                                                        0x60 | Alias's 
                                                                        0x70 | Passwords
                                                                        0x80 | Credits                                                                    
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0x0 | Intro
|Hello doxbin. 
|i have been contacted about a kid named "Glozing"
|Glozing has been saying he will ddos, swat, and telling people to end there lives.
|These type of people make me sick and i said i would love to dox this scum
|i will leave out some names do to there requests but i will leave one in
|do to them wanting credits.
|( see all involved in the credits )
0x10 | Reason
| * Empty Threats
|   * Saying he will swat
|     * Saying he will kill people
|   * Saying he will Ddos
| * Dick Head
0x20 | Proof
|https://i.imgur.com/dyJDduo.png ( Telling people to end there lives )
|https://i.imgur.com/VC1h6kQ.png ( Saying he will swat )
|https://i.imgur.com/ksdA7WD.png ( Saying he will Kill People )
|https://i.imgur.com/Nb05cu9.png ( Proof of his phone number )
|https://i.imgur.com/pK9wBWR.png ( Proof of Info )
0x30 | General
|First Name | Nick
|Last Name | Castilleja
|Age | 12
|Year Born | 2007
|Weight | 130 lbs
|Height | 5'1"
|Hair Color | Black
|Eyes | Brown
|Skin | White
|Mental Problems | Retard
|Email | galaxydude2008@gmail.com
|Phone | (832) 618-5735
|Discord | Deleted User ci151da#6227
|NameMc | https://namemc.com/profile/apri1.3
0x40 | Mom Info
|Name | Luis A Castilleja
|Emails | lcastilleja16@yahoo.com , castilleja16@hotmail.com , ecastillega@comcast.net   
|Age | 38
|Weight | 189 lbs
|Height | 5'3"
|Mental Problems | Stinky Coochie
|Hair Color | Brown
|Eye Color | Brown
|Skin | Taste's bad
|Skin color | White
0x50 | Address Info
|Full Address | 4212 Siegel St Houston, TX 77009
|Home Value | $244K
|Bedrooms | 4
|Bathrooms | 2
|sqft | 1,452
|Price Histoy
|DATE	             EVENT	PRICE
|7/8/2020	Listing removed	$1,975 
|6/7/2020	Listed for rent	$1,975 (-1.2%)
|8/14/2018	Listing removed	$1,999 
|7/29/2018	Price change	$1,999 (-9.1%)
|7/16/2018	Listed for rent	$2,200 
|3/13/2018	Listing removed	$179,000 
|2/19/2018	Pending sale	$179,000 
|10/30/2017	Price change	$179,000 (-3.2%)
|8/20/2017	Back on market	$185,000 
|8/14/2017	Pending sale	$185,000 
|8/9/2017	Back on market	$185,000 
|7/28/2017	Pending sale	$185,000 
|6/29/2017	Price change	$185,000 (-7%)
|3/12/2017	Price change	$199,000 (-7.4%)	
|1/24/2017	Listed for sale	$215,000 
|tax history
|2019	$4,266 (+15.7%)	$176,174 (+20.7%)
|2018	$3,687 	         $145,929 
|2017	$3,687 (+6.3%)	$145,929 (+6.4%)
|2016	$3,469 (+50.9%)	$137,194 (+16.8%)
|2015	$2,298 	         $117,490 (+31.4%)
|2014	$2,298 	         $89,407 
|2013	         -- 	 $89,407 (+14.9%)
|2012	         -- 	 $77,799 (-18.7%)
|2011	         -- 	 $95,686 
|2010	         -- 	 $95,686 
|2009	         -- 	 $95,686 (-13.9%)
|2008	         -- 	 $111,094 (+10.1%)
|2007	         -- 	 $100,874 (+62.5%)
|2006	         -- 	 $62,073 (+10%)
|2005	         -- 	 $56,430 (+10%)
|2004	         -- 	 $51,300 (+9.9%)
|2003	         -- 	 $46,700 (+9.9%)
|2002	         -- 	 $42,500 (+9.8%)
|2001	         -- 	 $38,700 (+9.9%)
|2000	         -- 	 $35,200 
0x60 | Alias's
0x70 | Passwords
0x80 | Credits
| Zerky
| Lost
| Comma 
| lIK

you are gay lol