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    Note: GoDor aka. Yonatan Gaby, Or GoSuicide
Kys bitch, i will find you and your whole family, nigga.
.gg/vertex ????
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Never Gonna Give you Up, Never gonna let you down... ????
- Rick Astley | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&ab_channel=RickAstleyVEVO (For The Biggest Nigga, DickDor)
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  \=____________/   Skidded Loading...   )
  / """"""""""" \   Skidd Loaded!       /
 / ::::::::::::: \  Dox.bat Started. =D-'

</> Personal Information:

> Full Name: Yonatan Gaby
> City (Current 2021) : Israel, Jerusalem
> (Current 2021) Zip/Postal: 9008545

> Address (Current 2021): Levin Shmaryahu 29

> Father's Name: Eyal Gaby
> Father's ID: 058032418
> Social Media: Soon

> Mom's Name: Gally Gabbay
> Mom's ID: Soon
> Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/gally.gabbay?comment_id=Y29tbWVudDo1MDUxNTQzMjYxNzA4MTNfNTA1NjczNTQyNzg1NTU4

</> Discord Accounts:

> GoDor#9999 ( 838366545201070080 )
> GoDor#7417 ( 843957916948103168 )
> OrnoX#6666 ( Another Alt, 822931710647205992 )
> GoDor Zona#7224 ( 846038445877100554, Some Shitty Alt... )

</> YouTube Acc's:

> ZRedmen . . . ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7sxReOtIbFySIqzWa370gQ/featured )
> 1Tap, Aka 5MFuckers ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH3bSTLBEV1QRkxrbHDOqIQ )

</> Mail Address(s):

> yonatangaby@gmail.com ( #1 Mail )

</> Phone Numbers:

> His Number: +972-54-475-6869
> Mom's Number: Soon, Will get updated.
> Father's Number: Soon, Will get updated.

</> Pictures:

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/815529802013474817/815530434821488640/Pre-comp_3_1.gif (Some Nice GIF)

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/835052286761893928/846135640621318184/unknown.png (His Mom Picture, Not Verified Pic)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/835052286761893928/846136087184408616/unknown.png (The people who forgot to put on a condom... | %99 Verified Pic)