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║                              (???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????)
║                          (dox by daddy truth&ANUBIS)
║   ~Name - Saul 
║   ~last name - Lopez Jr.
║   ~Address - N/A
║   ~Phone number - N/A
║   ~discord goblin slayer#8062
║   ~snap N/A
║   ~insta starsthatkills
║   ~twitch StarsthatKills
║   ~Vrchat GOBLIN'
║   ~age 24-25
║   ~sex M
║   ~race Salvadorian
║   ~hight 5 foot 8 
║   ~wight 250 lbs
║   ~Mother's Name: N/A
║   ~nickname is N/A
║   ~Father's name Saul Lopez Sr.
║   ~IP Address                                                                                                            
║   ~Internet  N/A                                                                                
║   ~latitude 32.8885
║   ~longitude -80.0075	                                                                                               
║   ~Postal/ZIP Code N/A                                                                                                                         
║   ~city North Charleston	
║   ~Country Code 29405	    
║   ~Country United States of America
║   ~continent_code N/A	                                                                                                                        
║   ~Service provider N/A
║   ~Area code location  N/A                                                                                                                                            
║   ~Continent Name N/A	                                                                                                                     
║   ~region N/A
║   ~district N/A                                
║   ~timezone_name N/A
║   ~connection_type N/A
║   ~asn_number	N/A
║   ~asn_org N/A
║   ~asn N/A	
║   ~currency_code N/A
║   ~currency_name N/A	
║   ~VPN / Hosting No
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║               +m  `+mMMMMMMMMMN:     -yMMMMMmy+-`               
║               ms.omMMMMMMMMMMMMN:  /hNMMMMMMMMMMmy+-`           
║          .//////////////////////////////////////////////////-
║ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1033056968572678165/1033424871457312910/unknown.png?width=287&height=564
║      Yeah. The situation is that the dude Goblin is currently dating my ex, whom is being manipulated and mentally abused by him. This Goblin guy also coerced Jacen and this child to date eachother from the beginning. Now it’s some weird twisted family where Goblin calls this child his “daughter” and Goblin is 25 . 
║      The girl who was my Ex who is currently in the abusive relationship with Goblin is Envy_Txa. She’s not a part of this at all but is just roped in because of Goblin.
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