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                                                                                Victim Info
                                                                                Parents info
                                                                                Family info



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                                         Welcome to the story of a well known pedophile, Miguel A Ferreira. Miguel grew up Neglected as a child which
                                         lead him into the community of doxxing/swiping. Miguel was a very depressed child as he grew up on meds
                                         and weed. He often spends his late night days doxxing and extorting male minors for their nudes, as a 24 year
                                         old man. While he celebrated his birthday on march 23rd 2016, , he decided it was a good idea to become a 
                                         pedophile. As he would soon to be viewing his first victim on a csgo game. 

                                         Miguel seems to find himself spending his days flexing to minors his csgo inventory, which he got from sim
                                         swapping. He finds it fun and nice to flex to little boys online his online gun skins. Although Miguel 
                                         still lives with his parents at 24, he decided it was a bright and beautiful idea to chase after minor 
                                         boys. Although it seems he has a fetish for transgender females, it seems he tries to extort regular males
                                         more than transgenders. As seen on his twitter listed down below. He posts porn of females having dicks and
                                         much more. Miguel struggles from depression, schizophrenia and Anxiety. He seems to be so hurt that he thought
                                         it was a good idea to try and come after little boys. 

                                         Unfortunately, Miguel ruined his opsec on twitter after trying to 'flex' his cars. Although you are quite poor
                                         considering your living conditions. We found his addy off of the picture he posted on twitter of his cars 
                                         (which is taken down now as he is fleeing). After years and years of him trying to flex being a 'opsec' god.
                                         This war has finally came to a end, Miguel. Everything has came to a end because of a silly mistake you made
                                         online. Your digital foot print caused this, you caused this harm onto yourself. I advise you stick to people
                                         your own age now instead of deciding to go after little kids.

                                         After Miguel tried to flex being a 'data miner' to your victims friend, (https://z.zz.fo/yHnPj.jpg) convincing
                                         him you were a crazy hacker, as a young boy would think. I see you simply tried convincing yourself, 'Oh, if I
                                         scared a young boy on a alt with his information, maybe he will send more nudes to me?' (https://z.zz.fo/UUygz.png)
                                         I must say, it takes quite the sick freak to want nudes from a minor THAT bad. As you left all social medias after
                                         being exposed by kills, you seem to be the nasty freak people list you as. This is what has caused this dox/expose.

                                         It seems like you think acting crazy online to minors might scare them, (https://z.zz.fo/7lOqK.png). As you really 
                                         decided to ruin your life over chasing a young boy, I would like to say, you are disgusting. If you truly think a
                                         14 year old boy is the 'love of your life.' You need help. You chase after young boys predating on them just for a
                                         few nudes? This could leave trauma on people, you are gross, incredibly gross. I hope you severly rott in hell. As
                                         I decided to SE you for a little on a alt, you continued to message me and talk to me after I stated to you that I 
                                         was 16. You laughed at it, a young boy messaging you, you laughed it off and continued to talk to me. You are gross.
                                         A nasty human being at least what I would say. (https://z.zz.fo/1UVLG.png) continuing trying to message him.

                                         After deciding it was a great idea to continue on talking to these young boys, (https://z.zz.fo/dWhsZ.jpg) you also
                                         harassed his friends into making them harass the young boy even more. You are truly a sick man if not even worse. 
                                         If you really want something so bad, considering nobody truly wants you looking at your irl you send to me, 
                                         (https://z.zz.fo/fQFYe.png). It seems like you hunt on boys half your age because 1, you can't find anybody else
                                         interested in you. Or 2, you truly like children. I find it weird for both, considering there are dating apps out
                                         there and everything else. But, I would also like to point out the fact that this boy BLOCKED you, trying to get 
                                         away from you. And you just made alts to message him and scare him for his information, which lead you into 
                                         extorting this boy for nude photographs and more. You are a sick human, and I genuinely hope you infact do 
                                         rot in hell after what you did to this poor, young, boy. As it took you so long to move on, you still continued
                                         to message his friends, (https://z.zz.fo/OyQik.png). Considering you won't stop until you are together with a 14
                                         year old boy. This is getting concerning, don't you think, Miguel? This is concerning for your health and how you
                                         are mentally. This boy did not want to talk to you in any way, shape, or form. And you continued to push yourself
                                         towards a young boy. You are truly gross, and I hope you do get help.

                                         Now, that we got past the introduction. Let's get onto the fun stuff! Scroll down for the full dox of Miguel A 
                                         Ferreira. This will contain parts listed above in order. Let's start, shall we? ♡


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                                                               ▀██████▀  █▀   ████████▀     ▄████▀   █▀     ▀█   ███   █▀  


                                                     ♡ LOCAL PD ; (973) 274-1767

                                                ♡  NAME: Miguel
                                                ♡  LAST: Ferreia
                                                ♡  AGE: 24
                                                ♡  BIRTHDAY: March 23, 1998
                                                ♡  GENDER: Male
                                                ♡  SEXUALITY: Straight, Closeted gay
                                                ♡  IRL:
                                               ( https://z.zz.fo/slQTI.jpg )
                                                ♡  ADDRESS: 158 Clifford Street, Newark, NJ 
                                                ♡  PROOF OF ADDRESS: https://z.zz.fo/MZaKT.png
                                                ♡  PROPERTY INFORMATION:
                                            ୨♡୧ MAK : 3921984687
                                            ୨♡୧ LAT & LONG 40.719545 -74.1611099
                                            ୨♡୧ Addy type : Residential 
                                            ୨♡୧ Carrier route : C006 (DPC: 99-7)
                                            ୨♡୧ U.S Representative: Albio sires 
                                            ୨♡୧ Census Entities : County 34013 Essex
                                            ୨♡୧ County subdivision 51000 Newark City
                                            ୨♡୧ Tract 0070.00
                                            ୨♡୧ Block 2007
                                            ୨♡୧ Owner's name : Hilario Ferreira 
                                            ୨♡୧ 2nd Owner name : Maria Ferreira
                                            ୨♡୧ year built 2006
                                            ୨♡୧ Building area 3,306
                                            ୨♡୧ Type:
                                            ୨♡୧ SingleFamily
                                            ୨♡୧ Year built:
                                            ୨♡୧ 2006
                                            ୨♡୧ Heating:
                                            ୨♡୧ No Data
                                            ୨♡୧ Cooling:
                                            ୨♡୧ No Data
                                            ୨♡୧ Parking:
                                            ୨♡୧ 0 spaces
                                            ୨♡୧ Lot:
                                            ୨♡୧ 3,711 sqft
                                            ୨♡୧ Interior details
                                            ୨♡୧ Other interior features
                                            ୨♡୧ Total interior livable area: 3,306 sqft
                                            ୨♡୧ Property details
                                            ୨♡୧ Lot
                                            ୨♡୧ Lot size: 3,711 sqft
                                            ୨♡୧ Other property information
                                            ୨♡୧ Parcel number: 140097500000002603
                                            ୨♡୧ Construction details
                                            ୨♡୧ Type and style
                                            ୨♡୧ Home type: SingleFamily
                                            ୨♡୧ Condition
                                            ୨♡୧ Year built: 2006
                                            ୨♡୧ Community and Neighborhood Details
                                            ୨♡୧ Location
                                            ୨♡୧ Region: Newark
                                            ୨♡୧ HOA and financial details
                                            ୨♡୧ Other financial information
                                            ୨♡୧ Annual tax amount: $13,378
                                                ♡  OLD SCHOOL DISTRICT: Newark City School district
                                                ♡  POST OFFICE : Newark 2 federal Sq Newark Nj 07105 (9736935231)


                                              .d8888.  .d88b.   .o88b. d888888b  .d8b.  db           .88b  d88. d88888b d8888b. d888888b  .d8b.  .d8888. 
                                              88'  YP .8P  Y8. d8P  Y8   `88'   d8' `8b 88           88'YbdP`88 88'     88  `8D   `88'   d8' `8b 88'  YP 
                                              `8bo.   88    88 8P         88    88ooo88 88           88  88  88 88ooooo 88   88    88    88ooo88 `8bo.   
                                                `Y8b. 88    88 8b         88    88~~~88 88           88  88  88 88~~~~~ 88   88    88    88~~~88   `Y8b. 
                                              db   8D `8b  d8' Y8b  d8   .88.   88   88 88booo.      88  88  88 88.     88  .8D   .88.   88   88 db   8D 
                                              `8888Y'  `Y88P'   `Y88P' Y888888P YP   YP Y88888P      YP  YP  YP Y88888P Y8888D' Y888888P YP   YP `8888Y' 


                                                ♡  YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvrHO-NlA-iM8pNmjtFfwzA/videos
                                                ♡  TWITTER: https://twitter.com/HUVR_
                                                ♡  TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/huvr_  
                                                ♡  STEAM: https://steamcommunity.com/id/HUVR/
                                                ♡  HIS DISCORD: HUVR#0001
                                                ♡  HIS DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/hrt


                                                      ▄▄▄▄███▄▄▄▄    ▄██████▄      ███        ▄█    █▄       ▄████████    ▄████████ 
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                                                                                    █                                     ██    ███ 


                                                ♡  NAME: Maria 
                                                ♡  LAST: Ferreira
                                                ♡  AGE: 69
                                                ♡  ADDRESS: 158 Clifford Street, Newark, NJ
                                                ♡  NUMBER: (973) 491-0522
                                                ♡  PREVIOUS ADDRESSES:
                                            ୨♡୧ 1877 Vauxhall Rd, Union, NJ 07083
                                            ୨♡୧ 158 Clifford St #3, Newark, NJ 07105
                                            ୨♡୧ 31 Houston St, Newark, NJ 07105


                                                        ▄████████    ▄████████     ███        ▄█    █▄       ▄████████    ▄████████ 
                                                       ███    ███   ███    ███ ▀█████████▄   ███    ███     ███    ███   ███    ███ 
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                                                     ▀▀███▀▀▀     ▀███████████     ███     ▀▀███▀▀▀▀███▀  ▀▀███▀▀▀     ▀▀███▀▀▀▀▀   
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                                                       ███          ███    █▀     ▄████▀     ███    █▀      ██████████   ███    ███ 
                                                                                                                         ███    ███   


                                                ♡  NAME: Hilario
                                                ♡  LAST: Ferreira
                                                ♡  AGE: 72
                                                ♡  NUMBERS:
                                            ୨♡୧ (201) 491-0522
                                            ୨♡୧ (908)377-5284
                                                ♡  ADDRESS: 158 Clifford Street, Newark, NJ
                                                ♡  PREVIOUS ADDRESSES:
                                            ୨♡୧ 158 Clifford St #3, Newark, NJ 07105
                                            ୨♡୧ 1877 Vauxhall Rd, Union, NJ 07083
                                            ୨♡୧ 158 Clifton St, Newark, NJ 07105
                                            ୨♡୧ 31 Houston St, Newark, NJ 07105
                                            ୨♡୧ 80 Ann St, Newark, NJ 07105
                                                ♡  EMAILS: 
                                            ୨♡୧ hilario.ferreira@worldnet.att.net
                                            ୨♡୧ hilario.ferreira@att.net
                                            ୨♡୧ mferreira1997@yahoo.com


                                                               ▄████████    ▄████████   ▄▄▄▄███▄▄▄▄    ▄█   ▄█       ▄██   ▄        
                                                              ███    ███   ███    ███ ▄██▀▀▀███▀▀▀██▄ ███  ███       ███   ██▄      
                                                              ███    █▀    ███    ███ ███   ███   ███ ███▌ ███       ███▄▄▄███      
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                                                              ███          ███    █▀   ▀█   ███   █▀  █▀   █████▄▄██  ▀█████▀       


                                                               d8888b. d8888b.  .d88b.  d888888b db   db d88888b d8888b. 
                                                               88  `8D 88  `8D .8P  Y8. `~~88~~' 88   88 88'     88  `8D 
                                                               88oooY' 88oobY' 88    88    88    88ooo88 88ooooo 88oobY' 
                                                               88~~~b. 88`8b   88    88    88    88~~~88 88~~~~~ 88`8b   
                                                               88   8D 88 `88. `8b  d8'    88    88   88 88.     88 `88. 
                                                               Y8888P' 88   YD  `Y88P'     YP    YP   YP Y88888P 88   YD

                                                ♡  NAME: Carlos
                                                ♡  LAST: Ferreira
                                                ♡  AGE: 29
                                                ♡  BIRTHDAY: May 9th
                                                ♡  NUMBERS:
                                            ୨♡୧ (973) 274-9687
                                            ୨♡୧ (973) 491-0522
                                                ♡  ADDRESS: 158 Clifford Street, Newark, NJ
                                                ♡  PREVIOUS ADDRESSES:
                                            ୨♡୧ 1877 Vauxhall Rd, Union, NJ 07083
                                            ୨♡୧ 31 Houston St, Newark, NJ 07105
                                            ୨♡୧ 80 Ann St, Newark, NJ 07105
                                            ୨♡୧ 158 Clifford St #3, Newark, NJ 07105
                                                ♡  EMAILS: 
                                            ୨♡୧ cferreira1993@gmail.com
                                                ♡  ASSOCIATED NAMES:
                                            ୨♡୧ Carlos A Ferreria
                                            ୨♡୧ Carlos M Ferreira
                                                                   .d8888. d888888b .d8888. d888888b d88888b d8888b. 
                                                                   88'  YP   `88'   88'  YP `~~88~~' 88'     88  `8D 
                                                                   `8bo.      88    `8bo.      88    88ooooo 88oobY' 
                                                                     `Y8b.    88      `Y8b.    88    88~~~~~ 88`8b   
                                                                   db   8D   .88.   db   8D    88    88.     88 `88. 
                                                                   `8888Y' Y888888P `8888Y'    YP    Y88888P 88   YD

                                                ♡  NAME: TIAGO
                                                ♡  LAST: FERREIRA
                                                ♡  AGE: 21
                                                ♡  BIRTHDAY: October 30th
                                                ♡  NUMBERS:
                                            ୨♡୧ (973) 274-9687
                                            ୨♡୧ (973) 491-0522
                                                ♡  ADDRESS: 1877 Vauxhall Rd, Union, NJ 07083
                                                ♡  EMAILS:
                                            ୨♡୧ tiagoferreira639@gmail.com
                                                ♡  PROPERTY INFORMATION:
                                            ୨♡୧ Type:
                                            ୨♡୧ MultiFamily
                                            ୨♡୧ Year built:
                                            ୨♡୧ 1923
                                            ୨♡୧ Heating:
                                            ୨♡୧ Forced air, Gas
                                            ୨♡୧ Cooling:
                                            ୨♡୧ Central
                                            ୨♡୧ Parking:
                                            ୨♡୧ Garage - Detached
                                            ୨♡୧ Interior details
                                            ୨♡୧ Bedrooms and bathrooms
                                            ୨♡୧ Bedrooms: 3
                                            ୨♡୧ Bathrooms: 3
                                            ୨♡୧ Full bathrooms: 3
                                            ୨♡୧ Heating
                                            ୨♡୧ Heating features: Forced air, Gas
                                            ୨♡୧ Cooling
                                            ୨♡୧ Cooling features: Central
                                            ୨♡୧ Property details
                                            ୨♡୧ Parking
                                            ୨♡୧ Parking features: Garage - Detached
                                            ୨♡୧ Property
                                            ୨♡୧ Exterior features: Vinyl
                                            ୨♡୧ View description: None
                                            ୨♡୧ Lot
                                            ୨♡୧ Lot size: 7,405 sqft
                                            ୨♡୧ Other property information
                                            ୨♡୧ Parcel number: 1902308000000026
                                            ୨♡୧ Construction details
                                            ୨♡୧ Type and style
                                            ୨♡୧ Home type: MultiFamily
                                            ୨♡୧ Material information
                                            ୨♡୧ Construction materials: Frame
                                            ୨♡୧ Roof: Asphalt
                                            ୨♡୧ Condition
                                            ୨♡୧ Year built: 1923
                                            ୨♡୧ Building details
                                            ୨♡୧ Other building information
                                            ୨♡୧ Structure type: Other
                                            ୨♡୧ Community and Neighborhood Details
                                            ୨♡୧ Location
                                            ୨♡୧ Region: Union
                                            ୨♡୧ HOA and financial details
                                            ୨♡୧ Other financial information
                                            ୨♡୧ Annual tax amount: $12,136


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                                                ♡  NAME: Alda 
                                                ♡  LAST: Oliveira
                                                ♡  AGE: 44
                                                ♡  NUMBERS:
                                            ୨♡୧ (732) 815-0475 
                                            ୨♡୧ (201) 998-6802
                                            ୨♡୧ (201) 320-0407
                                            ୨♡୧ (201) 491-0515 
                                            ୨♡୧ (201) 991-0779
                                            ୨♡୧ (551) 655-5967
                                            ୨♡୧ (586) 216-8574 
                                            ୨♡୧ (973) 491-0522
                                            ୨♡୧ (551) 556-3752
                                                ♡  BIRTHDAY: January 15th
                                                ♡  EMAILS:
                                            ୨♡୧ crls3@bellsouth.net
                                            ୨♡୧ crls@nj.rr.com
                                            ୨♡୧ aoliveira@mtlm.com
                                            ୨♡୧ aldacoliveira2@gmail.com
                                            ୨♡୧ lisboa8-95@hotmail.com
                                            ୨♡୧ crls64@myway.com
                                            ୨♡୧ joalgabo@verizon.net
                                                ♡  ADDRESS: 27 Cook St, Clark, NJ 07066
                                                ♡  PREVIOUS ADDRESSES:
                                            ୨♡୧ 56 Patterson St, Kearny, NJ 07032
                                            ୨♡୧ Patterson Ave, Kearny, NJ 07032
                                            ୨♡୧ 201 Galen Dr #302, Key Biscayne, FL 33149
                                            ୨♡୧ 56 Paterson St, Jersey City, NJ 07307
                                            ୨♡୧ 31 Houston St, Newark, NJ 07105
                                            ୨♡୧ 34 Darcy St, Newark, NJ 07105
                                            ୨♡୧ 50 Paterson St, Jersey City, NJ 07307
                                            ୨♡୧ 80 Ann St, Newark, NJ 07105
                                                ♡  ASSOCIATED NAMES:
                                            ୨♡୧ Alda C Ferreira
                                            ୨♡୧ Alda C Ferreiroliveira
                                            ୨♡୧ Joao Oliveira
                                            ୨♡୧ Aldac C Ferreira
                                            ୨♡୧ Alda C Ferreiraoliveira
                                                ♡  PROPERTY INFORMATION:
                                            ୨♡୧ Type:
                                            ୨♡୧ SingleFamily
                                            ୨♡୧ Year built:
                                            ୨♡୧ 1963
                                            ୨♡୧ Heating:
                                            ୨♡୧ No Data
                                            ୨♡୧ Cooling:
                                            ୨♡୧ No Data
                                            ୨♡୧ Parking:
                                            ୨♡୧ 0 spaces
                                            ୨♡୧ Lot:
                                            ୨♡୧ 6,499 sqft
                                            ୨♡୧ Interior details
                                            ୨♡୧ Other interior features
                                            ୨♡୧ Total interior livable area: 1,692 sqft
                                            ୨♡୧ Property details
                                            ୨♡୧ Property
                                            ୨♡୧ Exterior features: Wood
                                            ୨♡୧ Lot
                                            ୨♡୧ Lot size: 6,499 sqft
                                            ୨♡୧ Other property information
                                            ୨♡୧ Parcel number: 0200120000000004
                                            ୨♡୧ Construction details
                                            ୨♡୧ Type and style
                                            ୨♡୧ Home type: SingleFamily
                                            ୨♡୧ Material information
                                            ୨♡୧ Construction materials: Frame
                                            ୨♡୧ Condition
                                            ୨♡୧ Year built: 1963
                                            ୨♡୧ Community and Neighborhood Details
                                            ୨♡୧ Location
                                            ୨♡୧ Region: Clark
                                            ୨♡୧ HOA and financial details
                                            ୨♡୧ Other financial information
                                            ୨♡୧ Annual tax amount: $9,826


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                                                                                  Format Credits to:

                                                                              Screenshots/Socials credit to

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