**REPOST BECAUSE YOU FUCKERS IGNORE GOOD SHIT** A fucking Pedo. A fake hacker, and someone who sucks at programming. Also a person who tries picking up discord chicks with the excuse of "I'm new to the server". I'm too lazy to format this shit so deal with it. Email: dkhas30@gmail.com IP: PC Name: DAN Old Token: ODM2MDczNjM4MjU1NjU2OTYw.YLcHEA.gsH2eaO45S-x2g58CEV8O2hjhv4 Lives in Asia, Nepal. City is Kathmandu. He is in 8th grade, second year of high school Age: 15, February 4 2006 is his bday Nemo aka Daniel European living in Asia Hobbies: He likes to code and am an intern He watches anime sometimes He's the CTO of bliss studios (Was) Knows: He's a data analyst But he only knows intermediate ts and js He knows C++, Golang, Java and Some python (Lie 90%) Anime: His favorites are dbs/dbs gods saga saitama/one punch man attack on titan PC Details: Lenovo, i5 with 8gb ram and gtx 1050 Proof: https://imgur.com/a/JG119Nr