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Emails: idomods4200@yahoo.com | bendo68420@gmail.com | hackingfatpeople@proton.me
Discord ID: 1221792551728709713
Discord Alias: hackingfatpeople | cxmp
Real Name: Donald Smith
Possible Number #1: 501-307-1011
Possible Number #2: 305-625-7608

Mother: Rose M Smith
email: deezyfriendemail@gmail.com
Age: 55
Current Address: 1400 SW 32nd St Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 Edgewood
Postal Code: 33315 

Father: Michael Smith
Current Address: 1400 SW 32nd St Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 Edgewood
Postal Code: 33315 

cxmp: Donald Smith
Age: 18
Current Address: 1400 SW 32nd St Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 Edgewood
Postal Code: 33315 

This is updated real information since the other post on him is incorrect, I'm not going to post a bunch of useless bullshit here is the main information.