88        88               88           88                        88           888b      88               88           
	88        88               88           88                        88           8888b     88               88           
	88        88               88           88                        88           88 `8b    88               88           
	88aaaaaaaa88  88       88  88,dPPYba,   88,dPPYba,   88       88  88,dPPYba,   88  `8b   88  88       88  88,dPPYba,   
	88""""""""88  88       88  88P'    "8a  88P'    "8a  88       88  88P'    "8a  88   `8b  88  88       88  88P'    "8a  
	88        88  88       88  88       d8  88       d8  88       88  88       d8  88    `8b 88  88       88  88       d8  
	88        88  "8a,   ,a88  88b,   ,a8"  88b,   ,a8"  "8a,   ,a88  88b,   ,a8"  88     `8888  "8a,   ,a88  88b,   ,a8"  
	88        88   `"YbbdP'Y8  8Y"Ybbd8"'   8Y"Ybbd8"'    `"YbbdP'Y8  8Y"Ybbd8"'   88      `888   `"YbbdP'Y8  8Y"Ybbd8"'                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
			• ▌ ▄ ·. ▄• ▄▌·▄▄▄▄             ▄▄▄·▄▄▄ .▄▄▄   ▄▄▄· ▄▄▄▄▄▪         ▐ ▄ .▄▄ · 
			·██ ▐███▪█▪██▌██▪ ██     ▪     ▐█ ▄█▀▄.▀·▀▄ █·▐█ ▀█ •██  ██ ▪     •█▌▐█▐█ ▀. 
			▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·█▌▐█▌▐█· ▐█▌     ▄█▀▄  ██▀·▐▀▀▪▄▐▀▀▄ ▄█▀▀█  ▐█.▪▐█· ▄█▀▄ ▐█▐▐▌▄▀▀▀█▄
			██ ██▌▐█▌▐█▄█▌██. ██     ▐█▌.▐▌▐█▪·•▐█▄▄▌▐█•█▌▐█ ▪▐▌ ▐█▌·▐█▌▐█▌.▐▌██▐█▌▐█▄▪▐█
			▀▀  █▪▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀•      ▀█▄▀▪.▀    ▀▀▀ .▀  ▀ ▀  ▀  ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀█▄▀▪▀▀ █▪ ▀▀▀▀ 
				This dox will be regularly updated for more information added to it!

					  Indicators : Non Verified Information [????]       
						       NSFW Content [????]    
			         Mud <--> era <--> Zeleix <--> dugthebest <--> jelly <--> patrick  

						   Moral Support = Comedian

						       Mud: Main Doxer
					era: Helping Doxer + Cheerleader + Moral Support
				      Zeleix: Helping Doxer + Cheerleader + Moral Support
					          dugthebest: Helping Doxer
						     jelly: Moral Support    
						    patrick: Moral Support                                

Reason: From no-lifing on a ROBLOX game as a 24-year-old, to defending and likely also e-dating a known pedophile in her community. Truly autistic.

			Hey, fellow viewers, today I would like to introduce to you one of the most autistic people on Roblox. "HubbubNub" This person known as "HubbubNub", or "Jess" aka. "Jessica Whitney Gibbens" has done numerous things which whill be explained in the introduction.

			1. Defending a Pedophile
			2. Being a no-life ROBLOX player
			3. Attempting to frame my friend

											~= Memes =~
 			Kinky Jess's Wattpad Stories: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1007860824024547410/1027391539174969414/unknown.png | https://a.pomf.cat/egpqob.png
				  No men?: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1007860824024547410/1027393209388777514/unknown.png | https://a.pomf.cat/zlsufy.png
			 A friend of her's Moaning: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989335901790408775/999815081686732862/Ayobro.mp4 | https://a.pomf.cat/xeviqu.mp4

  ➣ Pseudonym(s)/Alias(es): 
  ➣ "Jess", "HubbubNub", "hotieokj145", "gibbensjessie", etc.

        ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? & ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ Picture(s)                   : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1010953531668320317/1027669467775381556/image0.jpg | Mirror: https://a.pomf.cat/eidkle.jpg (Recently Added)
➤ Name                         : Jessica Whitney Gibbens
➤ Age                          : 24 years old
➤ [DOB] Date of Birth          : December 4th, 1997 // 12/04/1997
➤ [SSN] Social Security Number : 499-13-5813
➤ Experian Credit Report       : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1053899372527616083/1075518407455289437/499135813.pdf // Mirror: https://a.pomf.cat/ippuup.pdf (Recently Added) [REQUEST DATE: 02/15/2023]

➤ Sexual Orientation: Straight
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ New Hair color: Blonde / White / Brown (Check the Pictures)
  ➣ Previous Hair color: Blonde
  ➣ Natural hair color: Brown
  ➣ Eyes color: Very Blue
  ➣ Teeth: Overly Big
  ➣ Gender: Female

        ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

➤ Country of Citizenship: The United States of America	
➤ Location of Birth: Caruthersville, Missouri [PEMISCOT COUNTY]
➤ Location: Caruthersville, Missouri [PEMISCOT COUNTY]

➤ Race: White / American Caucasian
➤ Native Language: American English

➤ [ISP] Internet Service Provider: AT&T Services, Inc.
➤ Area Code: 573
➤ Mobile Phone Number: +1 (573) 922-0420 [AT&T, Wireless // Cingular Wireless-NSR/2]
  ➣ Mobile Phone Email: 5739220420@txt.att.net // 5739220420@mms.att.net
➤ Home Address(es): 311 E 9th St Caruthersville, MO 63830-1911 (Mom), 1108 Beckwith Ave Caruthersville, MO 63830-1911 (Dad)
➤ Postal Code: 63830-1911
➤ Passwords: 
  ➣ gibbens_jessie@yahoo.com:Love123 
  ➣ gibbens_jessie@yahoo.com: (None)
  ➣ gibbens_jessie@yahoo.ca:ineedpass9       
  ➣ gibbens_jessie@yahoo.com:ineedpass9   
  ➣ gibbens_jessie@yahoo.com:100001334026921   
  ➣ gibbens_jessie@yahoo.com:5clove123

➤ Email Address(es): 

gibbens_jessie@yahoo.com: {
	➣ Relevance: Main Email Address

		Email Address: gibbens_jessie@yahoo.com
		Recovery Email Address: N/A
		Phone Number: +1 573-•••-0420‬
		Photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACNPEu-NSFv2GLTIzXHW4_5JshrmPHF2XfdwS40lzv_TJw
		Name: Jessica Gibbens
   		ID: 107856758777641140585
		Last Updated: 2022-09-19 16:40:43 (UTC)
		Services: (1) {
		   Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/107856758777641140585
		Email Address: gibbens_jessie@yahoo.com
		Recovery Email Address: N/A
		Phone Number: +1 573-•••-0420‬
		Photo: Coming Soon
		Name: Coming Soon

		Email Address: gibbens_jessie@yahoo.com / gibbens_jessie@yahoo.ca
		Recovery Email Address: N/A
		Phone Number: +1 573-•••-0420‬
		Photo: Coming Soon
		Name: Coming Soon
		[+] chegg.com
		[+] discord.com
		[+] gametuts.com
		[+] instagram.com
		[+] microsoft.com
		[+] myfitnesspal.com
		[+] paypal.com // Phone Number: +1 573-•••-0420‬
		[+] pinterest.com
		[+] poshmark.com
		[+] twitter.com
		[+] vsco.co
		[+] wattpad.com
		[+] yahoo.ca
		[+] yahoo.com

		Email Address: gibbens_jessie@yahoo.com
		Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:.cid.4ac27fba84375056/public
		Accounts: {
		   Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:.cid.4ac27fba84375056/public
		   Name: Jessica Gibbens
		   ID: live:.cid.4ac27fba84375056
		   Country: -
		   City: -
		   Contact Type: Skype4Consumer
		   Gender: - 
		   Birthday: -


gibbens.jessie@gmail.com: {
	➣ Relevance: Main Alternative Email Address

		Email Address: gibbens.jessie@gmail.com
		Recovery Email Address: N/A
		Phone Number: +1 573-•••-0420‬
		Photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACNPEu-NSFv2GLTIzXHW4_5JshrmPHF2XfdwS40lzv_TJw
		Name: Jessica Gibbens
   		ID: 107856758777641140585
		Last Updated: 2022-09-19 16:40:43 (UTC)
		Services: (1) {
		   Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/107856758777641140585

		Email Address: gibbens.jessie@gmail.com
		Recovery Email Address: N/A
		Phone Number: N/A
		Photo: Coming Soon
		Name: Coming Soon
		[+] adobe.com
		[+] discord.com
		[+] facebook.com
		[+] pinterest.com
		[+] spotify.com
		[+] vsco.co
		[+] wattpad.com


gibbens_jessie@yahoo.ca: {
	➣ Relevance: Alternative Email Address

		Email Address: gibbens_jessie@yahoo.ca / gibbens_jessie@yahoo.com
		Recovery Email Address: N/A
		Phone Number: +1 573-•••-0420‬
		Photo: Coming Soon
		Name: Coming Soon

		[+] yahoo.ca
		[+] yahoo.com


gibbensj@rocketmail.com: {
	➣ Relevance: Alternative Email Address

		[+] adobe.com
		[+] eventbrite.com
		[+] instagram.com
		[+] pinterest.com
		[+] rocketmail.com
		[+] twitter.com
		[+] yahoo.ca
		[+] yahoo.com

jwgibbens1s@semo.edu: {
	➣ Relevance: University Email Address (Inactive)

		Email Address: jwgibbens1s@semo.edu
		Recovery Email Address: N/A
		Phone Number: +1 573-•••-0420‬
		Photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACNPEu9gLsK-24k3Lssbj7BWxopkFpq0mVYPnjjWDy_3 (Default Profile Picture)
		Name: Jessica Gibbens
   		ID: 106442340963829948358
		Last Updated: 2021-09-17 04:31:18 (UTC)
		Services: (1) {
		   Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/106442340963829948358

		[+] facebook.com
		[+] gmail.com
		[+] paypal.com // Phone Number: +1 573-•••-0420‬

w*************8@gmail.com: {
	➣ Relevance: Alternative Email Address (Unknown)

		[+] facebook.com
		[+] gmail.com


  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Static/Dynamic Assignment: Static/Dynamic

  ➣ Owned Devices: iPhone 11+, etc. (something greater than or equal to an iPhone 11)

  ➣ Internet Protocol v4(s): (IPv4)
	➣ Date: "1 June 2018"
	➣ Source(s): "The Romwe June 1 2018 Data Breach"
	➣ Type: "Wifi, Static, AT&T U-Verse Internet"
	➣ Decimal Number: "394249105"
	➣ Services: "None detected"
	➣ Hostname: "23-127-195-145.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net"
	➣ Domain Name: "sbcglobal.net"
	➣ Continent: "North America"
	➣ Country: "United States of America"
	➣ Country Code	"US"
        ➣ Region: "MO"
	➣ Region Name: "Missouri"
	➣ City: "Sikeston" + "Saint Louis" + "Marble Hill"
	➣ ZIP Code: "63801" 
	➣ Latitude: "36.8902" / "38.637459  (38° 38′ 14.85″ N)" / "37.3043" (Approximate Coordinates Only *)
	➣ Longitude: "-89.5826" / "-90.237289  (90° 14′ 14.24″ W)" / "-89.9822" (Approximate Coordinates Only *)
	➣ Accuracy Radius (km): "100 km"
	➣ Network I.P. Address Range: ""
 	➣ Timezone: "America/Chicago"
	➣ Internet Service Provider: "AT&T Services, Inc."
	➣ Organization:	"AT&T Corp" / "AT&T U-Verse"
	➣ Autonomous System Number: "AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc."
	➣ Metro Code: "632"
	➣ All TCP Ports: Port	Type	Status	Service
 			  21	TCP	Filtered  ftp
			  22	TCP	Filtered  ssh
		          23	TCP	Filtered  telnet
			  25	TCP	Filtered  smtp
		     	  53	TCP	Filtered  domain
			  80	TCP	Filtered  http
			  110	TCP	Filtered  pop3
			  111	TCP	Filtered  rpcbind
			  135	TCP	Filtered  msrpc
		    	  139	TCP	Filtered  netbios-ssn
	  		  143	TCP	Filtered  imap
			  389	TCP	Filtered  ldap
			  443	TCP	Filtered  https
			  445	TCP	Filtered  microsoft-ds
			  587	TCP	Filtered  submission
			  1025	TCP	Filtered  NFS-or-IIS
			  1080	TCP	Filtered  socks
			  1433	TCP	Filtered  ms-sql-s
			  2049	TCP	Filtered  nfs
			  3306	TCP	Filtered  mysql
			  3389	TCP	Filtered  ms-wbt-server
			  5900	TCP	Filtered  vnc
			  6001	TCP	Filtered  X11:1
			  6379	TCP	Filtered  redis
			  8080	TCP	Filtered  http-proxy
			  9001	TCP	Filtered  tor-orport
		 	  9050	TCP	Filtered  tor-socks

	➣ All UDP Ports: Port	Type	Status		Service
			  53	UDP	Open|filtered	domain
			  68	UDP	Open|filtered	dhcpc
			  69	UDP	Open|filtered	tftp
			  111	UDP	Open|filtered	rpcbind
			  123	UDP	Open|filtered	ntp
			  137	UDP	Open|filtered	netbios-ns
			  161	UDP	Open|filtered	snmp
			  389	UDP	Open|filtered	ldap
			  636	UDP	Open|filtered	ldaps
			  1194	UDP	Open|filtered	openvpn
		  	  1900	UDP	Open|filtered	upnp
			  2049	UDP	Open|filtered	nfs
			  5353	UDP	Open|filtered	zeroconf
			  11211	UDP	Open|filtered	memcache (IPv4):
	➣ Date: "1 February 2018"
	➣ Source(s): "The MyFitnessPal February 1 2018 Data Breach"
	➣ Type: "Wi-fi, Dynamic, AT&T Internet Services"
	➣ Decimal Number: "1190299941"
	➣ Services: "None detected"
	➣ Hostname: "ppp-70-242-137-37.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net"
	➣ Domain Name: "swbell.net"
	➣ Continent: "North America"
	➣ Country: "United States of America"
	➣ Country Code	"US"
        ➣ Region: "MO"
	➣ Region Name: "Missouri"
	➣ City: "St. Louis"
	➣ ZIP Code: "63101" 
	➣ Latitude: "38.627" / "38.637459  (38° 38′ 14.85″ N)" / "37.751" (Approximate Coordinates Only *)
	➣ Longitude: "-90.1994" / "-90.237289  (90° 14′ 14.24″ W)" / "-97.822" (Approximate Coordinates Only *)
	➣ Accuracy Radius (km): "1,000 km"
	➣ Network I.P. Address Range: ""
 	➣ Timezone: "America/Chicago"
	➣ Internet Service Provider: "AT&T Services, Inc." / "AT&T Internet Services"
	➣ Organization:	"PPPoX Pool - bras3.stlsmo 102504-1630" / "AT&T Internet Services"
	➣ Autonomous System Number: "AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc."
	➣ Metro Code: "N/A (Not Detected)"
	➣ All TCP Ports: Port	Type	Status		Service
			  21	TCP	Filtered 	ftp
			  22	TCP	Filtered 	ssh
			  23	TCP	Filtered 	telnet
			  25	TCP	Filtered 	smtp
			  53	TCP	Filtered	domain
			  80	TCP	Filtered	http
			  110	TCP	Filtered	pop3
			  111	TCP	Filtered 	rpcbind
			  135	TCP	Filtered 	msrpc
			  139	TCP	Filtered 	netbios-ssn
			  143	TCP	Filtered 	imap
			  389	TCP	Filtered 	ldap
			  443	TCP	Filtered 	https
			  445	TCP	Filtered 	microsoft-ds
			  587	TCP	Filtered 	submission
			  1025	TCP	Filtered 	NFS-or-IIS
			  1080	TCP	Filtered 	socks
			  1433	TCP	Filtered 	ms-sql-s
			  2049	TCP	Filtered 	nfs
			  3306	TCP	Filtered 	mysql
			  3389	TCP	Filtered 	ms-wbt-server
			  5900	TCP	Filtered	vnc
			  6001	TCP	Filtered	X11:1
			  6379	TCP	Filtered	redis
			  8080	TCP	Filtered	http-proxy
			  9001	TCP	Filtered	tor-orport
			  9050	TCP	Filtered	tor-socks

	➣ All UDP Ports: Port	Type	Status		Service
			  53	UDP	Open|filtered	domain
			  68	UDP	Open|filtered	dhcpc
			  69	UDP	Filtered	tftp
			  111	UDP	Open|filtered	rpcbind
			  123	UDP	Open|filtered	ntp
			  137	UDP	Open|filtered	netbios-ns
			  161	UDP	Open|filtered	snmp
			  389	UDP	Filtered	ldap
			  636	UDP	Open|filtered	ldaps
			  1194	UDP	Open|filtered	openvpn
			  1900	UDP	Open|filtered	upnp
			  2049	UDP	Open|filtered	nfs
			  5353	UDP	Open|filtered	zeroconf
			  11211	UDP	Open|filtered	memcache (IPv4):
	➣ Date: "29 June 2020"
	➣ Source(s): "The Wattpad June 29 2020 Data Breach"
	➣ Type: "Wi-Fi, Dynamic, AT&T Internet Services"
	➣ Decimal Number:  "1190299585"
	➣ Services: "None detected"
	➣ Hostname: "ppp-70-242-135-193.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net"
	➣ Domain Name: "swbell.net"
	➣ Continent: "North America"
	➣ Country: "United States of America"
	➣ Country Code	"US"
        ➣ Region: "MO"
	➣ Region Name: "Missouri"
	➣ City: "St. Louis (Saint Louis)"
	➣ ZIP Code: "63101" 
	➣ Latitude: "38.627" / "38.637459  (38° 38′ 14.85″ N)" (Approximate Coordinates Only *)
	➣ Longitude: "-90.1994" / "-90.237289  (90° 14′ 14.24″ W)" (Approximate Coordinates Only *)
	➣ Accuracy Radius (km): "1,000 km"
	➣ Network I.P. Address Range: ""
 	➣ Timezone: "America/Chicago"
	➣ Internet Service Provider: "AT&T Services, Inc." / "AT&T Internet Services"
	➣ Organization:	"PPPoX Pool - bras3.stlsmo 102504-1630" / "AT&T Internet Services"
	➣ Autonomous System Number: "AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc."
	➣ Metro Code: "N/A (Not Detected)"
	➣ All TCP Ports: Port	Type	Status		Service
			  21	TCP	Filtered	ftp
			  22	TCP	Filtered	ssh
			  23	TCP	Filtered	telnet
			  25	TCP	Filtered	smtp
			  53	TCP	Filtered	domain
			  80	TCP	Filtered	http
			  110	TCP	Filtered	pop3
			  111	TCP	Filtered	rpcbind
			  135	TCP	Filtered	msrpc
			  139	TCP	Filtered	netbios-ssn
			  143	TCP	Filtered	imap
			  389	TCP	Filtered	ldap
			  443	TCP	Filtered	https
			  445	TCP	Filtered	microsoft-ds
			  587	TCP	Filtered	submission
			  1025	TCP	Filtered	NFS-or-IIS
			  1080	TCP	Filtered	socks
			  1433	TCP	Filtered	ms-sql-s
			  2049	TCP	Filtered	nfs
			  3306	TCP	Filtered	mysql
			  3389	TCP	Filtered	ms-wbt-server
			  5900	TCP	Filtered	vnc
			  6001	TCP	Filtered	X11:1
			  6379	TCP	Filtered	redis
			  8080	TCP	Filtered	http-proxy
			  9001	TCP	Filtered	tor-orport
			  9050	TCP	Filtered	tor-socks

	➣ All UDP Ports: Port	Type	Status		Service
			  53	UDP	Open|filtered	domain
			  68	UDP	Filtered	dhcpc
			  69	UDP	Open|filtered	tftp
			  111	UDP	Open|filtered	rpcbind
			  123	UDP	Open|filtered	ntp
			  137	UDP	Open|filtered	netbios-ns
			  161	UDP	Open|filtered	snmp
			  389	UDP	Filtered	ldap
			  636	UDP	Open|filtered	ldaps
			  1194	UDP	Open|filtered	openvpn
			  1900	UDP	Open|filtered	upnp
			  2049	UDP	Open|filtered	nfs
			  5353	UDP	Open|filtered	zeroconf
			  11211	UDP	Open|filtered	memcache

  ➣ Timezone: [CST] Central Standard Timezone

	???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ Mother's Name: Wanda Jean Gibbens
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: May 31, 1957 
  ➣ Age: 65
  ➣ Marriage: Divorced
  ➣ Home Address: 311 E 9th St Caruthersville, MO 63830-1911
  ➣ Alias(es): N/A
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1010953531668320317/1027986778273103955/image0.jpg?width=910&height=910 | Mirror: https://a.pomf.cat/eutawd.jpg
  ➣ Education:
 	➣ High School: Milford High School
		➣ Years attended: 1971 to 1975
  ➣ Social Media:
  	 ➣ Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/wanda.gibbens (ID: 100011469344104)

➤ Father's Name: Jay Willard Gibbens 
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: March 3, 1951
  ➣ Age: 71
  ➣ Marriage: Divorced
  ➣ Home Address: 1108 Beckwith Ave Caruthersville, MO 63830-1911
  ➣ Old Home Address(es): 311 E 9th St Caruthersville, MO 63830-1911
  ➣ Alias(es): N/A
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1010953531668320317/1027986749936369796/image0.jpg | Mirror: https://a.pomf.cat/kkqazg.jpg
  ➣ Social Media:
  	 ➣ Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/jay.gibbens (ID: 1257113526)

➤ Brother's Name: Christopher Ray Gibbens
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: 1978
  ➣ E-mail Address(es): cbgibbens1s@semo.edu
  ➣ Home Address: 204 East 19th Street Caruthersville, MO 63830-1911
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1010953531668320317/1027986491768590356/image0.jpg | Mirror: https://a.pomf.cat/zglfik.jpg
  ➣ Education:
 	 ➣ University: Southeast Missouri State University
  ➣ More Information: He had met her spouse in his University.

➤ Ex Sister-in-law's Name: Patricia Ann Gibbens
  ➣ Alias(es): Patricia Ann Gibbens
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: 1980
  ➣ Old Home Address(es): 204 East 19th Street Caruthersville, MO 63830-1911
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Education:
 	 ➣ High School: Caruthersville High School
		➣ Class of: 1998
 	 ➣ University: Arkansas State University
 	 	➣ Graduated in: 2005

➤ Sister-in-law's Name: Shamera D. Gibbens
  ➣ Maiden Name: Shamera D. Cobb
  ➣ E-mail Address(es): sdgibbens1s@semo.edu
  ➣ Home Address: 204 East 19th Street Caruthersville, MO 63830-1911
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Race: African-American (NIGGER!)
  ➣ Education:
 	 ➣ University: Southeast Missouri State University
  ➣ More Information: He had met her spouse in her University.

➤ Ex-Fiancé's Name: Matthew Howard Maxwell
  ➣ Home Address: 21 N Ellis St Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Social Media:
  	 ➣ Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/matt.maxwell.777 (ID: 100000098349953)

➤ Family Dog's Name: Sam
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Breed: Labrador Retriever
  ➣ Gender: Male

➤ [01] Maternal Uncle's Name: Dorliss Dinning

➤ [01] Wife of Maternal Uncle's Name: Carolyn Sullivan Dinning

➤ [02] Maternal Uncle's Name: Jerry Dinning
  ➣ Workplace: Webber Trucking

➤ [03] Maternal Auntie's Name: Janie Bruce
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: 
  ➣ Home Address: 311 E 9th St Caruthersville, MO 63830-1911
  ➣ Alias(es): Jaine Bruce, Janice Bruce
  ➣ Political Party: Republican

➤ [04] Paternal Uncle's Name: James V. Gibbens
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: 1975

➤ [05] Paternal Uncle's Name: John Gibbens
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: 
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ More Information: Originally born in Dallas, Texas, he had moved to Humble, Texas.

➤ [05] Wife of Paternal Uncle's Name: Cortney Gibbens

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[CHS] School Name: Caruthersville High School (High School)
➤ School Address: 1708 Ward Ave, Caruthersville, MO 63830-2556, United States
  ➣ NCES School ID: 290747000214
  ➣ NCES District ID: 2907470
  ➣ State School ID: MO-078012-1050078012
  ➣ State District ID: MO-078012
➤ School Website: https://www.cps18.org/ (District Website)
➤ School Phone Number: +1 (573) 333-6100
➤ School Email Address: Contact their Principal.
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Grades: 9 - 12
  ➣ Current Grade: N/A
  ➣ Completed/Incomplete: Completed
  ➣ School District: Caruthersville School District #18
  ➣ More Information: https://nces.ed.gov/globallocator/sch_info_popup.asp?Type=Public&ID=290747000214

[SEMO] School Name: Southeast Missouri State University (University) (Class of 2020)
➤ School Address: 1 University Plz, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701, United States / One University Plaza, Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701, The United States of America, North America
  ➣ IPEDS ID: 179557
➤ School Website: https://semo.edu/ (Their Own Website) / https://www.capetigers.com/ (District Website)
➤ School Phone Number: +1 (573) 651-2000
➤ School Email Address: 
  ➣ Office of Admissions: admissions@semo.edu
  ➣ Office of the Registar: registrar@semo.edu
  ➣ Student Financial Services: sfs@semo.edu
  ➣ New Student Programs: nsp@semo.edu
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Years: 4 years or above
  ➣ Current Year: N/A
  ➣ Completed/Incomplete: Completed
  ➣ School District: Cape Girardeau Public Schools
  ➣ More Information: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?id=179557

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➤ [DETAILS] Work Name: Delta Events and Planning Co.
➤ Job: Event Planner and Coordinator/Owner
➤ Professional Work Email Address: N/A (None Found)
➤ Work Address: Remote
➤ Work Contact Email Address: N/A
➤ Work Phone Number: +1 (573) ***-0420 [HQ] (None Professional)
➤ Website: https://www.thedeltachateau.com/ (Made with Squarespace, kek.) (Offline)
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Still Working: True 
  ➣ Date Started/Ended: 2021 - Present
  ➣ Job Location: Caruthersville, Missouri
  ➣ OpenCorporates: N/A
  ➣ Business Registry Page: N/A
  ➣ Company/Charter Number: N/A
  ➣ Status: ?
  ➣ Incorporation/Creaton Date: 2021
  ➣ CEO: Jessica Whitney Gibbens
  ➣ Type of Service: Planning and Coordination services
  ➣ More Information: Owner at Delta Events and Planning Co.

➤ [DETAILS] Work Name: Riverside Rice, LLC.
➤ Job: Maintenance
➤ Professional Work Email Address: N/A (None Found)
➤ Work Address: 1760 County Highway 344, Caruthersville, MO, USA, 63830
➤ Work Contact Email Address: pierce@riversiderice.com
➤ Work Phone Number: +1 (573) 333-4454 [HQ]
➤ Website: https://www.riversiderice.com/ (Online)
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Type: Limited Liability Company 
  ➣ Still Working: True 
  ➣ Date Started/Ended: 2021 - Present
  ➣ Job Location: Caruthersville, Missouri
  ➣ OpenCorporates: https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_mo/LC1749600 
  ➣ Business Registry Page: https://bsd.sos.mo.gov/BusinessEntity/BusinessEntityDetail.aspx?page=beSearch&ID=3530379
  ➣ Company/Charter Number: LC1344779
  ➣ Status: Inactive - Merged (Still Alive, However)
  ➣ Incorporation/Creaton Date: 09/24/2013 -- 12/31/2063
  ➣ CEO: Jeffery L. Pierce
  ➣ Type of Service: Rice/Grain.
  ➣ More Information: Maintenance worker at Riverside Rice, LLC.
  ➣ Filing Document(s): Check More

  ➣ Type: Fictitious Name 
  ➣ Still Working: True 
  ➣ Date Started/Ended: 2021 - Present
  ➣ Job Location: Caruthersville, Missouri
  ➣ OpenCorporates: N/A
  ➣ Business Registry Page: https://bsd.sos.mo.gov/BusinessEntity/BusinessEntityDetail.aspx?page=beSearch&ID=4418908
  ➣ Company/Charter Number: X01444186
  ➣ Status: Fictitious Active
  ➣ Incorporation/Creaton Date: 05/03/2021 -- 05/03/2026
  ➣ CEO: Jeffery L. Pierce (RIVERSIDE RICE, LLC.)
  ➣ Type of Service: Rice/Grain.
  ➣ More Information: Maintenance worker at Riverside Rice, LLC.
  ➣ Filing Document(s): https://bsd.sos.mo.gov/Common/CorrespondenceItemViewHandler.ashx?IsTIFF=true&filedDocumentid=125144512&version=2

  ➣ Type: Limited Liability Company
  ➣ Still Working: True 
  ➣ Date Started/Ended: 2021 - Present
  ➣ Job Location: Caruthersville, Missouri
  ➣ OpenCorporates: https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_mo/LC1749600
  ➣ Business Registry Page: https://bsd.sos.mo.gov/BusinessEntity/BusinessEntityDetail.aspx?page=beSearch&ID=4306637
  ➣ Company/Charter Number: LC1749600 
  ➣ Status: Active
  ➣ Incorporation/Creaton Date: 12/17/2020 - Perpetual (Forever)
  ➣ CEO: (Dressel, David, | agent), (Nelson H Howe, II, | organizer)
  ➣ Type of Service: Rice/Grain.
  ➣ More Information: Maintenance worker at Riverside Rice, LLC.
  ➣ Filing Document(s): https://bsd.sos.mo.gov/Common/CorrespondenceItemViewHandler.ashx?IsTIFF=true&filedDocumentid=125867026&version=4 / https://bsd.sos.mo.gov/Common/CorrespondenceItemViewHandler.ashx?IsTIFF=true&filedDocumentid=124480577&version=2

➤ [DETAILS] Work Name: Hibbett Sports
➤ Job: Assistant Coach
➤ Professional Work Email Address: N/A (None Found)
➤ Work Address: 2136 William St, Unit 112, Cape Girardeau, MO 63703, United States
➤ Work Contact Email Address: https://www.hibbett.com/contact-us-3 (Just fill out the Form)
➤ Work Phone Number: +1 (573) 332-8133 [HQ]
➤ Website: https://www.hibbett.com/ (Online)

➤ [DETAILS] Work Name: rue21 (NO LONGER WORKING) 
➤ Job: Former Retail Sales Associate
➤ Professional Work Email Address: N/A (None Found)
➤ Work Address: 3049 William St, Unit 143, Cape Girardeau, MO 63703, United States
➤ Work Contact Email Address: https://www.rue21.com/store/jump/static/Contact-Us/contact (Just fill out the Form)
➤ Work Phone Number: +1 (573) 334-7898 / +1 (573) 334-5079 [HQ]
➤ Website: https://www.rue21.com/store/ (Online)

➤ [DETAILS] Work Name: Journeys (NO LONGER WORKING)
➤ Job: Former Retail Sales Associate
➤ Professional Work Email Address: N/A (None Found)
➤ Work Address: 3049 William St, Cape Girardeau, MO 63703, United States
➤ Work Contact Email Address: https://help.journeys.com/s/contactsupport (Just fill out the Form)
➤ Work Phone Number: +1 (573) 332-0242 [HQ]
➤ Website: https://www.journeys.com/ (Online)
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➤ Insurance Status: FARM BUR T C INS MO / Insurance - Missouri Farm Bureau (https://mofb.org/insurance/)
➤ Family Owned Vehicles:
  ➣ 2016 Kia Soul Wagon 4X2 4 Door
  ➣ 2007 Mercedes Benz C280 Sedan 4 Door
  ➣ 2004 Ford F150 Crew Pickup 4X2 4 Door

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➤ N/A 

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➤ Mother divorces Father leading to the dissolution of children.

➤ Discord: HubbubNub#0734 (Link: https://discordapp.com/users/571895349518663684) (ID: 571895349518663684)
➤ Facebook: @jessica.w.gibbens (Link: https://www.facebook.com/jessica.w.gibbens) (ID: 100001334026921)
➤ Instagram: @HubbubNubblet (Link: https://www.instagram.com/hubbubnubblet) (ID: 452516839) (Email Address: gibbensj@rocketmail.com) (Phone Number: +1 573-•••-0420)
➤ Pinterest: @gibbensjessie (Link: https://www.pinterest.com/gibbensjessie/) (Display Name: Jessica Gibbens)
➤ ROBLOX: @HubbubNub (Link: https://www.roblox.com/users/1627535867/profile) (ID: 1627535867) (Display Name: Toast)
➤ Wattpad: Old Account: @TacoMaster (Link: https://www.wattpad.com/user/TacoMaster) (Data Breached) | New Account: @HubbubNub (Link: https://www.wattpad.com/user/HubbubNub) 

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Original: {

Formatted: {


Original: {

Formatted: {
        Email Address: gibbens_jessie@yahoo.com
	Password: ineedpass9


Original: {

Formatted: (Some of these lines may have been modified to add more details.) {
	IP Address: (Location: St Louis, Missouri, United States)
	Username: TacoMaster
	Full Name: Jessica Whitney Gibbens
	Password (Hashed): $2y$10$Z.xAlV0.TG6fW6GSCwkw2uaVJbumVT8DuAjHkPT/Ezjz5y2/pcKsm (Cracked Password: Love123)
	Gender: Female
	Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100001334026921
	Account Creation Date: 03/21/2012

, etc. (will be updated soon)

➤ Telegram: https://t.me/mudontop

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