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                                            ✞ REASON // Child Pedophile, Attempts of sexual acts to minors, trying to date minors.

                                            ✞ NOTE // This information was legally grabbed by https://doxbin.com/user/ft.
                                                   I am remaking this dox to put his name out there 1 last time, and with a more
                                               updated template. All credits for this template & information goes to https://doxbin.com/user/ft
                 t        ,Wt          t                       
                 Ej      i#D. GEEEEEEELEj            ..       :
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      EK:   ,WK. E#t  .D#i       t#E   E#t         t##,    ,W#t
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      E#WW,      E#t   :KE.      t#E   E#t    j#E.  ##f#W,  E#t
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      ✞ FIRST NAME // Hunter
      ✞ LAST NAME // Murphy
      ✞ AGE // 24
      ✞ DOB // 8/1/96
      ✞ PHONE NUMBER // 973-738-4184
         ✗ Carrier / Verizon Wireless
         ✗ Mobile / true
         ✗ SMS GWA / 9737384184@vtext.com
         ✗ MMS GWA / 9737384184@vzwpix.com  
      ✞ ADDRESS // 225 Shunpike Rd, Chatham, NJ 07928 
         ✗ Image / https://gyazo.com/1c01971a01cc1ac1885cb57485829ce1
         ✗ Stories / 2
         ✗ Lot Size / 0.47
         ✗ Sq Ft / 2,263
         ✗ Year Built / 1910
         ✗ Date Updated / 05/14/2021
         ✗ Property Type / single family

         ✗ Tax History
            > Year	Property Taxes	  Land         Tax Assessment
             ✗ 2020       $11,737        $438,300        $620,000  
             ✗ 2019	  $11,495	 $438,300        $620,000 
             ✗ 2018       $11,365	 $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2017       $11,079        $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2016       $10,906        $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2015	  $10,862	 $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2014	  $10,776	 $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2013	  $10,565	 $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2012	  $10,435	 $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2011	  $10,249        $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2010	  $9,715	 $438,300        $606,800
             ✗ 2009       $9,521         $438,300        $606,800

      ✞ EMAIL // murph0608@aol.com, hunthman23@gmail.com
         > Name / Hunter Murphy
      ✞ SOCIALS // 4
         ✗ DISCORD / Hunth ㋛ (ツ)#0001
           > Discord ID / 81357110733975552
         ✗ FACEBOOK / https://www.facebook.com/hunthman
         ✗ ROBLOX / https://www.roblox.com/users/10695496/profile
         ✗ INSTAGRAM // 2 // https://instagram.com/hunthman
           > https://instagram.com/moneymurphey24
      ✞ FACE // 8
           ✗ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/908611851317825558/909336803213979678/Screenshot_52.pnghttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/908611851317825558/909337140498948166/55F41978-5AEB-40F1-832B-A8535E5C2329.pnghttps://i.1nch.dev/u/urCWLgljH3nOFGel.pnghttps://i.1nch.dev/u/wsRcmbctc0bGVFZU.pnghttps://i.1nch.dev/u/6vEglXAfc79dOUT8.pnghttps://i.1nch.dev/u/BGdDGNgRAKhM51lt.pnghttps://i.1nch.dev/u/Ht5Gb2sK2waRlqBP.pnghttps://i.1nch.dev/u/YNVvxOZtL0xwxIPO.png
     E#t                                               ,;           
     E##t                          .    .            f#i j.         
     E#W#t             .. GEEEEEEELDi   Dt         .E#t  EW,        
     E#tfL.           ;W, ,;;L#K;;.E#i  E#i       i#W,   E##j       
     E#t             j##,    t#E   E#t  E#t      L#D.    E###D.     
  ,ffW#Dffj.        G###,    t#E   E#t  E#t    :K#Wfff;  E#jG#W;    
   ;LW#ELLLf.     :E####,    t#E   E########f. i##WLLLLt E#t t##f   
     E#t         ;W#DG##,    t#E   E#j..K#j...  .E#L     E#t  :K#E: 
     E#t        j###DW##,    t#E   E#t  E#t       f#E:   E#KDDDD###i
     E#t       G##i,,G##,    t#E   E#t  E#t        ,WW;  E#f,t#Wi,,,
     E#t     :K#K:   L##,    t#E   f#t  f#t         .D#; E#t  ;#W:  
     E#t    ;##D.    L##,     fE    ii   ii           tt DWi   ,KK: 
     ;#t    ,,,      .,,       :                                      Loading data...
      ✞ LAST NAME // Murphy
      ✞ AGE // 57        
      ✞ DOB // 06/03/1963 
      ✞ PHONE NUMBER // (212) 256-0106
         ✗ Carrier / Time Warner Cable
         ✗ Mobile / false
      ✞ ADDRESS //  225 Shunpike Rd, Chatham, NJ 07928
         ✗ PIC / https://gyazo.com/1c01971a01cc1ac1885cb57485829ce1
         ✗ Sq Ft / 2,600
         ✗ Property Type / single family
         ✗ Stories / 2
         ✗ Year Built / 1910
         ✗ Date Updated / 05/14/2021
         ✗ Last Sold / April 24, 2007 for $650,000
         ✗ Tax Records
            > Year	Property Taxes	  Land         Tax Assessment
             ✗ 2020       $11,737        $438,300        $620,000  
             ✗ 2019	  $11,495	 $438,300        $620,000 
             ✗ 2018       $11,365	 $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2017       $11,079        $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2016       $10,906        $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2015	  $10,862	 $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2014	  $10,776	 $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2013	  $10,565	 $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2012	  $10,435	 $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2011	  $10,249        $438,300        $620,000
             ✗ 2010	  $9,715	 $438,300        $606,800
             ✗ 2009       $9,521         $438,300        $606,800
                           t#,                                ,;           
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            ..       :   :#L:WE  GEEEEEEELDi   Dt         .E#t  EW,        
           ,W,     .Et  .KG  ,#D ,;;L#K;;.E#i  E#i       i#W,   E##j       
          t##,    ,W#t  EE    ;#f   t#E   E#t  E#t      L#D.    E###D.     
         L###,   j###t f#.     t#i  t#E   E#t  E#t    :K#Wfff;  E#jG#W;    
       .E#j##,  G#fE#t :#G     GK   t#E   E########f. i##WLLLLt E#t t##f   
      ;WW; ##,:K#i E#t  ;#L   LW.   t#E   E#j..K#j...  .E#L     E#t  :K#E: 
     j#E.  ##f#W,  E#t   t#f f#:    t#E   E#t  E#t       f#E:   E#KDDDD###i
   .D#L    ###K:   E#t    f#D#;     t#E   E#t  E#t        ,WW;  E#f,t#Wi,,,
  :K#t     ##D.    E#t     G#t      t#E   f#t  f#t         .D#; E#t  ;#W:  
  ...      #G      ..       t        fE    ii   ii           tt DWi   ,KK: 
           j                          :                                      Loading data...
      ✞ FIRST NAME // Susan
      ✞ LAST NAME // Hanses
      ✞ MAIDEN NAME // Murphy
      ✞ AGE // 54
      ✞ DOB // 08/??/1966	
      ✞ ADDRESS // 178 Lafayette Ave, Chatham NJ 07928-1849
         ✗ Image / https://gyazo.com/955c746ef064b005040558fc5a34d710
         ✗ Lat & Long /  40.734640 -74.396734
         ✗ Address Type / Residential
         ✗ Postal Carrier Route / C024
         ✗ Tract / 0439.00
         ✗ Type / Single Family
         ✗ Block / 2037

         ✗ Tax History
            2020	$11,737	$483,600	+	$136,400	=	$620,000     |
            2019	$11,495	$483,600	+	$136,400	=	$620,000     |
            2018	$11,365	$483,600	+	$136,400	=	$620,000     |
            2017	$10,643	$483,600	+	$112,000	=	$595,600     |
            2016	$10,477	$483,600	+	$112,000	=	$595,600     |
            2015	$10,435	$483,600	+	$112,000	=	$595,600     |
            2014	$10,352	$483,600	+	$112,000	=	$595,600     |
            2013	$10,149	$483,600	+	$112,000	=	$595,600     |
            2012	$10,024	$483,600	+	$112,000	=	$595,600     |
            2011	$9,824	$483,600	+	$110,700	=	$594,300     |
            2010	$9,515	$483,600	+	$110,700	=	$594,300     |
            2009	$9,325	$483,600	+	$110,700	=	$594,300
      ✞ EMAILS // 2
        ✗ susan.murphy.1996@gmail.com
        ✗ smurphy@amboybank.com
        .,                 t#,           .    L.                        
       ,Wt            i   ;##W.         ;Wt   EW:        ,ft         .Gt
      i#D.           LE  :#L:WE        f#EEj  E##;       t#E        j#W:
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   .D#i            G#W. EE    ;#f   iWW;  E#t E#fE#f     t#E    .G#D.   
  :KW,            D#K. f#.     t#i L##LffiE#t E#t D#G    t#E   j#K;     
  t#f            E#K.  :#G     GK tLLG##L E#t E#t  f#E.  t#E ,K#f   ,GD;
   ;#G         .E#E.    ;#L   LW.   ,W#i  E#t E#t   t#K: t#E  j#Wi   E#t
    :KE.      .K#E       t#f f#:   j#E.   E#t E#t    ;#W,t#E   .G#D: E#t
     .DW:    .K#D         f#D#;  .D#j     E#t E#t     :K#D#E     ,K#fK#t
       L#,  .W#G           G#t  ,WK,      E#t E#t      .E##E       j###t
        jt :W##########Wt   t   EG.       E#t ..         G#E        .G#t
           :,,,,,,,,,,,,,.      ,         ,;.             fE          ;; Loading data...
    Welcome to,
          ____            _     _       
         |  _ \  _____  _| |__ (_)_ __  
         | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ 
         | |_| | (_) >  <| |_) | | | | |
         |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|  .gg/pretty
         ✗ LEGAL INQUIRIES / feneral@cia.contact
