Full Name: Alberto K Lazaro
Aliases: 'agentpaterson'','bankerror','eviIbank','Ignited' (WAS DOXBIN COUNCIL UNDER THIS ALIAS)
DOB: 06/04/2004 (MM/DD/YYYY)
SSN: 066-94-4970
Emails: ['alazaro2064@gmail.com','rahrah329@aol.com']
IP Addresses: ['']
Address: 1819 83RD ST APT 3F, BROOKLYN, KINGS, NY 11214
Phone Number: (718) 259-2060

Full Name: Alejandro Cruz Lazaro SR
DOB: 09/04/1971
SSN: 100-84-6123 
Emails: ['alex_28_us@yahoo.com','alex_28_us@aol.com','brokersally@gmail.com']
Address: 1819 83RD ST APT 3F, BROOKLYN, KINGS, NY 11214
Phone Numbers: ['9176915958','7182592060','7182361537']
                - License Number: 495187681
                - Address: 2064 77TH ST APT 3F, BROOKLYN, NY 11214
                - Issuing State: NY
                - DOB (MM/DD/YYYY): 09/04/1971 (Age:51)
                - Name: Alejandro C. Lazaro

If you search up the first alias listed above (Line 3; agentpaterson) on any database search engine e.g. (snusbase, dehashed), you can see he made many purchases
on rbx.place and rbx.exchange. The results you are given is an email; alazaro2064@gmail.com and an IP address which resolves in New York, Brooklyn.
If you have ever met Ignited or spoken to him he will openly admit that he is from New York (larps cornell), which confirms the general location of where he lives.
Then if you look into the profile of the email or any of the other database results you will see a full name listed "Alberto Lazaro". This name was not uncommon to the
people who contributed information to the paste, as they had confirmed previously that that name was listed on a Cashapp of his. He may try and deny that the email is his
due to the fact that apparently the account was originally purchased off of an in real life friend of his, which could be true. Furthermore I purchased a TLO/databroker lookup - (Apply this to the dads information as I saw him listed as a relative)
and was brought back with a PNG of his information which I then pasted above, relatively simple. What else solidifies the accuracy of the information above is the fact that
my unknown sources provided me with information that he has confirmed his birthday being in June as well as the year provided being accurate to the age that everyone knows him to be.