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Past Addresses: 3202 W Bell Rd #2212, Phoenix, AZ 85053 7606 W Palmaire Ave #102, Glendale, AZ 85303 (Jul 2001 - May 2022) 104 Bay View Ave, Brinnon, WA 98320 1835 S 216th St, Des Moines, WA 98198 2300 62nd Ave E #A, Fife, WA 98424 31903 2nd Ln SW #F102, Federal Way, WA 98023 1835 S 216th St #C202, Des Moines, WA 98198 3755 E Eugie Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85032 1701 N Palo Verde Dr #4, Goodyear, AZ 85338 505 S McClintock Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281 3011 S 219th St #A9, Des Moines, WA 98198 232 Warren Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109 14817 15th Ave NE #19, Shoreline, WA 98155 6801 52nd Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98115 6801 62nd Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98115 Possible Relatives Beth A Buchanan Courtney K Buchanan John M Buchanan Norman D Buchanan Shirley A Buchanan Lance Charlesj Buchanan Laura Coleen Ml Buchanan Wade Davis Buchanan Laura C Buchanan Possible Associates Jesse James McClane Kenneth Charles Blank Amy R Wilson Issac James Townsend Lee Townsend Vervis Michael A Townsend Vervis Lee Townsend Audri N Highfill Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/hummingbrd/photos Father: Full name: John Malcom Buchanan Age: 53 (Apr 1969) Phone Numbers: (602) 482-2568 - Landline (602) 410-9067 - Wireless (602) 410-9066 - Wireless Current Address: 2640 E Captain Dreyfus Ave Phoenix, AZ 85032 Past Addresses: 3601 W Altadena Ave Phoenix, AZ 85029 18135 W Peak View Rd Surprise, AZ 85387 2640 E Capitan Ave Phoenix, AZ 85032 Possible Relatives: Laura Coleen Ml Buchanan Beth A Buchanan Lance Charlesj Buchanan Norman D Buchanan Shirley A Buchanan Wade Davis Buchanan Beth A Buchanan Courtney K Buchanan Laura C Buchanan Possible Associates: Hunter W Burt Norma M Burt Cody J Burt Joseph R Burt Grandmother: Full name: Norma Marie Burt Age: 94 (Apr 1928) Associated Names: Norma McPherson Current Address: 6231 E Aire Libre Ln Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Current Phone Number: (480) 483-3375 Past Phone Numbers: (602) 483-3375 - Wireless (631) 433-8629 - Wireless (602) 573-2212 - Wireless (602) 482-2568 - Landline Past Addresses: 5009 E Roadrunner Rd #E Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 2640 E Captain Dreyfus Ave Phoenix, AZ 85032 5009 E Road Runner Rd Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 Possible Relatives: Cody J Burt Hunter W Burt Joseph R Burt Laura Coleen Ml Buchanan Mary E Looser Mary E Mullan Michael F Burt Norma McPherson Raymond L McPherson Barry Jay Burt Belle B Burt Bernard D Burt Beverly K Burt Charlene P Burt Joseph R Burt Karla Kittel Burt Peter J Burt Sarah C Burt William E Burt Eric Lee McPherson Teeter O McPherson Timothy E McPherson Possible Associates: Christopher M Stephens Darrell Lane Stephens Gayland G Nance Jennifer R Arrowood Marcella M Greening Michele B Stephens Robert M Greening Christopher G Arrowood John M Buchanan Lance Charlesj Buchanan Wade Davis Buchanan Adrienne M Banks Charles J Rd Looser Gary E McGrath Jared P Looser Jean E Mullan Jerry L McClees Jessica L McCartney Kathy E McCluskey Laura C Buchanan Laura Alyson McLamore Margaret Y Castillo Margaret G McCalmon Megan C Looser Paul H Mullan Rosalyn A Looser Serena J Labre Jr Tippie Ruth McArthur Wayne J Hampel William K McCarthy US Voter registration records: Location: 6231 E AIRE LIBRE LN, SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85254 Phone Number: (602) 573-2212 Email Address: nburt@netzero.net Marketing Data: HOME NUMBER: (480) 483-3375 GENDER: Female DATE OF BIRTH: 01/01/1928 MOBILE_PHONE: (602) 573-2212 TIME ZONE: Hawaii/Alaska Time HOME OWNER SOURCE: Verified Home Owner INCOME - ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLD: $75,000 - $99,999 ESTIMATED NET WORTH: Greater than $499,999 LINES OF CREDIT (TRADE COUNTER): 2 Lines ETHNICITY: Scotch ETHNIC-GROUP: Western European LANGUAGE: English