    /     /         \             __
   /     /           \            ||
  /____ /             \           ||
 |     |  In Loving    |          ||
 |     |   Memory      |          ||
 |     |               |          ||
 |     | - Here lays   |          ||
 |     | Indis/Issie   |         _||_
 |     |     *\/* *\/* |        | TT |
 |     |     *_\_  /   ...""""""| || |.""...."""""""".""      
 |     |         \/.."""""..."""\ || /.""".......""""... ██╗░░██╗██████╗░███╗░░░███╗██╗
 |     |...."""""""........""""""^^^^"......."""""""".." ██║░░██║██╔══██╗████╗░████║██║
 |......"""""""""""""""........"""""...."""""..""."".""  ███████║██║░░██║██╔████╔██║██║ ???????????? ????ℯ????ℯ 
                                                         ██╔══██║██║░░██║██║╚██╔╝██║██║ xx <3
				- Threathening 
				- Treating People Like Shit
				- Getting her Eboy on us (He already got ran)
				- Threathening to go to law enforcementt just over some stupid argument

┃███████████████[HDMI]█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████|Victim                              ┃

              • Full Name:                               
                ↪ Indis Loderus

                  Proof: Her Spotify account has her IRL name on it but since im blocked i cant see                     

              • Current Discord Tag/ID:
                ↪ Discord Tag: IssieVissie#8128                               
                  ID: 305268420692279296

                  Proof: https://im.ge/i/oryj0G

              • Aged:
                ↪ 15

              • Date Of Birth:
                ↪ ../12/2006

              • Nationality:
                ↪ Dutch/Netherlands

              • Hair/Eyes:
                ↪ Black/Brown

              • Gender:
                ↪ Female

              • Current Address:
                ↪ Netherlands, Oss, Brabant Province, de Brunestein 18, 5346 TT Oss
		  View: https://im.ge/i/oryH5p

		  Neighbors(Front view): 
		  Left: de Brunestein 20
		  Right: de Brunestein 16

              • Education: 
                ↪ Het Hooghuis Stadion: 
		  Netherlands, Oss, Brabant Province, 
		  Mondriaanlaan 6, 5342 CN Oss

  ______               __            _______             __          __     
 /      \             /  |          /       \           /  |        /  |    
/$$$$$$  |  ______   _$$ |_         $$$$$$$  |  ______  $$ |   __  _$$ |_   
$$ | _$$/  /      \ / $$   |        $$ |__$$ | /      \ $$ |  /  |/ $$   |  
$$ |/    |/$$$$$$  |$$$$$$/         $$    $$< /$$$$$$  |$$ |_/$$/ $$$$$$/   
$$ |$$$$ |$$    $$ |  $$ | __       $$$$$$$  |$$    $$ |$$   $$<    $$ | __ 
$$ \__$$ |$$$$$$$$/   $$ |/  |      $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$$$$$  \   $$ |/  |
$$    $$/ $$       |  $$  $$/       $$ |  $$ |$$       |$$ | $$  |  $$  $$/ 
 $$$$$$/   $$$$$$$/    $$$$/        $$/   $$/  $$$$$$$/ $$/   $$/    $$$$/  
                       _o/"`''  '',, dMF9MMMMMHo_
                    .o&#'        `"MbHMMMMMMMMMMMHo.
                  .o"" '         vodM*$&&HMMMMMMMMMM?.
                 ,'              $M&ood,~'`(&##MMMMMMH\
                /               ,MMMMMMM#b?#bobMMMMHMMML      <----- Bet she lives somewhere around here
               &              ?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM7MMM$R*Hk
              ?$.            :MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM/HMMM|`*L
             |               |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMbMH'   T,
             $H#:            `*MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMb#}'  `?
             ]MMH#             ""*""""*#MMMMMMMMMMMMM'    -
             MMMMMb_                   |MMMMMMMMMMMP'     :
             HMMMMMMMHo                 `MMMMMMMMMT       .
             ?MMMMMMMMP                  9MMMMMMMM}       -
             -?MMMMMMM                  |MMMMMMMMM?,d-    '
              :|MMMMMM-                 `MMMMMMMT .M|.   :
               .9MMM[                    &MMMMM*' `'    .
                :9MMk                    `MMM#"        -
                  &M}                     `          .-
                   `&.                             .
                     `~,   .                     ./
                         . _                  .-

┃███████████████[HDMI]█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████|Socials                             ┃

              • Instagram: 
		↪ https://www.instagram.com/indisloderus/

              • Snapchat:
		↪ xindis0412

		Account: https://im.ge/i/orynIf

              • TikTok:
		↪ @indisloderus

              • Youtube:
		↪ https://youtube.com/channel/UCUclaDwcE-rP-qP71KmxPDA

              • Steam:
		↪ https://steamcommunity.com/id/IssieVissie

                   `##' %%%%##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%##%%%%%                   TIME FOR A PARTY!!!!
                   ###  %%%%##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%##%%%%% 
                    '   %%%%##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%##%%%%% 
                   '    `%%%%#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#%%%%%' 
                  '       `%%%#%%%%%%%%%%%%%#%%%%' 
                  `         `%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' 
                   `          `%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' 
                    `           `%%%%%%%%%%'  ' 
                     '            `%%%%%%'   ' 
                    '              `%%%'    ' 
                   '               .%%      ` 
                  `                %%%       ' 
                   `                '       ' 
                    `              '      ' 
                    '            '      ' 
                   '           '       ` 
                  '           '        ' 
                              `       ' 

┃███████████████[HDMI]█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████|Relatives                          ┃

║   |                    #Father#                          ║ [CONFIRMED]
	      • Name: 
		↪ Michel Loderus

              • Aged: 
		↪ 18+ (Dont know exactly)
              • Adress: 
		↪ Netherlands, Oss, Brabant Province, de Brunestein 18, 5346 TT Oss

              • Phone Number:
		↪ X

              • Relationship:
		↪ X

              • Job:
		↪ Aspen Oss B.V.

              • Youtube Channel:
		↪ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2_RcUtOxgbbdCkxQZQEGew

║   |                    #Mother#                          ║ [IM A SKID]

                          {    }
                          K,   }
                         /  `Y`
                    _   /   /
                     /  ' /`\_}
                    /  ' /     -Cant find shit about her honestly-
            ____   /  ' /	
     ,-'~~~~    ~~/  ' /_
   ,'             ``~~~%%',
  (                     %  Y
 {                      %% I
{      -                 %  `.
|       ',                %  )
|        |   ,..__      __. Y
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\           |' /   |   |   ||
 \          L_/    . _ (_,.'(
  \,   ,      ^^""' / |      )
    \_  \          /,L]     /
      '-_`-,       ` `   ./`
         `-(_            )

║   |                    #Sister#                          ║ [CONFIRMED]

              • Name: 
		↪ Melian Loderus

              • Aged: 
		↪ 18+ (Dont know exactly)
              • Adress: 
		↪ No Street, 5342AS Oss
		  Appartment Number 5L
		  (Not Accurate)

              • Phone Number:
		↪ +31 (0)6 - 46020687

              • Job:
		↪ IrisZorg Nederland

              • Relationship:
		↪ Currently with "Jess Campbell

┃███████████████[HDMI]█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████|Final Word                           ┃

  _    _                 _          _                             _                    
 | |  | |               | |        | |                           | |                   
 | |__| | _____      __ | |_ ___   | |__   ___    __ _  __      _| |__   ___  _ __ ___ 
 |  __  |/ _ \ \ /\ / / | __/ _ \  | '_ \ / _ \  / _` | \ \ /\ / / '_ \ / _ \| '__/ _ \
 | |  | | (_) \ V  V /  | || (_) | | |_) |  __/ | (_| |  \ V  V /| | | | (_) | | |  __/
 |_|  |_|\___/ \_/\_/    \__\___/  |_.__/ \___|  \__,_|   \_/\_/ |_| |_|\___/|_|  \___|

Hi Indis,
IF you read this id like you to know that YOU started this, My twitter dms are open (@UserExploits) if you'd like to chat i dont bite.
Ur friend 800c already got ran. You start something, And now you suddenly want to end it. What did you think would happen?
That we would continue living further haha... Enjoy!

HDMI, ††#0001

┃███████████████[HDMI]█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████|Credits                             ┃

       __..._   _...__
  _..-"      `Y`      "-._
  \ Once upon | Issie got /
  \\  a time..|   ran    //
  \\\         | xd <3   ///
   \\\ _..---.|.---.._ ///
     '`               `'                                                                                

Credit List:                                               
↪ Extreme aka Phobia
↪ Hari aka Harihoofd
↪ HDMI aka ††#0001 (Myself)

!! I do not approve doxxing female's unless people such as my friends are treaten like shit. !!
			We Shall Not Nor Never Accept Defeat
				discord.gg/lethal <3