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You claim that none of the infos real yet all of its connected to the youtube you put it in
Its dead ass your gmail you put in your youtube you cant really deny it + Your names jamari.
PROOF THAT ITS IN HIS YOUTUBE: https://tinyurl.com/killsondc
PROOF THATS ITS CONNECTED: https://tinyurl.com/killsondc2
OTHER: https://tinyurl.com/killsondc3 - yes it says another gmail there but it has 2 gmails in it so dont say nun on that
Yes they do send in discord
 __   ___       __   __               __  
|__) |__   /\  /__` /  \ |\ | | |\ | / _` 
|  \ |___ /~~\ .__/ \__/ | \| | | \| \__> 
		Denying proved information                  
		Being incredibly retard
		Scamming for 40$
		Thinking hes untouchable
		Claiming harmful	
        ___  __   __             ___    __       
| |\ | |__  /  \ |__)  |\/|  /\   |  | /  \ |\ | 
| | \| |    \__/ |  \  |  | /~~\  |  | \__/ | \| 
Name: Jamari Nelson
Adress: 2124 Harbison Station Cir Columbia, SC 29212
Phonenumber: (225) 200-4571 - (LANDLINE/NOTSURE)
Age: 20
Birthdate: March 2002
Race: African American
Timezone: Eastern Daylight Time
City: Columbia
State: South Carolina
Country: US 
 __   __   __                        ___  __          __  
/__` /  \ /  ` |  /\  |        |\/| |__  |  \ |  /\  /__` 
.__/ \__/ \__, | /~~\ |___     |  | |___ |__/ | /~~\ .__/ 
Discord: JamariTheShinobi#5698
Roblox: JamariTheShinobi
Email: jnelson6776@gmail.com
Email: nelsonjalo@gmail.com
|__   /\   |\/| | |    \ / 
|    /~~\  |  | | |___  |  
___  __   ___  ___ 
 |  |__) |__  |__  
 |  |  \ |___ |___ 
Anyone not here isnt over the age of 18
Jamari Derell Nelson - AGE: 20
Dawn Nelson - AGE: 54
Tressi A Allennelson - AGE: 75
Charles H Nelson Jr - AGE: 79
Marquis D Nelson - AGE: 32
Jerima Lashawn Jackson - AGE: 42
Maurice Arnaz Allen - AGE: 52
Alexandria G Brenizer - AGE:  28
Robert Earl Brenizer - AGE: 52
Lori Ann Brenizer - AGE: 48
Timothy M Brenizer - AGE: 60
Matthew E Brenizer - Deceased at age ~46 on Sep 2009
Richard W Brenizer - AGE: 68
Ellen L Brenizer - Deceased at age ~71 on Nov 2004
James D Brenizer - AGE: 58
Frank A Brenizer - AGE: 63
Chartre Moneq Nelson - AGE: 29
Stephen Nelson Norris - Deceased at age ~27 on May 2005