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╚════██║██║   ██║██║  ██║████╔╝██║╚════╝╚════██║██╔══██║██║╚██╗██║
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Reason for DOX- Fortnite skid, RGH/JTAG skid, Fakes Giveaways, Overall Retard

Name: Eric F Ballard
Address: 2501 Foxcroft Road Northwest, Wilson, North Carolina, USA
Socials: JasonLives1 (Instagram)
Discord: JaysonVorhees13#7069 (750761799766245426)
Phone Number: +12522901055
School: Wilson County Schools
School website: https://www.wilsonschoolsnc.net/
Retarded Info

IPV6: 2600:6c60:5c00:fa40:4579:9167:aa18:1e3e
Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Product Key: 87X76-CBPNT-T4PDQ-JBCFP-Q88CM
Mac Address: 68ECC58A7681
Paypal Login
Email             : ericfballard@gmail.com
Password          : eb12516609
His Search History (FULL)
URL               : chrome-extension://cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm/document-blocked.html?details=%7B%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fotnolatrnup.com%2Ffp.rb%3Fid%3D5ff0fb62-0643-4ff1-aaee-c737f9ffc0e0%26rand%3Dundefined%26ver%3Dasynch%26time%3D240%26referrerUrl%3D%26subId%3D%26tid%3D%26abr%3Dtrue%26stdTime%3D-300%26res%3D1920x1080%26fpe%3D1%26curl%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.mediafire.com%252Ffile%252Fcnbexi9i1l5w1s2%252Ftu00000009_00000000%252Ffile%26kw%3Donline%2520storage%252Cfree%2520storage%252Ccloud%2520storage%252Ccollaboration%252Cbackup%2520file%2520sharing%252Cshare%2520files%252Cphoto%2520backup%252Cphoto%2520sharing%252Cftp%2520replacement%252Ccross%2520platform%252Cremote%2520access%252Cmobile%2520access%252Csend%2520large%2520files%252Crecover%2520files%252Cfile%2520versioning%252Cundelete%252Cwindows%252Cpc%252Cmac%252Cos%2520x%252Clinux%252Ciphone%22%2C%22hn%22%3A%22otnolatrnup.com%22%2C%22dn%22%3A%22otnolatrnup.com%22%2C%22fs%22%3A%22%7C%7Cotnolatrnup.com%5E%22%7D
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:24:06 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 974
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 6085

URL               : file:///C:/Users/balla/Desktop/progect
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:25:48 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : 
URL Length        : 38
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\WebCacheV01.dat
Record ID         : 513

URL               : file:///C:/Users/balla/Downloads/13-07-2021_GZ6MNuTf87Xp2bV.zip
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:21:00 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : 
URL Length        : 63
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\WebCacheV01.dat
Record ID         : 507

URL               : file:///C:/Users/balla/Downloads/NotAFNCheat.zip
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:34:11 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : 
URL Length        : 48
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\WebCacheV01.dat
Record ID         : 514

URL               : file:///C:/Users/balla/Downloads/Teapot%20v3.1%20-%20Core.zip
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:33:04 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : 
URL Length        : 61
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\WebCacheV01.dat
Record ID         : 509

URL               : file:///C:/Users/balla/Downloads/Teapotv3.1.zip
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:19:13 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : 
URL Length        : 47
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\WebCacheV01.dat
Record ID         : 508

URL               : http://dan.com/buy-domain/teapot.live?redirected=true&tld=com
Title             : The domain name teapot.live is for sale | Dan.com
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 2:49:50 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 770

URL               : http://shieldstealth.com/
Title             : Xbox Shield - #1 affordable live solution
Visit Time        : 8/1/2021 2:37:15 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 25
Typed Count       : 1
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 772

URL               : http://superior.net/
Title             : Superior.net
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:22:51 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 20
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 6076

URL               : http://teapot.live/
Title             : The domain name teapot.live is for sale | Dan.com
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 2:49:50 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 19
Typed Count       : 1
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 789

URL               : http://tethered.live/
Title             : Tethered Live | 17559
Visit Time        : 8/7/2021 3:19:37 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 21
Typed Count       : 1
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 781

URL               : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/discord-talk-chat-hangout/id985746746
Title             : ‎Discord - Talk, Chat & Hangout on the App Store
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:27:05 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 67
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 794

URL               : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/discord-talk-chat-hangout/id985746746
Title             : ‎Discord - Talk, Chat & Hangout on the App Store
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:27:02 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 67
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 793

URL               : https://dan.com/buy-domain/teapot.live?redirected=true&tld=com
Title             : The domain name teapot.live is for sale | Dan.com
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 2:49:50 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 62
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 782

URL               : https://discord.com/
Title             : Discord | Your Place to Talk and Hang Out
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:25:23 PM
Visit Count       : 8
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 20
Typed Count       : 5
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 790

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/872246044476457030
Title             : rules
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:29:06 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 47
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 798

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/872246044476457030
Title             : rules
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:23:29 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 47
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 6078

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/872246044476457030/872389082397941780
Title             : new-download
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:24:05 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 6079

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/872246044476457030/872389082397941780
Title             : new-download
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:22:37 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 6080

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/872246044476457030/872389082397941780
Title             : new-download
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:29:14 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 800

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/872246044476457030/872661905234354256
Title             : updates
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:29:11 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 799

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/873992248193335306
Title             : welcome-and-rules
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:23:50 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 47
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 6082

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/873992248193335306/873995672502804591
Title             : downloads
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:23:54 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 6083

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:23:06 PM
Visit Count       : 21
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 6077

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:28:55 PM
Visit Count       : 12
Visited From      : https://discordapp.com/channels/@me
Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 797

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/870400947891875910
Title             : Envy
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:32:55 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 6086

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/870400947891875910
Title             : Envy
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:22:47 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 6081

URL               : https://discordapp.com/channels/@me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:28:55 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 35
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 796

URL               : https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf?client_id=00000000480728C5&scope=service::ssl.live.com::MBI_SSL&response_type=token&display=windesktop&theme=win7&lc=1033&redirect_uri=https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf&lw=1&fl=wld2
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:19:47 PM
Visit Count       : 32
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : 
URL Length        : 235
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\WebCacheV01.dat
Record ID         : 3

URL               : https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf?lc=1033
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:19:42 PM
Visit Count       : 64
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : 
URL Length        : 50
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\WebCacheV01.dat
Record ID         : 1

URL               : https://login.live.com/oauth20_logout.srf?client_id=00000000480728C5&redirect_uri=https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:19:41 PM
Visit Count       : 32
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : 
URL Length        : 124
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\WebCacheV01.dat
Record ID         : 2

URL               : https://shieldstealth.com/
Title             : Xbox Shield - #1 affordable live solution
Visit Time        : 8/1/2021 2:37:15 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 26
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 771

URL               : https://teapotlive.us/tokens
Title             : TeapotLive - Tokens
Visit Time        : 8/1/2021 9:56:52 AM
Visit Count       : 11
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 28
Typed Count       : 5
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 786

URL               : https://teapotlive.us/tokens
Title             : TeapotLive - Tokens
Visit Time        : 8/1/2021 9:56:11 AM
Visit Count       : 11
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 28
Typed Count       : 5
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 785

URL               : https://teapotlive.us/tokens
Title             : TeapotLive - Tokens
Visit Time        : 8/1/2021 12:51:12 PM
Visit Count       : 11
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 28
Typed Count       : 5
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 787

URL               : https://tethered.live/
Title             : Tethered Live | 17559
Visit Time        : 8/7/2021 3:19:37 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 22
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 777

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=my+fault+translated+from+Portuguese+to+English&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN
Title             : my fault translated from Portuguese to English - Bing
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 10:39:30 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 96
Typed Count       : 1
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 779

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=my+fault+translated+from+Portuguese+to+English&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN
Title             : my fault translated from Portuguese to English - Bing
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 10:39:14 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 96
Typed Count       : 1
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 778

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=the+craziest+War+story+of+all+time&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN
Title             : the craziest War story of all time - Bing
Visit Time        : 7/31/2021 4:01:49 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 84
Typed Count       : 1
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 780

URL               : https://www.google.com/search?q=discord&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS955US955&oq=discord+&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0i433i512l2j0i512j0i433i512j69i60l3.4677j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Title             : discord - Google Search
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:27:14 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Generated
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 165
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 795

URL               : https://www.google.com/search?q=discord&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS955US955&oq=discord+&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0i433i512l2j0i512j0i433i512j69i60l3.4677j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Title             : discord - Google Search
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:26:31 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Generated
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 165
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 791

URL               : https://www.google.com/search?q=discord&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS955US955&oq=discord+&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0i433i512l2j0i512j0i433i512j69i60l3.4677j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Title             : discord - Google Search
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:26:34 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 165
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 792

URL               : https://www.mediafire.com/file/cnbexi9i1l5w1s2/tu00000009_00000000/file
Title             : tu00000009_00000000
Visit Time        : 8/9/2021 4:23:58 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 71
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 6084

URL               : https://www.youtube.com/
Title             : (540) YouTube
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:10:26 PM
Visit Count       : 60
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 24
Typed Count       : 4
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 788

URL               : https://xbl.ninja/
Title             : NiNJA: the ORIGINAL XBLS – #1 JTAG/RGH XBL online service!
Visit Time        : 8/7/2021 1:10:25 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 18
Typed Count       : 4
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 769

URL               : https://youtube.com/
Title             : (540) YouTube
Visit Time        : 8/8/2021 3:10:26 PM
Visit Count       : 21
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : balla
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 20
Typed Count       : 21
History File      : C:\Users\balla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 773
ASCII Art of him