Joseph A Nigro III aka Joey Nigro (pronounced JOH-ee NY-groh) is a pedophile who is openly attracted to minors and even admitted to having an attraction to children's show character, Super Why. He is also a GoAnimator who REALLY hates prune juice with a burning passion and calls out other people for being "dumb" when he is a mental retard himself. Keep your child away from this manchild. IP Address: Real name: Joseph A Nigro III Mother's name: Jennifer Lawson Online alias: Joey Nigro Age: 21 Discord: Joey Nigro#7117 YouTube: FaceBook: Twitter: (blocked me cuz i called him out for being a pedo ofc lmfao) Address: 4821 N Bellaire Ave, Kansas City, MO 64119 Landline phone number: (816) 930-3265 Cell phone number: 816-592-9152