| Reason for Dox: Massvive Egotistical Bastard.                  |

Credits to @ft for templates                                      ___
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 /##/                                   )       //((  // ||   _,-/ credits to @ft for the gun
/##/                                   /       /\\_V_//   |,-"  (                                         josephine you silly bastard what a noob
\#/                                  ./       /  `---"     \     \                                        phobia runs you, paigan
 v                                  /_       /              \     `.
                                   /_ `-.___/                \      `.
                                     `-.___/                  ".      `.        
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♱ Beginning Dox.
|   ____            _     _       				     |
|  |  _ \  _____  _| |__ (_)_ __                                     |
|  | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \                                    |
|  | |_| | (_) >  <| |_) | | | | |                                   |
|  |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_| Loading info...                   |

✟ Starting..
| ♰ Name: Josephine Wright                                               |
| ♰ Age: 45                                                              |
| ♰ Date of Birth: February 5th, 1976                                    |
| ♰ Discord: J0513#9844                                                  |
| ♰ Local Pharmacy: Boyatt Pharmacy, Boyatt Shopping Centre, Shakespeare Rd, Eastleigh, S050 4QP                                                                     
| ♰ Pharmacy Phone Number: 02380 653003                                 |

♰ Face Information.
| ♰ Race: Black                                                          |
| ♰ Hair Colour: Black                                                   |
| ♰ big ass forehead                                                     |
| ♰ Face: <img src="https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/886009203695714354/935111613764218930/unknown-3.png" alt="Image"/>                                                 |

Address Information. (I do not have the exact address, but if i get it i will edit.
| ♰ Town: Eastleigh                                                     |
| ♰ City: Southampton                                                   |
| ♰ House: Bungalow                                                     |
| ♰ Postal Address: SO51                                                |

| ending another skid phobia W ✠                                      |

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