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                                                                            Welcome Allies, This Was Pasted By 40 & Hellcatt
                                                                                This Dox Is Sponsered By Discord.gg/reject
                                                                          8888888b.  8888888888        d8888  .d8888b.   .d88888b.  888b    888 
                                                                          888   Y88b 888              d88888 d88P  Y88b d88P" "Y88b 8888b   888 
                                                                          888    888 888             d88P888 Y88b.      888     888 88888b  888 
                                                                          888   d88P 8888888        d88P 888  "Y888b.   888     888 888Y88b 888 
                                                                          8888888P"  888           d88P  888     "Y88b. 888     888 888 Y88b888 
                                                                          888 T88b   888          d88P   888       "888 888     888 888  Y88888 
                                                                          888  T88b  888         d8888888888 Y88b  d88P Y88b. .d88P 888   Y8888 
                                                                          888   T88b 8888888888 d88P     888  "Y8888P"   "Y88888P"  888    Y888 
                                                                    ∞  ; became a ewhore and sluts herself out for older and younger men
                                                                    ∞  ; slut shames others but does the same shit they do
                                                                    ∞  ; plays many guys and fucks them over
                                                                    ∞  ; wants to be com so bad (she will send people after u cuz she cant fight herself)
                                                                    ∞  ; claims boys are the best to her then dumps them inna week
                                                                    ∞  ; egotistical tryhard fucker whos heart sensitive when it comes to words you say to her
                                                                    ∞  ; scared of her own weight (if u call her fat she will cry)                                                                    

                                 ooooo ooooo      ooo oooooooooooo   .oooooo.   ooooooooo.   ooo        ooooo       .o.       ooooooooooooo ooooo   .oooooo.   ooooo      ooo 
                                 `888' `888b.     `8' `888'     `8  d8P'  `Y8b  `888   `Y88. `88.       .888'      .888.      8'   888   `8 `888'  d8P'  `Y8b  `888b.     `8' 
                                  888   8 `88b.    8   888         888      888  888   .d88'  888b     d'888      .8"888.          888       888  888      888  8 `88b.    8  
                                  888   8   `88b.  8   888oooo8    888      888  888ooo88P'   8 Y88. .P  888     .8' `888.         888       888  888      888  8   `88b.  8  
                                  888   8     `88b.8   888    "    888      888  888`88b.     8  `888'   888    .88ooo8888.        888       888  888      888  8     `88b.8  
                                  888   8       `888   888         `88b    d88'  888  `88b.   8    Y     888   .8'     `888.       888       888  `88b    d88'  8       `888  
                                 o888o o8o        `8  o888o         `Y8bood8P'  o888o  o888o o8o        o888o o88o     o8888o     o888o     o888o  `Y8bood8P'  o8o        `8  
                                                                    ∞  ; 79 Kossuth Street AND  318 Elm St Newark NJ 07105
                                                                    ∞  ; Newark New Jersey 
                                                                    ∞  ; UID : 407199962749730819
                                                                    ∞  ; Newark New Jersey                                                                 
                                                                    ∞  ; Possible Passwords: Butterball5! | Nuggets123!  
                                                                    ∞  ; MOM'S NUMBER : (973) 344-6348  
                                                                    ∞  ; January 24 , 2002 

                                                                             .d8888b.                    d8b          888 
                                                                            d88P  Y88b                   Y8P          888 
                                                                            Y88b.                                     888 
                                                                             "Y888b.    .d88b.   .d8888b 888  8888b.  888 
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                                                                            Y88b  d88P Y88..88P Y88b.    888 888  888 888 
                                                                             "Y8888P"   "Y88P"   "Y8888P 888 "Y888888 888
                                                                ∞  ; BeijosPravoce
                                                                ∞  ; julianaisyours
                                                                ∞  ; nsjsjsjdjsjjxjsjsjswjjx#0001