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[Doxed by?]
→ aidan & terror xd

[Reason for dox?]
→ got her eboy goons to swat, dox & beam 40+ people in com
→ Ip sniping through roblox and fortnite
→ known shit talker
→ Associated with zone and roblox beamers
→ Known roblox nazi
→ Recruited elementary schoolers into a KKK Kiddies group with her grandpa in 2021
→ annoying eslut com girl
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»  Date of birth :
»  Name :
Sapphire Sierra Louis-Ivanov
»  Alias(s) :
saph, sierra, vija, crystal, siaqi
»  Residence :
5501 Pine Tree Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33140
»  Pictures & NSFW :
»  Ip:
»  Mental health 
schizophrenic and probably autistic
»  Physical health 
like 5'1 or some shit lol
probs has aids
»  Socials :
INSTAGRAM: @zvvqni
SNAP: jewelxxet.0
ROBLOX ACCS: peevids, ZaysBestyy, crvpo, 
keleshell, LuvOLiv, BlackNigHumpingHoez
DISCORD: mihajla#0001
»  Account details :
DEHASHED PASSWORDS: "niggadick", "dickinurmouth420",
"luvsaph3712", "killalljewsandniggers"
»  Banking details :
CC:  5893 9101 7453 8012
EXP: 07/28
CVV: 301
NAME ON CARD: Sapphire Louis Ivanov
»  Other info :
SSN: 262-54-8517
PHONE NUMBER: (786) 423-6921

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»  Parents info : 
fatherless + mom died in 911
»  Siblings info :
has a dead german shephard lol
»  School info :
Miami Northwestern Senior High, 1100 NW 71st St, Miami, FL 33150
»  Job info :⠀⠀
Worked at sneed's feed and seed/chuck's fuck and suck (2016)
Currently working as a grand wizard in the KKK 

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▹ ( If applies )
Clips of her & her friends being racist
»  Evidence :
