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[get fucked by warrant]
[Reason for dox?]
→ leaking cp and failed to pull info on a 16 yr old girl 
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»  Date of birth : June 10th 2002 or 2001

»  Name : Kobe Ravon Oslin
          zykobe rayvon oslin

»  Alias(s) : b6ccdoor, 6ix

»  address: 3080 Saint Rose Pkwy, UNIT 1018, Henderson, NV 89052

»  Pictures & NSFW :

»  Mental health : he take pills for his heath bc he a psycho

»  Physical health : clean

»  Socials : https://www.instagram.com/dead6oul/

»  Account ID: 1074524274343280743

»  Banking details :

»  Other info :
he cut off his axle bracelet 
he harassed 5 other females 
He a catfish and is currently on the run from the cops 
he killed a lil girl in the woods of Memphis before( he said it himself dk if its true)
And last of all he raped his old girl bestfriend 
$1000 bounty on his head 
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»  People he connected to info : 
Marcus A Williams - 11798 Huckleberry E Trl, Macclenny, FL 32063 - (904) 955-2764 - age(35)
Brian K Williams JR - 2182 NW Howard Ave, Arcadia, FL 34266 - (863) 651-3525 - age (42)
Joyce A Neal - 4866 Woodview Ln, Cass City, MI 48726 - (931) 210-6846 - age (85)
Anthony E Sowell - 1909 Kyle NW Ln, APT 32, Mandan, ND 58554 - (779) 777-0310 - age (59)
George Oslin(grandpa) - 3080 Saint Rose Pkwy, UNIT 1018, Henderson, NV 89052 - (702) 487-6223 - age (68)


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»  Evidence : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1123032385580187689/1124086294402846790/IMG_5025.png?width=304&height=592


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