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                                                     %#*=   =+*#%%%%%%  		    %%#*:--.          :-+#%
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                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
                                                                                                  ⛧ 0x01 Basic Information    
                                                                                                  ⛧ 0x02 Social Media    
                                                                                                  ⛧ 0x03 Family Information  
                                                                                                  ⛧ 0x04 School Information     
                                                                                                  ⛧ 0x05 IP Information 
                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
                                                         					   Kamikadze doxed.									
                                                                                 reasons: Attempt to hack the "Hanami" server, sin pidora.

                                                                                             Info by Kawata, Hardline
                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
                                                                                            0x01 Basic Information						
                                                                                              ✫ IGN`s > k_kkobra, Kamikadze, fame.kamikadze
                                                                                              ✫ NAME > Fyodor Klyuev Stanislavovich
                                                                                              ✫ AGE > 21.12.2002
                                                                                              ✫ PHONE NUMBER > +79261731308
                                                                                              ✫ PAST PHONE > +74956704435
                                                                                              ✫ Email > kliuevfedor@gmail.com
                                                                                              ✫ Email > fedundfed@gmail.com
                                                                                              ✫ Email > kljuevfs@example.com
                                                                                              ✫ ADDRESS > Москва Таганский Рогожский Вал 8 Дом. Кв.34
                                                                                              ✫ PAST ADDRESSES > Москва, ул. Лавриненко дом 3 кв 144, подъезд 3, этаж 5, домофон 144В
                                                                                              ✫ Passport > 45 19 639676
                                                                                              ✫ Snils > 177-227-218 79
                                                                                              ✫ Insurance > 7787799728000366
                                                                                              ✫ IP`s >,

                                                                                                    ✫ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION >	

                                                                                              ✫ > Passport number 45 19 639676 was issued in the subject of the Russian Federation - the city of Moscow in 2019.
                                                                                              ✫ > Codes of divisions of internal affairs bodies for the Moscow city region
                                                                                              ✫ > Ministry OF Internal Affairs GUVD 771-001-771-002
                                                                                              ✫ > ATS 772-001-772-107
                                                                                              ✫ > Police departments 773-001-773-054
                                                                                              ✫ PHOTOS >                                                                                                         
                                                                                              ✫ > https://imgur.com/a/OHfdo0q
                                                                                              ✫ > https://imgur.com/a/Ng57yMG
                                                                                              ✫ > https://imgur.com/a/x4Kgh9s
                                                                                              ✫ > https://imgur.com/a/ZhVUEa9
                                                                                              ✫ > https://imgur.com/a/VUaO3pV

                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
                                                                                                    0x02 Social Medias    
                                                                                            ✫ SOCIAL MEDIAS >
                                                                                            ✫ > Discord:fame.kamikadze (963169427241713715)
                                                                                            ✫ > VK: https://vk.com/id239100133                                                                                                 
                                                                                            ✫ > INST: https://www.instagram.com/k_kkobra/                                                                                               
                                                                                            ✫ > OK: https://ok.ru/profile/534777422931                                                                                             
                                                                                            ✫ > Telegram: https://t.me/k_kkobra
                                                                                            ✫ > Facebook https://facebook.com/k_kkobra
                                                                                            ✫ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION >
                                                                                            ✫ > DiscordID: 963169427241713715
                                                                                            ✫ > Discord 1/3 of token: OTYzMTY5NDI3MjQxNzEzNzE1
                                                                                            ✫ > Discord RegData: 11.04.2022 (23:11)
                                                                                            ✫ > TelegramID: 304118104
                                                                                            ✫ > Telegram RegData: 19.12.2016
                                                                                            ✫ > VK RegData: 16.01.2014 (16:34)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
                                                                                              0x03 Family Information    

                                                                                            ✫ MOTHER >	                                                                                                        
                                                                                            ✫ > Fullname: KLYUEVA NATALIA VIKTOROVNA 
                                                                                            ✫ > DOB: 31.10.1980
                                                                                            ✫ > Emails: kluevsn@rambler.ru, Kluevs@yandex.ru, KLUEVSN-SP@YANDEX.RU                                                                                                
                                                                                            ✫ > Address: Москва Таганский Рогожский Вал 8 Дом. Кв.34	
                                                                                            ✫ > Phones: +79258641123, +79261831237
                                                                                            ✫ > Passport: 1402832256
                                                                                            ✫ > Snils: 177-227-236 81
                                                                                            ✫ > PTS:ОН 063617
                                                                                            ✫ FATHER >	                                                                                                        
                                                                                            ✫ > Fullname: KLYUEV STANISLAV ALEXANDROVICH                                                                                                 
                                                                                            ✫ > DOB: 28.11.1978                                                                                                 
                                                                                            ✫ > Phone: +79255108472
                                                                                            ✫ > Address: Москва Таганский Рогожский Вал 8 Дом. Кв.34
                                                                                            ✫ > Passport: 45 02 968806
                                                                                            ✫ > PTS: 50КУ945129
                                                                                            ✫ > INN: 770907892966
                                                                                            ✫ > Snils: 12404201083 
                                                                                            ✫ > Vk: https://vk.com/id763256346
                                                                                            ✫ > Ok: https://ok.ru/profile/533309835986                                                                                               

                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
                                                                                              0x04 School Information
                                                                                             ✫ > School: НИУ ВШЭ 24 москва
                                                                                             ✫ > Website: economics.hse.ru
                                                                                             ✫ > Phone: +7 (495) 771-32-32,
                                                                                             ✫ > Phone: +7 (495) 771-32-42,
                                                                                             ✫ > Phone: +7 (495) 531-00-31
                                                                                             ✫ > Address: Покровский бул., 11, стр. 10, Москва (подъезд 1)                                                                                                 
                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
                                                                                              0x5 Ip Information
                                                                                                    ✫ IP`s >,	
                                                                                              ✫ >
                                                                                              ✫ > inetnum: -
                                                                                              ✫ > netname: TELE2RU-SUBSCRIBER-POOL-NET
                                                                                              ✫ > descr: Tele2 Russia IP Network (MSK)
                                                                                              ✫ > country: RU
                                                                                              ✫ > remarks: Moscow
                                                                                              ✫ > geoloc: 55.755745 37.617879
                                                                                              ✫ > admin-c: TEL20-RIPE
                                                                                              ✫ > tech-c: TEL20-RIPE
                                                                                              ✫ > status: ASSIGNED PA
                                                                                              ✫ > mnt-by: TELE2RUSSIA-MNT
                                                                                              ✫ > mnt-lower: TELE2RUSSIA-MNT
                                                                                              ✫ > mnt-routes: TELE2RUSSIA-MNT
                                                                                              ✫ > created: 2015-01-21T04:43:19Z
                                                                                              ✫ > last-modified: 2016-06-28T10:40:47Z
                                                                                              ✫ > source: RIPE

                                                                                              ✫ > role: TELE2 RU Contact
                                                                                              ✫ > address: Russia, Omsk
                                                                                              ✫ > admin-c: EK2230-RIPE
                                                                                              ✫ > tech-c: EK2230-RIPE
                                                                                              ✫ > nic-hdl: TEL20-RIPE
                                                                                              ✫ > mnt-by: TELE2RUSSIA-MNT
                                                                                              ✫ > created: 2015-01-20T07:50:08Z
                                                                                              ✫ > last-modified: 2022-11-11T03:48:55Z
                                                                                              ✫ > source: RIPE # Filtered

                                                                                              ✫ > route:
                                                                                              ✫ > descr: Tele2 Russia Groups
                                                                                              ✫ > origin: AS12958
                                                                                              ✫ > mnt-by: TELE2RUSSIA-MNT
                                                                                              ✫ > created: 2020-04-02T05:36:21Z
                                                                                              ✫ > last-modified: 2020-04-02T05:36:21Z

                                                                                              ✫ >                                                                                                  
                                                                                              ✫ > inetnum: -
                                                                                              ✫ > source: RIPE
                                                                                              ✫ > netname: TELE2RU-SUBSCRIBER-POOL-NET
                                                                                              ✫ > descr: Tele2 Russia IP Network (MSK)
                                                                                              ✫ > country: RU
                                                                                              ✫ > remarks: Moscow
                                                                                              ✫ > geoloc: 55.755745 37.617879
                                                                                              ✫ > admin-c: TEL20-RIPE
                                                                                              ✫ > tech-c: TEL20-RIPE
                                                                                              ✫ > status: ASSIGNED PA
                                                                                              ✫ > mnt-by: TELE2RUSSIA-MNT
                                                                                              ✫ > mnt-lower: TELE2RUSSIA-MNT
                                                                                              ✫ > mnt-routes: TELE2RUSSIA-MNT
                                                                                              ✫ > created: 2015-01-21T04:43:19Z
                                                                                              ✫ > last-modified: 2016-06-28T10:40:47Z
                                                                                              ✫ > source: RIPE

                                                                                              ✫ > role: TELE2 RU Contact
                                                                                              ✫ > address: Russia, Omsk
                                                                                              ✫ > admin-c: EK2230-RIPE
                                                                                              ✫ > tech-c: EK2230-RIPE
                                                                                              ✫ > nic-hdl: TEL20-RIPE
                                                                                              ✫ > mnt-by: TELE2RUSSIA-MNT
                                                                                              ✫ > created: 2015-01-20T07:50:08Z
                                                                                              ✫ > last-modified: 2022-11-11T03:48:55Z
                                                                                              ✫ > source: RIPE # Filtered

                                                                                              ✫ > route:
                                                                                              ✫ > descr: Tele2 Russia Groups
                                                                                              ✫ > origin: AS12958
                                                                                              ✫ > mnt-by: TELE2RUSSIA-MNT
                                                                                              ✫ > created: 2020-04-02T05:32:52Z
                                                                                              ✫ > last-modified: 2020-04-02T05:32:52Z
                                                                                              ✫ > source: RIPE	                                                                                   

                                                            ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧