| ______10_____________            
         |______     33         |    note: this was told other people children. I am not included in this case.   
                |          ___|     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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             101   |   ||928||
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                |____ |||1      H e    teacher abused a 11 year old kid 4 days ago and the other teachers never found out.

The abusing continued for 5 mouths, unfortunately the child didn't tell her parents.

                                                                            _|_|_|_|_|                              _|                            
                                                                                _|      _|_|      _|_|_|    _|_|_|  _|_|_|      _|_|    _|  _|_|  
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                                            |      $$$$$$$$$                    --------------------------------------------------------------------                                                
                                              |        $$$$$         
                                                |     $$$$$                       This abusive lady abused more than 1 children in home and wasn't found doing it, this lady is also a karen, and rude to 
                                                    $                                other people. Age: 34  Grade: 6th Math    School: Ranson Middle school| in Charlotte, North Carolina| NC

                                  INCLUDE|Data|Info|Email|Phone Number|

Email| Aqueelahl.robinson@cms.k12.nc.us                   
 E m a i l   f o u n d
Phone Number: 980-292-0515
 __    __                                                                    __             ______          
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note: this is 
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                                   Info and the story of this math teacher abusing a child.


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The child was missing last saturday at night, It wasn't any news about it or the police didn't find them.

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Track this person.