======================================================================================================================================= = Note: NEW INFORMATION, THIS TIME CONFIRMED 100% = Reason: Spreads untrue information = Info: Public ======================================================================================================================================= ----- About ----- Full Name: Jack Kayden Wilson City: Cardiff, South Wales Phone: +44 7781 681194 Zip/Postal: CF10 State/Province: United Kingdom, Wales Country: Wales Age: 16 ----- Socail Media ----- Instagram: Deleted, will update. ----- Photos ----- Photo of said person: https://ibb.co/0Q23cYj ----- Family ----- Dad: Adam Wilson Age: 48 Known Location: Bridgend, South Wales Occupation: Office worker Mom: Lesley Wilson Age: 44 Occupation: Unknown Known Location: Cardiff, South Wales Both not together. ---- School ---- School: Unknown name, it's a public school with black uniform ---- Internet ---- Provider: BT Phone Provider: GifGaff Doxxed.