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                     TABLE OF CONTENTS
                |† 0x01 Intro + Reason   |             
                |† 0x02 Basic Info       |
                |† 0x03 Socials          |
                |† 0x04 Relatives        |
                |† 0x05 Other            |
                |† 0x06 Outro + Credits  |


                 | 0x01 Intro + Reason |

          ► Intro
             ☓ Hey kayy :) I hope you enjoyed your time on discord
               BUT everything comes to an end <3. I suggest deleting
               Discord. Please don't come back either. You're 
               spreading your autism to others. Gotta be talen-
               ted to do that $-$

          ► Reasons
             ☓ Talking way too big.
             ☓ Deadass gives me braindamage
             ☓ Maddie v2


                   | 0x02 Basic Info  |
          ► Alias: Kayy, Kady 
          ► Name: Kadynce Williams
          ► Age: 16
          ► Address: 6621 Maple Mesa St North Las Vegas, NV 
          ► Username: ‘Kayy’
          ► Email: N/A
          ► Phone Number: (702)-588-2444
          ► Picture(s): https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799345296961568769/847001745846042624/unknown.png?width=580&height=580
          ► School: American Fork High
          ► IP: N/A


                    | 0x03 Socials  |
          ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kadynce.williams.1
          ► Instagram: DELETED
          ► Snapchat: N/A
          ► NameMC: N/A
          ► Discord: kayy#2511


                    | 0x04 Relatives  |

          ► Mother
             ☓ Name: Melanie Topscher Alvillar
             ☓ Address: 6621 Maple Mesa St, N Las Vegas, NV, 89084
             ☓ Number(s): (541)-217-4553                   
             ☓ Email(s): hapidaz777@gmail.com <- (ooooo 777, kinky ;))
                      †  hapidaz777@yahoo.com
                      †  mwinfrey55@aol.com
             ☓ Picture: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/839443027235962900/847409454889828372/unknown.png?width=580&height=580https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/839443027235962900/847409260535087104/unknown.png?width=268&height=579https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/839443027235962900/847410054860505108/unknown.png?width=583&height=580
             ☓ Facebook: Melanie Topscher Alvillar <- couldn't get the link, no clue why i dont know how to use facebook
          ► Father
             ☓ Name: Michael K Williams
             ☓ Address: 6621 Maple Mesa St, N Las Vegas, NV, 89084
             ☓ Numbers: N/A
             ☓ Emails: N/A
             ☓ Picture: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/839443027235962900/847411907974922310/unknown.png?width=465&height=581                              ☓ Facebook: N/A 
          ► Grandma
             ☓ Name: Maryanne D Howard
             ☓ Address: 12550 Main St, Hesperia, CA, 92345
             ☓ Numbers: N/A
             ☓ Emails: N/A
             ☓ Picture: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799345296961568769/847002534073073694/unknown.png?width=436&height=581
             ☓ Facebook: N/A 
          ► Grandpa
             ☓ DECEASED. 
             X (im not doxxing her dead grandpa bc his grand daughter wilding on discord)


                     | 0x05 Other   |

          ► Housing Info
             ☓ Bathrooms: 3
             ☓ Bedrooms: 4
             ☓ Sq Ft: 1,980

          ► School Info
             ☓ Grad Year: N/A
             ☓ Phone Number: (801) 610-8800
             ☓ Address: 510 Caveman Blvd, American Fork, UT 84003
             ☓ Principle: Peter Glahn
             ☓ Website: https://afhs.alpineschools.org/


                 | 0x06 Outro + Credits   |
          ► Main Dox Made by $lit
            Discord: $lit!#0666
            Doxbin: https://doxbin.org/user/SlitThemWrists
          ► Helpers: Vortex.
            Discord: Vortex.#0666
            Doxbin: https://doxbin.org/user/VortexKKK
          ► Format Made By Pasta
            Discord: warning#0001

          ► Reason for Repost: Better Format And More Info.
-> Made With Love :) <-