


                                                  [                                                                                                                        ]
                                                  [                                                       INTRODUCTION                                                     ]
                                                  [                                                                                                                        ]
                                                   :[]:                                                                                                                :[]:
                                                   :[]:           Ok so, kuss is a harmless retard who spends his time packing people, larping that hes harmful,       :[]:                                                                                        
                                                   :[]:           and "playing" egirls in packing com. Hes a little edge lord who tries to act like an extorter,       :[]:                                                                                             
                                                   :[]:              but at the end of the day hes a little harmless retard who got SE'd and doxxed by his god AVM.    :[]:                                                                                          

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               /`    |:::|`-,__,-'`  |/  \ ||                                  
             /`  |   |'' ||           \   |||  
           /`    \   |   ||            |  /||                                    Alias/Pseudonym:                                             
         |`       |  |   |)            \ | ||                                    Kuss
        |          \ |   /      ,.__    \| ||                                    Slursky
        /           `         /`    `\   | ||                                    Ury
       |                     /        \  / ||                                    Eyd
       |                     |        | /  ||
       /         /           |        `(   ||
      /          .           /          )  ||
     |            \          |     ________||                                    Name: Shelton Benjamin
    /             |          /     `-------.|                                    Age: 15
   |\            /          |              ||                                    DOB: 02/14/2008
   \/`-._       |           /              ||                                    SSN: 263537173 - issued in California (CA)
    //   `.    /`           |              ||                                    Height: 5'8
   //`.    `. |             \              ||                                    Weight: 180 pounds/81 kg
  ///\ `-._  )/             |              ||                                    Gender: Male
 //// )   .(/               |              ||                                    Native Language: English
 ||||   ,'` )               /              //                                    Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual
 ||||  /                    /             ||                                     Race: Black/African American
 `\\` /`                    |             //                                     Hair Color: Black 
     |`                     \            ||                                      Eye Color: Dark Brown
    /                        |           //                                      Photos:
  /`                          \         //                                       https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873826731029565518/1102700545036267540/IMG_7567.jpg
/`                            |        ||                                        https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873826731029565518/1102979998152937582/3A770108-43D6-4453-8238-CD02DE15D014.jpg
`-.___,-.      .-.        ___,'        (/                                        Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31qhl3ff3vhar7mcdcdmyns2l5iu
         `---'`   `'----'`                                                       Discord: KUSS#9999 (can be found in /hexing)
                                                                                 Blood Type: O-
                                                                                 Religion: Protestant

                           |       |
                         |  I N R I  |
                           |       |                             
|~.\\\_\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx~~~         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/_//;~|
|  \  o \_         ,XXXXX),                         _..-~ o /  |
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          `\   ~~--`_\~\, ;;;\)__.---.~~~      _.-~                            
            ~-.       `:;;/;; \          _..-~~                                 Current Address: 127 E Colden Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90003
               ~-._      `''        /-~-~                                       Name On The House: Maria Benjamin
                   `\              /  /                                         Last Sold For: $328,000 On October 26th, 2019
                     |         ,   | |                                          Estimated Price In 2023: $546,146
                      |  '        /  |                                          Status: Sold
                       \/;          |                                           Property Type: Single Family, Residential Single-Family
                        ;;          |                                           Year Built: 2018
                        `;   .       |                                          Style: Cottage
                        |~~~-----.....|                                         Community: Metropolitan South
                       | \             \                                        Lot Size: 5,625 Square Feet
                      | /\~~--...__    |                                        MLS#: 17-273388
                      (|  `\       __-\|                                        Price Per Square Foot: $611
                      ||    \_   /~    |                                        Buyers Agent Commission: 3%
                      |)     \~-'      |                                        Parking: On Street, Garage
                       |      | \      '                                        Number Of Full Bathrooms: 3
                       |      |  \    :                                         Flooring Information: Carpeted Floors, Ceramic Tile Floors
                        \     |  |    |                                         Laundry Information: No Laundry
                         |    )  (    )                                         Equipment: Refrigerator
                          \  /;  /\  |                                          Additional Rooms: Master Bedroom
                          |    |/   |                                           Heating/Cooling: Air Conditioning
                          |    |   |                                            Building Information: 1 floor, Attached
                           \  .'  ||                                            Lot Size (Sq Ft.): 5,625
                           |  |  | |                                            Zoning: LAR2
                           (  | |  |                                            Assessor Parcel Number: 6052-005-025
                           |   \ \ |                                            Selling Office Compensation Type: %
                           || o `.)|                                            Selling Office Compensation: 3
                           |`\\\\) |                                            # Of Units In Complex (Total): 1
                           |       |                                            Tax: $11,694
                           |       |                                            Assessment: $946,058
                           |       |                                            Local Schools:
                                                                                Carver Elementary
                                                                                Ninety-Third Street Elementary
                                                                                Samuel Gompers Middle School
                                                                                Alliance Judy Ivie Burton Technology Academy High
                                                                                Living Area: 1900
                                                                                Furnished: Unfurnished

  /\                         \                                                 Current Phone Number: (213) 221-7084
 /  \            ____         \                                                Name On The Number: David Benjamin
/ \/ \          /\   \         \                                               Location: Near Los Angeles, California
\ /\  \         \ \   \         \                                              Carrier: Verizon Wireless
 \  \  \     ____\_\   \______   \                                             Type: Cell Phone
  \   /\\   /\   VM RUNS YOU  \   \                                            Traceable Location: 127 E Colden Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90003
   \ /\/ \  \ \_______    _____\   \                                           Area Code: Los Angeles, Dodgertown
    \\/ / \  \/______/\   \____/    \                                          Spam Risk: Low
     \ / /\\         \ \   \         \                                         Registered: May 9th, 2021
      \ /\/ \         \ \   \         \                                        Phone Model: Iphone 12
       \\/ / \         \ \   \         \                                       UDID Number: 1AKL97ID-O915FGEQ4WEP909
        \ /   \         \ \   \         \                                      Warranty: Expired
         \\  /\\         \ \   \         \                                     Price: Around $850
          \ /\  \         \ \___\         \                                    Serial Number: P20LX4IU71
           \\    \         \/___/          \                                   IMEI: 35-198410-376568-1
            \  \/ \                         \                                  Version: iOS 16.1.2
             \ /\  \_________________________\                                 Icloud: 5 GB
              \  \ / ______________________  /                                 
               \  / ______________________  /

                  )                    `
                 /(l                   /)                                      School: Alliance Judy Ivie Burton Technology Academy High
                (  \                  / (                                      Address: 10101 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90003
                ) * )                ( , )                                     Number:  (323) 920-6125
                 \#/                  \#'                                      Website: https://www.burtontech.org/
               .-"#'-.             .-"#"=,                                     Fax: (323) 920-6950
            (  |"-.='|            '|"-,-"|                                     Rating: 5/5
            )\ |     |  ,        /(|     | /(         ,                        Mascot: Scorpion
   (       /  )|     | (\       (  \     | ) )       ((                        NCES District ID: 0601934
   )\     (   (|     | ) )      ) , )    |/ (        ) \                       State District ID: CA-0108894
  /  )     ) . )     |/  (     ( # (     ( , )      /   )                      Mailing Address: 601 S. Figueroa ST. 4th FL. Los Angeles, CA 90017-4534
 ( * (      \#/|     (`# )      `#/|     |`#/      (  '(                       County ID: 06037
  \#/     .-"#'-.   .-"#'-,   .-"#'-.   .-=#"-;     `#/                        CSA/CBSA: 31080
.-"#'-.   |"=,-"|   |"-.-"|)  1"-.-"|   |"-.-"|   ,-"#"-.                      Total Students: 623
|"-.-"|   |  !  |   |     |   |     |   |     !   |"-.-"|                      NCES School ID: 781370829013
|     |   |     |._,|     |   |     |._,|     a   |     |                      Classroom Teachers (FTE): 28.22
|     |   |     |   |     |   |     |   |     p   |     |                      Student/Teacher Ratio: 22.08
|     |   |     |   |     |   |     |   |     x   |     |                      Total Revenue: $9,385,000
'-._,-'   '-._,-'   '-._,-'   '-._,-'   '-._,-"   '-._,-'                      Amount Per Student: $15,590

              oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo                                          Credit Card Number: 5373059710812268
          oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo                                      Routing Number: 491331553 
       oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo                                   Account Number: 88261219
     oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo                                 CVV: 939
  oOOOOOOOOOOO*  *OOOOOOOOOOOOOO*  *OOOOOOOOOOOOo                              CC Holder: David Benjamin
 oOOOOOOOOOOO      OOOOOOOOOOOO      OOOOOOOOOOOOo                             Bank: Bank Of America
 oOOOOOOOOOOOOo  oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo  oOOOOOOOOOOOOOo                             IBAN: US02506739007020681804287021
oOOOO     OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO     OOOOo                            Ethereum Address: 0x0f9B1F7Cbf075Bf727381d44CA3eD1e54b66a97f
oOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOo                            Ripple Address: rwY4pd8AQYrDKA7a8zctqG5rAx3Ja84Vxo
 *OOOOO  OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  OOOOO*                             Monero Address: 49t5hDr3JTGMaNCdAA3pt2j86PFqMwsFgX8iqaUco2z9GJNoRVU5o32cHqPxF5rTfdiQi1tDCQqahKg73tiibnkB4DYrCPw
 *OOOOOO  *OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*  OOOOOO*                             Passport Number: 441690553
  *OOOOOO  *OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*  OOOOOO*                              Passport Issued: October 2017
   *OOOOOOo  *OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*  oOOOOOO*                               Expires: October 2023
     *OOOOOOOo  *OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*  oOOOOOOO*                                 Logged Email #1: kussxxisgod@proton.me
       *OOOOOOOOo  *OOOOOOOOOOO*  oOOOOOOOO*                                   Logged Email #2: shelly2008@gmail.com
          *OOOOOOOOo           oOOOOOOOO*                                      Logged Email #3: valplayerproslol@gmail.com
              *OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*                                          Logged Email #4: benjamindavid110@yahoo.com
                   ""ooooooooo""                                               Logged Email #5: mariasflorida@bellsouth.net
                                                                               Unique User Identification: e8760f4d-8367-4f78-80c1-d397b3fae478

                                | AVM |                                        IP Address:
                                \\_V_//                                        IPv4:
                                \/=|=\/                                        IPv6: a4ac:6ae0:7003:d1cf:b47d:f234:77f8:a00c
                                 [=v=]                                         Decimal: 2817811949
                               __\___/_____                                    ISP: Comcast Cable
                              /..[  _____  ]                                   Services: Communications LLC
                             /_  [ [  M /] ]                                   Country: United States of America
                            /../.[ [ M /@] ]                                   City: Los Angeles
                           <-->[_[ [M /@/] ]                                   State: California
                          /../ [.[ [ /@/ ] ]                                   Latitude: 42.6556 (42° 39′ 20.11″ N)
     _________________]\ /__/  [_[ [/@/ C] ]                                   Longitude: -73.8059 (73° 48′ 21.38″ W)
    <_________________>>0---]  [=\ \@/ C / /                                   Timezone: UTC-7
       ___      ___   ]/000o   /__\ \ C / /
          \    /              /....\ \_/ /
       ....\||/....           [___/=\___/
      .    .  .    .          [...] [...]
     .      ..      .         [___/ \___]
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 / / / .../|  |\... \ \ \    _[__]   [__]_
/ / /       \/       \ \ \  [____>   <____]

                     /  \                                                      System: MAC
                    |    |                                                     User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10_5_0 rv:3.0) Gecko/20100908 Firefox/35.0
(`----._____.-'"""`. \__/ .'"""`-._____.----')                                 Node Name: DESKTOP-9OPL87A
 (____       .      `|  |'      .       ____)                                  Node Type: Hybrid
   (___`----' .     _|  |_     . `----'___)                                    Release: 10.2.7
     (__`----'  _.-' |  | `-._  `----'__)                                      Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D - Ryzen 9 7000 Series 16-Core 4.2 GHz Socket AM5 120W AMD Radeon Graphics Desktop Processor - 100-100000908WOF
       `._____.'_    |  |    _`._____.'                                        Machine: i386
              /o )-< |  | >-( o\                                               Username: Shelly76
             / .'    |  |    `. \                                              Common Password: shelly77108
            J J      |  |      L L                                             Type: MAC 10.2.7 Pro
            | |      |  |      | |                                             CPU Count: 6
            J J      |  |      F F                                             Machine ID: 00-98-1K-56-01-43
             \ \     |  |     / /                                              Hardware ID: 098H52ST479QE053V2
              \ `.   |  |   .' /                                               
               `. `-.|  |.-' .'
                 `-. |.-' .-'
                   .-' .-'.                                                    Discord Username: forsake#9999
                 .' .-' |. `.                                                  User ID: 1073778266537738271
                / .' |  | `. \                                                 Email: kussxxisgod@proton.me
               / /   |  |   \ \                                                Phone Number: (213) 221-7084
              J J    |  |    L L                                               Billing Info: 5373059710812268, 939, 04/27
              | |    |  |    | |                                               Nitro: True
              J J    |  |    F F                                               Subscriber Since: April 26th, 2023
               \ `.  |  |  .' /                                                Account Created: February 10th, 2023
                `. `-|  !-' .'                                                 2FA: N/A
                  `-.!-' .-'                                                   Language: English
                   .' .-|`.                                                    Connections: Spotify
                  / .|  |. \                                                   Token: OTM5MTg2MzM4Mzc2ODI2NTgx.C1p873.uejxwfI5O6a-PA0UJXpd7TQ8h2N
                 J J |  | L L                                                  Password: Shelly76
                 | | |  | | |                                                  Servers Owned: discord.gg/hexing
                 J J |  | F F
                  `.\|  |/.'
                    `|  |'
                     |  |
                     |  |
                     |  |

              T\ T\
                | \| \
                |  |  :                                                        Mothers Name: Maria Benjamin
           _____I__I  |                                                        Age: 46
         .'            '.                                                      DOB: 01/05/1977
       .'                '                                                     Current Address: 127 E Colden Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90003
       |   ..             '                                                    Current Phone Number: (213) 291-4487
       |  /__.            |                                                    Preparer Tax Identification Number: P87961386
       :.' -'             |                                                    Interim PTIN: P99997173
      /__.                |                                                    Employer Identification Number: 107069448
     /__, \               |                                                    Place Of Work: MASA Global
        |__\        _|    |                                                    Individual Taxpayer Identification Number: 959784235
        :  '\     .'|     |                                                    Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number: 158504558
        |___|_,,,/  |     |    _..--.                                          Email: mariasflorida@bellsouth.net
     ,--_-   |     /'      \../ /  /\\                                         Passport: 4416102954
    ,'|_ I---|    7    ,,,_/ / ,  / _\\                                        Passport Issued: September 2011
  ,-- 7 \|  / ___..,,/   /  ,  ,_/   '-----.                                   Passport Expiration: July 2026
 /   ,   \  |/  ,____,,,__,,__/            '\                                  SSN: 260172893
,   ,     \__,,/                             |                                 Blood Type: A+
| '.       _..---.._                         !.                                Height: 5'8
! |      .' z_M__s. '.                        |                                Weight: 147 pounds
.:'      | (-_ _--')  :          L            !                                Hair Color: Black
.'.       '.  Y    _.'             \,         :                                Eye Color: Brown
 .          '-----'                 !          .                               Race: Black
 .           /  \                   .          .      Picture Of Mother: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1103519151189917827/1103533487023210548/15036348_1371355979561974_7043608816296348270_n.png

           __                        O$                                         Fathers Name: David Benjamin
       _.-"  )                        $'                                        Age: 49
    .-"`. .-":        o      ___     ($o                                        DOB: 04/19/1974
 .-".-  .'   ;      ,st+.  .' , \    ($                                         Current Address: 127 E Colden Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90003
:_..-+""    :       T   "^T==^;\;;-._ $\                                        Current Phone Number: (213) 281-4917
   """"-,   ;       '    /  `-:-// / )$/                                        Preparer Tax Identification Number: P87180362
        :   ;           /   /  :/ / /dP                                         Interim PTIN: P91205439
        :   :          /   :    )^-:_.l                                         Employer Identification Number: 101082947
        ;    ;        /    ;    `.___, \           .-,                          Place Of Work: Goldman Sachs
       :     :       :  /  ;.-"""   \   \"""-,    /  ;                          Individual Taxpayer Identification Number: 992017483
       ;   :  ;      ; :   :         \   \    \ .'  /                           Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number: 101827394
       ;   ;  :      ;   _.:          ;   \  .-"   /l                           Email: benjamindavid110@yahoo.com
       ;.__L_.:   .-";  :  ;          :_   \/ .-" / ;                           Passport: 4019273845
       :      ;.-"   :  ; :        _  : \  / /  .' /                            Passport Issued: January 2009
        ;            ;  ;  ;   _.-" "-.\ :/   .'  :                             Passport Expiration: April 2024
        :            ;  ;  :.-j-,      `;:_.+'    ;                             SSN: 019285734
        ;           _;  :  :.'  ;      / : /     :                              Blood Type: O-
        '-._..__.--"/   :  :   /      /  ;/      ;                              Height: 6'1
                   :    ;  ;  /      ,  //      :                               Weight: 204 pounds
                   ;    ; / .'( ,    ; ::\     .:                               Hair Color: Black
                   :    :  / .-dP-'  ;-'; `---' :                               Eye Color: Brown
                    `.   "" ' s")  .'  /        '                               Race: Black
                      \           /;  :       .'         Picture Of Father: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1101908913961578586/1103686455307542568/343297158_593942956035908_1394903323337217239_n.png
                    _  "-, ;       '.  \    .'        
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                                                                        ✯ ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Kuss's Demise.
                                                                     ↺͏͏ ° < ll >> ⋮≡ ; Volume: ■■■■■□□□
                                                                   ┗━━━ ━━━┛ ┗━━━ ━━━┛ ┗━━━ ━━━┛ ┗━━━ ━━━┛

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