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» ludi.crous - REASON                                                                          ???? ???? ????
│                          Hypocritical, lying, two faced piece of shit.                             │

» ludi.crous - TABLE OF CONTENT                                                                ???? ???? ????
│           Personal Information, Past/Current Usernames Information, Family Information.            │

» ludi.crous - Aliases                                                                         ???? ???? ????
│                                Xev, LtXev, LtCalvin, LCDRCalvin                                    │
│                                           IAintWhite                                               │  

» ludi.crous - Personal Information                                                            ???? ???? ????
│ Full Name:      │    Calvin Ibrahim Adam                                                           │
│ Age:            │    16 / (Dec 2005)                                                               │
│ Occupation:     │    Computer Technician                                                           │
│ Phone #         │    +971 (050) 555-3183                                                           │
│ Address:        │    49 Al Rawabit St                                                              │
│ State:          │    Abu Dhabi                                                                     │
│ School:         │    American Community School of Abu Dhabi                                        │
│ Sch. Address:   │    Al Bateen - W39 - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates                            │

» ludi.crous - Past/Current Usernames & Passwords                                              ???? ???? ????
│ ♡ Social(s)                                                                                        │  
│ Twitter #1:     │    https://twitter.com/LCDRCalvin                   | ID: | SUSPENDED            │
│ Twitter #2:     │    https://twitter.com/PunishedCalvin               | ID: | SUSPENDED            │
│ Twitter #3:     │    https://twitter.com/t0rbr0wser                   | ID: | SUSPENDED            │
│ Instagram:      │    https://www.instagram.com/128calvin              │ ID: | DELETED              │
│ Instagram:      │    https://www.instagram.com/ilycalvin              │ ID: | TAKEN                │
│ Instagram:      │    https://www.instagram.com/uhcalvin               │ ID: | 1176707402           │
│ Telegram:       │    https://t.me/wuhoyi                              │ ID: |                      │
│ NameMC:         │    https://mine.ly/IAintWhite.1         │ ID: | 389b45a6432342e28ba7526f41de5afc │
│ Discord:        │    ludicrous#9744                                   │ ID: | 394412409491554306   │
│ ♡ Email(s)                                                                                         │  
│ Email:          │    fedsec@fbi.ac                                    │ PwD:| i forgor             │
│ Gmail #1:       │    cbenjamin2005@gmail.com                          │ PwD:| i forgor             │
│ Gmail #2:       │    typical2005@gmail.com                            │ PwD:| i forgor             │
│ Gmail #3:       │    kosomak@gmail.com                                │ PwD:| &caLv!n@2005         │
│ ♡ Common Passwords                                                                                 │  
│ UI!@EDZ(xF1v24d123"as[d1^&OP                                                                       |
│ 5$%8Vmv1284Jn5O1nxN2                                                                               │
│ kalv!n$2005                                                                                        │
│ rati0gang@ftw                                                                                      │
│ ♡ Recent IP                                                                                        │  
│ IP:             │                                                                │
│ ISP:            │    Etisalat                                                                      │

» ludi.crous - Family Information                                                              ???? ???? ????
│ ♡ Father's Information                                                                             │
│ Full Name:      │    Ibrahim Adam Eitan                                                            │
| Age:            │    36 / (Nov 1985)                                                               │
| Occupation:     │    Lawyer                                                                        │
│ Phone #         │    +971 (054) 777-1883                                                           │
│ Address:        │    50 Al Rawabit St                                                              │
│ State:          │    Abu Dhabi                                                                     │
│ ♡ Mother's Information                                                                             │
│ Full Name:      │    Elena Al Bin Ali                                                              │
| Age:            │    39 / (Oct 1982)                                                               │
| Occupation:     │    Housewife                                                                     │
│ Phone #         │    +971 (056) 765-1881                                                           │
│ Address:        │    49 Al Rawabit St                                                              │
│ State:          │    Abu Dhabi                                                                     │