           '!(7(!,,!?,,,,!!,,!!C!!,       LARA, MEET YOUR DEMISE!
   .?((,,,,*?((=C=!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,**,((*   HOPEFULLY YOU LEARN WHO NOT    
 .*=!,,,,,?!.    *(*,,,,,,,,,,,,*(=77(!,,?*    TO FUCK WITH NEXT TIME 
 ==?,,,,,,(   ?   .=,,,,,,,,,,,*(*'''!?,,,C.     DUMB FUCKING E-THOT
 ===,,,,,,(  .,.. .7,,,,,,!?,,,=   ', '(,,??       
   '(*,,,,(C=?!!?7C*,,,,,,*7,,*=,,,,,  =,,,(=,                              
'=?C!(*.  'AA%%%%%%%%%%%%A3          .!?*7=(7'                              
 .',,.    7%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%            '*!*'.                               
	<-------------  LARA PAIGE  -------------->
      <---------   DOXED BY KESKI & JASKI   ---------->

Let's get right into it ~
And let's go back in time.
[0x01 Reason for Dox.]
Plays with boys heart and is passed around like a spliff
[0x02 Basic Information]
First  Name:  Lara (Confirmed)
Middle Name:  (Unconfirmed)
Last   Name:  Paige (Confirmed)
Full   Name:  Lara ??? Paige (Confirmed)
DoB ; Date of Birth: 19th February 2004 (Confirmed)
[0x03 Advanced Information] 

Address: 2934 Plunkett Ave, NY, Schenectady (Confirmed) 
Timezone:    Eastern Daylight Time in Schenectady, NY (GMT-4)(Confirmed)
Phone Number: +1 4064033674 (confirmed)
School Name: Fulton School 
School Address: Schenectady, NY 12306
School Phone: (518) 370-8340
[0x04 Social Medias]
Discord            :  ! ????????#8642( Confirmed )
Roblox             :  https://www.roblox.com/users/490421122/profile ( Confirmed )
Roblox alt         :  https://www.roblox.com/users/1862287189/profile( Confirmed )
Tiktok             :  https://www.tiktok.com/@bigd0ckforlife?lang=fr ( Confirmed )
Instagram          :  https://www.instagram.com/laraap._/ ( Confirmed )
[0x05 Internet/Phone Number Info]

Phone Number: +1 4064033674 (Confirmed) 
Phone Number Host : ue.tmodns.net / cpe-74-76-127-27.nycap.res.rr.com (Confirmed)
Organization: Time Warner Cable (Confirmed)
ISP:  Time Warner Cable (Confirmed)
[0x06 Computer Info]

Installed Anti-Virus: Webroot SecureAnywhere
Installed Firewall:
Installed Language: en-US
Net Version: 2.0.50727.9148
Operating System Platform: Win32NT
Operating System Version: 6.2.9200.0
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
[0x07 Location] 
Geolocation Information

IP: (Confirmed) 
Country:      America, United States (Confirmed)
State/Region: New York (Confirmed)
Capital:     Washington ( Confirmed )
City:        Schenectady (Confirmed)
Latitude:   42.789
Longitude: -73.9759
Area Code:    +518
Postal Code:  12306
[0x08 Family Members] 

Father Name: (deceased) 
Mothers Name : Serena Paige (Confirmed)
Mothers Phone Number: ((Unconfirmed)
[0x09 Pictures]

Picture  (1)     : https://gyazo.com/fac760d246fa5eb0e68e9999041462db 
Picture  (2)     : https://gyazo.com/ab7c620c2f5c82c51135566c0a9876c6 
Picture  (3)     : https://gyazo.com/dff02f840d2ab348df0070e6014dd7c7 
Picture  (4)     : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/756300686240645210/764475150027456552/119713830_174064540878837_5040366157111767633_n.jpg