Name: Dylan Selvig Address: 46 Southwind Dr Waretown NJ 08758 Email: Aliases: Lech, Dylthefish Mother: Jennifer Selvig Father: None (The reason why he has his mother's last name) Uncle: John Selvig Phone number: 973 534-3184 Aunt: Allison Selvig Great Grandmother's Obituary (Confirming that Jennifer Selvig has a son named Dylan) NEW LINK THE LAST ONE WAS REMOVED: Great Grandfather's Obituary (Notice again, the Great-Grandson named Dylan) This is the ONLY correct doxx of Lech, every other doxx is false. The alias "Dylthefish" is one of the earliest used by Lech. This username is connected to an email "". While Mr.Selvig used to have a Twitter and Newgrounds, he deleted all of the accounts under "Dylthefish" after I texted his Uncle. But here is an archived version of his twitter:*/* As you can see, a big Fallout fan, and while you have to take my word for it, his newgrounds account favorited various Fallout New Vegas fan art, and if you know Lech you know how much he loves Fallout New Vegas. Screenshots of now deleted Newgrounds account: Link to now deleted Dylthefish Newgrounds account: This is not a coincidence. The individual "Dylan Selvig" who lives in Waretown NJ with his mother Jennifer, had various accounts named "Dylthefish" as confirmed by the email "". Under those Dylthefish accounts he favorited various Fallout related fanart and pornography. So this is someone his teenage years who favorites Fallout New Vegas art, goes on Newgrounds, and deleted their Newgrounds account coincidentally right after I messsaged their Uncle. THIS IS LECH. THIS IS NOT A FUCKING COINCIDENCE. Dylan Soto is a detrace. You cannot find proof of the individual named Dylan Soto fucking existing. He doesn't exist. I just provided proof through the use of his Great-Grandmother's obituary that the individual "Jennifer Selvig" who lives in Waretown has a son named Dylan, and this son is into the same shit Lech is into. Interestingly, Jennifer Selvig has been removed from Whitepages. What a coincidence, not a single other person from the Selvig family is removed from whitepages, only Dylan's mother. Proof Dylan likes Fallout, he was in a Roblox group owned by someone called "Ryan". He's obviously the one identifying himself as "Dylan"!/about My messages with his Uncle: Pinterest account further linking "Dylthefish" to Dylan Selvig: My message to Mr.Selvig.