                                                                Discord Invite:https://discord.gg/erase
        Reason: This is a warning paste Levi, You've larped as friends of friends, and now trying to larp as me.

➤ Picture: N/A	
➤ Celebrity Content: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1146831469357043732/1147862148203167744/IMG_1471.png?width=546&height=473 (him saying his gf would leave him for me)
                    ➤ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1146831469357043732/1147862148542889984/IMG_1473.png?width=313&height=473 (admitting to larping)
                      ➤ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1146831469357043732/1147862148899418252/IMG_1474.png?width=370&height=473 (admitting to larping MY pastes... to me..)
                        ➤  https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1146831469357043732/1147862507789225994/IMG_1472.png?width=953&height=473 (admitting he's scared of me LOL)
➤ Name: "Levi"
  ➣ Pseudonyms: Germany764 (larp), mercy (larp), fraud (larp again lol)
  ➣ "username", N/A he runs from me.
➤ Age: 15-17
➤ [DOB] Date of Birth:
➤ Location of Birth:	
➤ Location: West Virgina
➤ Race: Caucasian
➤ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual with homosexual tendencies
➤ Political Affiliation:  
➤ Native Language: English
➤ Religion:  
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Note: Levi, I will update this paste as a truthful and honest wholehearted paste, you have one chance to leave com and everything behind. you're already on your
     way to being nak764 2.0, (which I also have proof of him saying he'd be PROUD of that...) and that isn't okay bud. I will update this if I hear your name again.