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                               ,;+==ii)))))))))))ii==+;,)=    ,,,:=i))+=:
                             ,;+=ii))))))IIIIII))))ii===;.    ,,:=i)=i+
                            ;+=ii)))IIIIITIIIIII))))iiii=+,   ,:=));=,
                      .i)IIITTTTITTLLLHHLLLL);=)II)ITTTTII)i+                   i'm the higest in the room
                    +i)i)))IITTLLLLLLLLT=:i)II)TTTTLTTIII)i;                    when a skid trying to beat you down, beat him to hell.
                 =;)i=:,=)ITTTTLTTI=:i))I)TTTLLLTTTTTII)i;                      god damn dude you tried to troll The Israel Community & Me and you failed <3
               +i)ii::,   )IIITI+:+i)I))TTTTLLTTTTTII))=,
             :=;)i=:,,     i++::i))I)ITTTTTTTTTTIIII)=+'                        - Yoav.
           .+ii)i=::,,     ::=i)))iIITTTTTTTTIIIII)=+
         +=:))i==;:::;=iii)+)=  `:i)))IIIII)ii+'

    'TR1X<3' : Skid Tiposi, Dont you ever try to troll me and my friends!????
    'Zuko'   : When i f*ck your mum you can come and watch how to fuck a real woman
    'DIDO'   : Suicide Skid, We all thinking about your mom all day and how she's got can(er
    'Noderi' : Remember Me Faggot? 
    'Mr.Kuri': You Gay No ????, GL With your life after this d0x????

     ✪ 0x1 -> INTRODUCTION
    greetings, and welcome to Koren Hasson Full Dox, the FUCKING Sharmuta
    he tried to play it hard with his friends, so now we show him what we can do. GL Faggot <3

    ██████╗░███████╗██████╗░░██████╗░█████╗░███╗░░██╗░█████╗░██╗░░░░░  ██╗███╗░░██╗███████╗░█████╗░
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    Lidor Segal | לידור סגל

    ♦ Nickname
    Discord: !idor#8148
    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lidor_1234
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRpD1qoUdTafbRsWqOeNL6w
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31umrrclpi2ebcqygnkphkxascci

    ♦ Full Name
    Lidor Segal | לידור סגל    

    ♦ Occupation
    Take advantage from us and start to be serious about doxes ✨
    ♦ Number(s)
    Lidor - 0548898991
    Yosef - 051243632
    Dvora - 0526255397
    Limor - 0526255396
    Roei - 0547744184
    Almog - 0537244174
    Hila - 0505845111

    ♦ Lidor Info
    Full Name : Lidor Segal | לידור סגל
    LIdor Number : 0548898991
    City : Kiryat Motzkin
    House Addres : שד גושן משה 6 , דירה 4 - Goshen Moshe St. 6, Appartment 4
    Hosue Pic: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/964917847056871435/965791700305985536/unknown.png
    House Location: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/964917847056871435/965791785613951036/unknown.png


    ♦ Mom Info
    Full Name: Limor Segal | לימור סגל
    I.D: 033195694
    Phone Number : 0526255396
    City : Kiryat Motzkin
    House Addres : שד גושן משה 6 , דירה 4 - Goshen Moshe St. 6, Appartment 4
    Hosue Pic: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/964917847056871435/965791700305985536/unknown.png
    House Location: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/964917847056871435/965791785613951036/unknown.png
    ♦ Dad Info
    Full Name: Roei Segal | רואי סגל
    I.D: 029971579
    Phone Number: 0547744184
    City : Eilat
    House Addres : מלכת שבא 7, דירה 504 - Sheba Queen 7, Appartment 504
    Hosue Pic: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/964917847056871435/965793620630331432/unknown.png
    House Location: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/964917847056871435/965793476174295050/unknown.png       

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    ♦ Brother Info
    Full Name: Almog Segal | אלמוג סגל
    I.D: NONE
    Phone Number: 0537244174
    City : Kiryat Motzkin
    House Addres : שד גושן משה 6 , דירה 4 - Goshen Moshe St. 6, Appartment 4
    Hosue Pic: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/964917847056871435/965791700305985536/unknown.png
    House Location: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/964917847056871435/965791785613951036/unknown.png

    ♦ Sister Info
    FUll Name: Hila Segal | הילה סגל
    I.D: NONE
    Phone Number: 0505845111
    House Adress: תמרי נחמיה  18 , דירה 13 | Tameri Nehamya 18, Appartment 13
    House Pic: *House In Build*
    House Location: *House In Build*


│                                               ???? -[LAST WORDS]- ????                                                │
│                                                                                                                   │
│                                               Dear Mr.Lidor,                                                      │
│                                     I hope you will learn your fucking lesson.                                    │
│                                     Next Time dont you try hacking 5M server's                                    │
│                                         TRY US AGAIN AND WE WILL FIND YOU.                                        │
│                                                  - Yoav <3                                                        │

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