shoutout to the shitty mods that reported us and were literally making nerd insults: ajalon and jorban!!111!!

shoutout to THS (owner) for doing dmca and accidentally leaking his info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is a low quality dox kinda, so dont start yapping

\                                                                           \
|\                   Welcome to doxbin, Artem Semenov                        \
| \                  Reason of dox: scamming people with stolen source code   \
\  \                  for the price of $3.50                                    \
 \  \___________________________________________________________________________ \
(shit dox, ik i'll improve in the future)

How i doxxed him: patreon has a shitty dmca system, and his info got leaked
Why i doxxed him: he sells code he stole himself, for $3.50? wtf are you doing

Full name: Artem Semenov

I have what he calls his address, but the closest i could find on google maps is some weird building. He lives next to it. (probably)

His address: 04107 Yakubenkivska Street 2/4, Kyiv, Ukraine
Google maps:,+2%2F4,+Kyiv,+Ukraine,+02000/@50.4740847,30.4735082,17z/

Phone number: +380 94 822 5747

Was made: without effort
Soon: will be with effort


m1el1yt: the shit doxxer (i dont know how good i am)