Name:Marlon Neal Armstrong
Address:395 Lakeridge Ct, Covington, GA
Number:(470) 909-3199
PhoneCarrier:T-Mobile USA, Inc.

Fathers Name:Sidney B. Pettaway
Fathers Age:63 (Sep, 1960)
Fathers Address:395 Lakeridge Ct, Covington, GA
Fathers Number:(678) 682-1788
Fathers PhoneCarrier:AT&T Wireless
Fathers Emails:dog262@hotmail.com, dogboy0088@yahoo.com,
Fathers IPAddress:,
Fathers Socials:,https://www.facebook.com/sidney.pettaway/, https://twitter.com/sidneypettaway, https://www.instagram.com/sidneypettaway/
Fathers Cars:LITHONIA	FORD	F SERIES	2008	1FTRX12W88KC88229, LITHONIA	FORD	F-150	2013	1FTFW1CF1DKD18864, STONE MOUNTAIN	NISSAN	Altima	1996	1N4BU31D9TC153355

House Information Below :)
Real Estate
    FIPS Code:	13217
    County:	Newton
    Unformatted APN:	0012E-00000-204-000
    Formatted APN:	0012E00000204000
    Account Number:	4834
    Tax Jurisdiction:	COUNTY
    CBSA Name:	Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, GA Metro Area
    CBSA Code:	12060
    MSA Name:	Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, GA
    MSA Code:	12060
    Minor Civil Division Code:	90804
    Neighborhood Code:	3149
    Census Tract:	100504
    Census Block Grp:	2
    Census Block:	2009
    Address:	395 Lakeridge Ct
    City:	Covington
    State:	GA
    Zip:	30016-8574
    Carrier Route:	R035
    MAK:	6315484340
    Latitude:	33.600789
    Longitude:	-83.964122
    Privacy Info:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Range:	395
    Street Name:	Lakeridge
    Suffix:	Ct
    Lot Number1:	204
Property Owner(s)
    Address:	395 Lakeridge Ct
    City:	Covington
    State:	GA
    Zip:	30016-8574
    Carrier Route:	R035
    MAK:	6315484340
    Format Info:	Standard US
    Privacy Info:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Owner Occupied:	Owner Occupied
    #1. Full Name:	Sidney B Pettaway
    #1. First Name:	Sidney
    #1. Middle Name:	B
    #1. Last Name:	Pettaway
    Company Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
Property Value
    Year Assessed:	2023
    Assessed Value Total:	$110,120.00
    Assessed Value Improvements:	$102,920.00
    Assessed Value Land:	$7,200.00
    Assessed Improvements Perc:	93.00
    Market Value Year:	2023
    Market Value Total:	$275,300.00
    Market Value Improvements:	$257,300.00
    Market Value Land:	$18,000.00
    Market Improvements Perc:	93.00
    Tax Fiscal Year:	2023
    Tax Rate Area:	1
    Tax Billed Amount:	$2,883.03
    Last Tax Roll Update:	12/01/2023
    Assr Last Updated:	12/01/2023
    Tax Exemption Homeowner:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Tax Exemption Disabled:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Tax Exemption Senior:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Tax Exemption Veteran:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Tax Exemption Widow:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Tax Exemption Additional:	Property is currently receiving a Homeowners Exemption on their property tax.
    Estimated Value:	$380,000.00
    Estimated Min Value:	$338,200.00
    Estimated Max Value:	$421,800.00
    Confidence Score:	89
    Valuation Date:	06/12/2024
    Year Built:	2008
    Property Use Muni:	001
    Property Use Group:	Residential
    Property Use Standardized:	Single Family Residential
Sales History
    Assessor Last Sale Date:	11/18/2015
    Assessor Last Sale Amount:	$125,000.00
    Assessor Prior Sale Date:	11/04/2014
    Assessor Prior Sale Amount:	0
    Last Ownership Transfer Date:	11/18/2015
    Last Ownership Transfer Document Number:	2015-004143
    Deed Last Sale Document Book:	3390
    Deed Last Sale Document Page:	450
    Deed Last Document Number:	2015-004143
    Deed Last Sale Date:	11/18/2015
    Deed Last Sale Price:	$125,000.00
Mortgage Records
    Mortgage Amount:	0
    Mortgage Date:	11/18/2015
    Second Mortgage Amount:	0
    #1. Full Name:	Sidney B Pettaway
    #1. First Name:	Sidney
    #1. Middle Name:	B
    #1. Last Name:	Pettaway
Property Details
    Area Building:	2,964
    Area Gross:	0
    Area1st Floor:	0
    Area2nd Floor:	0
    Area Upper Floors:	0
    Area Lot Acres:	0.0600
    Area Lot SF:	2,614
    Lot Depth:	0.0
    Lot Width:	0.0
    Attic Area:	0
    Basement Area:	0
    Basement Area Finished:	0
    Basement Area Unfinished:	0
    Parking Garage:	Type Not Specified
    Parking Garage Area:	710
    Parking Carport:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Parking Carport Area:	0
    Pool:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Pool Area:	0
    Sauna Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Foundation:	Mat/Raft Foundation (Slab)
    Construction:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Interior Structure:	Wallboard/Drywall
    Plumbing Fixtures Count:	0
    Construction Fire Resistance Class:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Safety Fire Sprinklers Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Flooring Material Primary:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Bath Count:	2
    Bath Partial Count:	0
    Bedrooms Count:	0
    Rooms Count:	0
    Stories Count:	2
    Units Count:	0
    Bonus Room Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Breakfast Nook Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Cellar Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Family Code:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Game Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Great Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Hobby Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Laundry Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Media Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Mud Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Office Area:	0
    Office Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Safe Room Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Sitting Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Study Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Sunroom Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Utility Area:	0
    View Description:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Porch Code:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Porch Area:	0
    Patio Area:	0
    Deck Flag:	Indicates the Presence of a Deck
    Deck Area:	120
    Feature Balcony Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Balcony Area:	0
    Breezeway Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Buildings Count:	0
    Bath House Area:	0
    Bath House Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Boat Access Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Boat House Area:	0
    Boat House Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Cabin Area:	0
    Cabin Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Canopy Area:	0
    Canopy Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Gazebo Area:	0
    Gazebo Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Granary Area:	0
    Granary Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Green House Area:	0
    Green House Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Guest House Area:	0
    Guest House Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Kennel Area:	0
    Kennel Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Lean To Area:	0
    Lean To Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Loading Platform Area:	0
    Loading Platform Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Milk House Area:	0
    Milk House Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Outdoor Kitchen Fireplace Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Pool House Area:	0
    Pool House Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Poultry House Area:	0
    Poultry House Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Quonset Area:	0
    Quonset Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Shed Area:	0
    Shed Code:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Silo Area:	0
    Silo Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Stable Area:	0
    Stable Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Storage Building Area:	0
    Storage Building Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Utility Building Area:	0
    Utility Building Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Pole Structure Area:	0
    Pole Structure Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    HVAC Cooling Detail:	Unknown or Not Provided
    HVAC Heating Detail:	Central
    HVAC Heating Fuel:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Sewage Usage:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Water Source:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Mobile Home Hookup Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    RV Parking Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Parking Space Count:	2
    Driveway Area:	0
    Driveway Material:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Topography Code:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Fence Code:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Fence Area:	0
    Courtyard Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Courtyard Area:	0
    Arbor Pergola Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Sprinklers Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Golf Course Green Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Tennis Court Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Sports Court Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Arena Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Water Feature Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Pond Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Boat Lift Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Fireplace:	Yes
    Fireplace Count:	1
    Accessability Elevator Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Accessability Handicap Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Escalator Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Central Vacuum Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Intercom Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Sound System Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Wet Bar Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Security Alarm Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Structure Style:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Exterior1Code:	Vinyl
    Roof Material:	Composition Shingle
    Roof Construction:	Gable
    Storm Shutter Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided
    Overhead Door Flag:	Unknown or Not Provided