DDD     OO     X  X   EEEE   DDD
D  D  OO  OO    X     EE     D  D
DDD     OO     X  X   EEEE   DDD



NAME: Mathias Vanden Plas
Age: 16
School: PastoorDeclerckschool, Velten, Belgium
Snapchat: mathiasvdp
Phone number: +32 498 71 41 49
Gmail: mathias.vandeplas@gmail.com
School gmail: 23l6b11@pdc.sgarchipel.be
Hobby: Riding on motorcycle


(Lives at his house)
-  Father and Mother
-  2 sisters
(Does not live at his house)
-  grandma and grandpa
-  grandma and grandpa


Name: Gerrit Vanden Plas
Age: 40-50
Gmail: gerrit.vandenplas@gmail.com
Hobby: Riding motorcycle (same as Mathias)
Snapchat: /
Phone number: We don't know yet.


(Mother is not very known)
- she brings him everyday to school.
Age: 40-45
(Is almost always at home)


House: Olmenhoek straat 51, Erps-Kwerps, Belgium
School: PastoorDeclerckschool, Velten, Belguim


Car: Ford S max 2019
Color: light brown
Number plate: (BE) 1-TPN-805

(No images were shown due to private reasons)


    Phone number : XYS83 (DOXBIN)



              PUBLISHER : XYS31 (DOXBIN)


-  Saying the n-word too much.
-  Racist.
-  Trying to hide illegal stuff.
-  Being annoying.
- And much more reasons...

             | Rest in PISS |
                 |       |

-Project anonymous (xy00)