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Reason: Being a corny discord packer / rapper makes shitty songs get doxxed lil e boy Nigga is also a skid and a larp for IAN
Name: Justin Rodriguez
Address: 11731 SW 223rd St Miami, FL 33170
City And State: Miami, Fl
Number: 305-417-8349
Discord: miami#1738 | 654487705543245825
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/obese/
Picture of him: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1072605683175923783/1072959166743847032/image.png
Twitter: https://twitter.com/xco
His girlfriend: attach#0001 | 447595817641967616
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Name: Erika Sanchez Rodriguez
Her: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072605683175923783/1072958470019629137/276252636_134497885769418_2810510393994936715_n.png
Moms Number: 786-361-5872
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Dad: Charles Rodriguez
Phone Number: 321-872-7431
https://discord.gg/NBaNEgBjr7 #demonz on top
packdemon#6666 is better than you miami get better you larp..

                                              Get ran