Michael Stevens “Bichael Bevens” Owner of “Crackin’ Cold One’s” “Brackin Bold One’s” https://discord.gg/icecoldones Reason for DOX: Threatening to DOX me? Yea buddy good luck fuck you and your bitch ass server. —Discord IDs Michael Stevens#0001 Michael Stevens#0002 Michael Stevens#0003 —Information Alexander Lawrence Harper 451 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89110 volcomman7@gmail.com —Work info Turtle Peak Customer Service Client Services Director https://turtlepeak.com 844-702-4220 —Personal work contacts Alexharper@turtlepeakcs.com 715-768-0833 —Website‘s description of Alex “Alex is a people person, he lights up a room with his awesome personality. He is driven for personal success and success for others around him. Hobbies Video games, Motorcycles, photography and computers. Favorite Quote “Get it under control before it gets out of control.”” —Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mynameisalexh -Internet girlfriends facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002135630463 Courtesy of Tozla7