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                                  Welcome cutie, today I'll be introducing you to Paul Jimenez. :3
               Paul is a millennial skid browsing GitHub repositories, and trying to steal other users' information.
            From cookie logging to stealing credit cards, as well as programming viruses and sharing stolen content with
              https://discord.com/users/959164246606872637 and https://discord.com/users/417190419202441217 on Discord.

 First of all, let's look at Paul's Discord account, we have discovered 1 email associated with the account as well as a Spotify account.
                              The Spotify account uses another email mentioning a person named Hannah.
                                        We have identified Hannah as Hannah Bajet Montemayor
      That's all. Now let's move on to searching his email addresses: His emails were contained in 3 data breaches due to HIBP.
                   Using intelX and other tools we were able to retrieve proper private information about him.
           We got access to most of his accounts including Spotify, Netflix, or Discord for investigating purposes only.
                  Finding matches between socials, names, emails, and phone numbers was the key for doxxing Paul.

                                                         G͟E͟N͟E͟R͟A͟L͟ ͟I͟N͟F͟O͟R͟M͟A͟T͟I͟O͟N͟
 FULL NAME                                  ALIASES                                  AGE                                  DATE OF BIRTH
» Paul John Jimenez                        » paulrndp                               » 32                                 » 06/08/1991
                                           » neepaul                                                                     » DD/MM/YYYY

 ZODIAC                                  GENDER                                  ADDRESS
» Leo                                   » Male (M)                              » https://maps.app.goo.gl/7SuTGZNeep279BzY8
                                                                                  ↳ Lakandula, Mabalacat, Pampanga, Philippines

 MUGSHOT                                  PHONE NUMBER                                  CREDIT CARD
» https://files.dox.tools/DEFZUaP2.png   » 639458617999                                » 63-9••••17999
                                           ↳ https://instagram.com                       ↳ GCash

 EMAILS                                  PASSWORDS                                  IP ADDRESS
» paulrndp@gmail.com                    » professional@8080                        »
  ↳ https://skype.com                   » Softdev#1                                  ↳ Geo-location: Mabalacat, Central Luzon, Philippines (PH)
  ↳ https://github.com                  » paulrndp80                                 ↳ ASN: AS17639
  ↳ https://spotify.com                 » Professional@8080                          ↳ ORG: Converge ICT Solutions Inc.
  ↳ https://twitter.com                 » Inn0d@t@4321                               ↳ Network:
                                        » Inn0d@t@2022
» paulrndp.netflix@gmail.com            » test@7777
  ↳ https://netflix.com                 » G00gle@1                                           _________
                                        » professional5805028                              /'        /|
» paulrndp.ios@gmail.com                » admin                                           /         / |_
  ↳ https://github.com                  » KR:Y2hRchgvP24h                                /         /  //|
  ↳ https://zoho.com                    » Admin@123                                     /_________/  ////|
  ↳ https://amazon.com                  » Welcome@1                                    |   _ _    | 8o////|
                                        » 7793652a                                     | /'// )_  |   8///|
» pauljohn.jimenez@ncasinc.com.ph       » 7793652q                                     |/ // // ) |   8o///|
  ↳ https://live.com                    » PasswordKoTo                                 / // // //,|  /  8//|
  ↳ https://microsoftonline.com         » eMXRR*ztk%~.                                / // // /// | /   8//|
                                        » 010210083476                               / // // ///__|/    8//|
» paulrndp.sales@gmail.com              » streetlights1                             /.(_)// /// |       8///|
  ↳ https://amazon.com                  » NC5SthTAhC_8swF                          (_)' `(_)//| |       8////|___________
                                        » P@$$w0rd                                (_) /_\ (_)'| |        8///////////////
» paulrndp.hannah@gmail.com             » Pas$w0rd                                (_) \"/ (_)'|_|         8/////////////
  ↳ https://spotify.com                 » @Chillz123                               (_)._.(_) d' Hb         8oooooooopb'
                                        » P@$$w0rd@8080                              `(_)'  d'  H`b
» paulrndp.games@gmail.com              » P@$$w0rd@8080123                                 d'   `b`b
                                        » P@$$w0rd@8080paulr                              d'     H `b
» paulrndp.files@gmail.com              » aujmnz22                                       d'      `b `b
  ↳ https://skype.com                   » ZK:w2WccXxDth4-                               d'           `b
                                        » Professional@6                               d'             `b
» otchie.gang@gmail.com                 » frxTKwU!dDkd7ZT
  ↳ https://pornhub.comhttps://spotify.com

                               88                                       ,d                                ,d     
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                    ,adPPYba,  88,dPPYba,    ,adPPYba,   88       88  MM88MMM  ,adPPYba,   88       88  MM88MMM  
                    I8[    ""  88P'    "8a  a8"     "8a  88       88    88    a8"     "8a  88       88    88     
                     `"Y8ba,   88       88  8b       d8  88       88    88    8b       d8  88       88    88     
                    aa    ]8I  88       88  "8a,   ,a8"  "8a,   ,a88    88,   "8a,   ,a8"  "8a,   ,a88    88,    
                    `"YbbdP"'  88       88   `"YbbdP"'    `"YbbdP'Y8    "Y888  `"YbbdP"'    `"YbbdP'Y8    "Y888  

                            We adore Mari, so shout out to Mari!!! https://doxbin.com/user/mari_xd <3
                                                                   https://doxbin.net/user/mari_xd :3
                                                                   https://doxbin.org/user/mari_xd >_<

                            Also, shout out to ATW for being amazing. https://discord.gg/atw 🔥

-nxe    |    11/26/23