__  __  ____   _____ _______       ______        _____   ______   ____   __
 |  \/  |/ __ \ / ____|__   __|/\   |  ____/\     |  __ \ / __ \ \ / /\ \ / /
 | \  / | |  | | (___    | |  /  \  | |__ /  \    | |  | | |  | \ V /  \ V / 
 | |\/| | |  | |\___ \   | | / /\ \ |  __/ /\ \   | |  | | |  | |> <    > <  
 | |  | | |__| |____) |  | |/ ____ \| | / ____ \  | |__| | |__| / . \  / . \ 
 |_|  |_|\____/|_____/   |_/_/    \_\_|/_/    \_\ |_____/ \____/_/ \_\/_/ \_\

 I was actually arguing with his friend and he started swearing, skidding, and a lot more on me.
 he was threatening me to hack my discord and stuff. his primary language is Arabic so imagine 
 Arabic swearing at you in English without even knowing how to speak English, was cringe.
 so i decided to post this to teach him DONT MESS WITH RANDOM PERSON IN DISCORD                                                       
 _____ _____  _        _____ _   _ ______ ____  
 |_   _|  __ \| |      |_   _| \ | |  ____/ __ \ 
   | | | |__) | |        | | |  \| | |__ | |  | |
   | | |  _  /| |        | | | . ` |  __|| |  | |
  _| |_| | \ \| |____   _| |_| |\  | |   | |__| |
 |_____|_|  \_\______| |_____|_| \_|_|    \____/ 
[+] Full Name : Mostafa Mohammed Mahmoud walid
[+] Brothers Name : Mohammed , Ahmed
[+] Country : Egypt
[+] City : Cairo
[+] State : Cairo
[+] Timezone : GMT
[+] Gender : Male

   ____  _   _ _      _____ _   _ ______   _____ _   _ ______ ____  
  / __ \| \ | | |    |_   _| \ | |  ____| |_   _| \ | |  ____/ __ \ 
 | |  | |  \| | |      | | |  \| | |__      | | |  \| | |__ | |  | |
 | |  | | . ` | |      | | | . ` |  __|     | | | . ` |  __|| |  | |
 | |__| | |\  | |____ _| |_| |\  | |____   _| |_| |\  | |   | |__| |
  \____/|_| \_|______|_____|_| \_|______| |_____|_| \_|_|    \____/ 
[+] IP Address :
[+] Device : Nokia G20
[+] Device GPU : PowerVR Rogue GE8320
[+] Operating System (OS) : Android 11
[+] Roblox Username : XxMohamedxX41
[+] Internet Service Provider (ISP) : Etisalat Misr
[+] Discord User : MOSTAFACOOL#7258
[+] Discord ID : 918446013348478977
[+] Discord Half token : OTE4NDQ2MDEzMzQ4NDc4OTc3
   _____ _____  _____ _   _  _____ ______    _____ _______ _    _ ______ ______ 
  / ____|  __ \|_   _| \ | |/ ____|  ____|  / ____|__   __| |  | |  ____|  ____|
 | |    | |__) | | | |  \| | |  __| |__    | (___    | |  | |  | | |__  | |__   
 | |    |  _  /  | | | . ` | | |_ |  __|    \___ \   | |  | |  | |  __| |  __|  
 | |____| | \ \ _| |_| |\  | |__| | |____   ____) |  | |  | |__| | |    | |     
  \_____|_|  \_\_____|_| \_|\_____|______| |_____/   |_|   \____/|_|    |_|     
1 - (bruh moment) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/955863792586195004/982247893480136714/unknown.png
2 - (english moment) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/955863792586195004/982249004941324308/unknown.png