# Doxxed by IlluminatiDoxs | doxbin.com/IlluminatiDoxs :)
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  / _ \/ __/ _ \/ __/ __ \/ |/ / _ | / /    /  _/ |/ / __/ __ \
 / ___/ _// , _/\ \/ /_/ /    / __ |/ /__  _/ //    / _// /_/ /
/_/  /___/_/|_/___/\____/_/|_/_/ |_/____/ /___/_/|_/_/  \____/ 

⛧ Full Name: Moti Mordechai Kaltakchi | מוטי מורדכי קלטקצ'י
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 29.8 (02/01/1993)
⛧ Phone Number #: 050-300-3385
⛧ Email Address: kaltakchimoti@gmail.com (105911568989158777055)
⛧ IP(s):, (October 2022)
⛧ New Address: Ha'Pisga 34/12 St, Ganne Tiqwa | הפסגה 34/12, גני תקווה -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address: Ha'Pisga 34/12 St, Ganne Tiqwa | הפסגה 34/12, גני תקווה
⛧ Job: IDF - Israel Defense Forces
⛧ Education: Makif Yehud High School
⛧ Pictures: 
⛧ Identity Card: 203449160

   _______   __  ___________  __  _____  __________ 
  / __/ _ | /  |/  /  _/ /\ \/ / /  _/ |/ / __/ __ \
 / _// __ |/ /|_/ // // /__\  / _/ //    / _// /_/ /
/_/ /_/ |_/_/  /_/___/____//_/ /___/_/|_/_/  \____/ 

         - Daddy -
⛧ Full Name: Baruch Kaltakchi | ברוך קלטקצ'י
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 70.8 (01/01/1952)
⛧ Phone Number #: 054-740-7733
⛧ Email Address: baruchkaltakchi@gmail.com (101803700293141021269)
⛧ New Address: Ha'Pisga 34/12 St, Ganne Tiqwa | הפסגה 34/12, גני תקווה -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address: Ha'Pisga 7/12 St, Ganne Tiqwa | הפסגה 7/12, גני תקווה
⛧ Pictures: 
⛧ Identity Card: 064940430  

         - Mommy -
⛧ Full Name: Dina Levi Kaltakchi | דינה לוי קלטקצ'י
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 70.5 (26/04/1952)
⛧ Phone Number #: 054-986-1927
⛧ Email Address: dinakaltakchi@gmail.com (111981889528604909187)
⛧ New Address: Ha'Pisga 34/12 St, Ganne Tiqwa | הפסגה 34/12, גני תקווה -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address: Ha'Pisga 34/12 St, Ganne Tiqwa | הפסגה 34/12, גני תקווה
⛧ Pictures: 
⛧ Identity Card: 051286102

           [ Mother Side ] 
         - Grandmother -
⛧ Full Name: Tzvia Levi | צביה לוי
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 103 (00/00/1919)
⛧ Phone Number #: N/A
⛧ Email Address: N/A
⛧ New Address: N/A
⛧ Old Address: Sem Dvir 17 St, Ganne Tiqwa | סמ דביר 17, גני תקווה
⛧ Pictures: 
⛧ Identity Card: 30397350

         - Grandfather -
⛧ Full Name: Zechariah Levi | זכריה לוי
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 123 (00/00/1899)
⛧ Phone Number #: N/A
⛧ Email Address: N/A
⛧ New Address: N/A
⛧ Old Address: Sem Dvir 17 St, Ganne Tiqwa | סמ דביר 17, גני תקווה
⛧ Pictures: N/A
⛧ Identity Card: 30397079

           [ Father Side ] 
         - Grandmother -
⛧ Full Name: Leah Kaltakchi | לאה קלטקצ'י
⛧ Age & D.O.B: 93 (00/00/1930)
⛧ Phone Number #: N/A
⛧ Email Address: N/A
⛧ New Address: Zeev 7 St, Ganne Tiqwa | זאב 7, גני תקווה -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ Old Address: Zeev 2 St, Ganne Tiqwa | זאב 2, גני תקווה
⛧ Pictures:
⛧ Identity Card: 64940414

         - Grandfather -
       No information getting  
   __ ______  __  __________  ____      _____________  __   ____  ________ ______________  _  __  _____  __________ 
  / // / __ \/ / / / __/ __/ / __/___  / ___/ __/ __ \/ /  / __ \/ ___/ _ /_  __/  _/ __ \/ |/ / /  _/ |/ / __/ __ \
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/_//_/\____/\____/___/___/  |_____/   \___/___/\____/____/\____/\___/_/ |_/_/ /___/\____/_/|_/ /___/_/|_/_/  \____/ 
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯[ HOUSE INFO ]⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
⛧ 3D House Pictures -
; Eyebird - https://prnt.sc/rGxySgfJpL5h
; Building - https://prnt.sc/CRqktphlJP7L, https://prnt.sc/NuzJlsB8Ogat
⛧ House Pictures -
; Front - https://prnt.sc/Yov6bmlM8ztB
; Back - None
; Sideways - https://prnt.sc/zmDovE3uP8zb, https://prnt.sc/Ia8Q8-x7nzSG
; Map - https://prnt.sc/QiHFjv9Eedgs
⛧ Price: 19,793 New Shekels (₪) To meter [2.4M Shekels (₪) Sum] (Confirmed to 27.12.2021)
⛧ House Width - 397.6 Ft. (121.2 Meters)
⛧ Rooms: 5 & Floors - 1
⛧ Build In: 1999
⛧ Area: 121

    ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯[ GEOLOCATION INFO ]⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
⛧ Google Maps Link - https://bit.ly/motikhouse
⛧ Country: Israel | ישראל
⛧ Location / Address: Ha'Pisga 34/12 St, Ganne Tiqwa | הפסגה 34/12, גני תקווה -> Confirmed and Updated to 2022
⛧ State: HaMercaz | המרכז
⛧ Postal Code: 7776105
⛧ Lat & Lon - 32.062644,34.873104 - ⛧ GPS Coordinates: 32° 3' 45.5184'' N, 34° 52' 23.1744'' E

   ________  ____________   __     __  __________  _______     ___  ______________
  / __/ __ \/ ___/  _/ _ | / /    /  |/  / __/ _ \/  _/ _ |   / _ |/ ___/ ___/ __/
 _\ \/ /_/ / /___/ // __ |/ /__  / /|_/ / _// // // // __ |  / __ / /__/ /___\ \  
/___/\____/\___/___/_/ |_/____/ /_/  /_/___/____/___/_/ |_| /_/ |_\___/\___/___/  
⛧ Instagram: motikaltakchi [https://www.instagram.com/motikaltakchi/]
⛧ Facebook: Moti Kaltakchi [https://www.facebook.com/moti.kaltakchi]
⛧ TikTok: moti__k [https://www.tiktok.com/@moti__k]
⛧ YouTube: Moti K [https://www.youtube.com/user/123motish]
⛧ YouTube Shorts: Moti K Shorts [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyWa2vL23NNyJxqu-usE60w]
⛧ Some Shitty IRL Event That he partnered: https://2207.kupat.co.il/show/skillersvsyoutubers
⛧ Discord Server: Moti K [https://discord.gg/c9vAET3]
⛧ Discord Account: Moti K#0001, 251037379282993154

   ___  _______   ________  _  __  ____      __   ___   __________  _      ______  ___  ___  ____
  / _ \/ __/ _ | / __/ __ \/ |/ / / __/___  / /  / _ | / __/_  __/ | | /| / / __ \/ _ \/ _ \/ __/
 / , _/ _// __ |_\ \/ /_/ /    /  > _/_ _/ / /__/ __ |_\ \  / /    | |/ |/ / /_/ / , _/ // /\ \  
/_/|_/___/_/ |_/___/\____/_/|_/  |_____/  /____/_/ |_/___/ /_/     |__/|__/\____/_/|_/____/___/  
                      Moti fucking asshole idiot scamming little kids, wtf r u doing you look a pussy's hair bro ????, fucking nigga that makes 9 years old cry like idk, anyways i doxxed you because a lot of reasons,
                  the biggest one is that you scamming people, designers, donaters and fucking fans of you, so take care about your behavior, then you now will be get doxxed on your WHOLE family, and i mean fr, WHOLE!
              i was report on your youtube channel but if it doesn't make something and you will continue scamming people you will it in your asshole, now enjoy for your burger and tell your mom to scared about her cc
                                                                           Love you MF from IlluminatiDoxs | doxbin.com/IlluminatiDoxs   

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