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                                                                          .-(  / / / |) )-----------(/ ~  / /  |---.
                                                                   ______ | (   '    /_/                (__/     /   |_______
                                                                   \      |  (_(_ ( /~ The Discord Loser \___/_/'    |      /
                                                                    \     |               Muhz#0001                  |     /
                                                                    /     (__________________________________________)     \
                                                                   /__________)     __--|  /   ///   .         (____________\
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                                                                                      ~~"~             ~~~
 |⚜️ the dox may look shitty on phone so just go on desktop mode  for cleaner look if ur on phone ⚜️                    |
 |⚜️ Too lazy to get more stuff since hes useless and gotta reply to farzad's private users yk so don't complain ⚜️     |
 |⚜️ I'm adding more stuff later too lazy right now ⚜️                                                                  |
 |⚜️Keep in mind I update this everyday⚜️                                                                               |
 |⚜️IDC if anyone harms or blackmails him⚜️                                                                             |

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????????????????????????????Doxxed for scamming me out of my adopt me pets i scammed people out of????????????????????????????


Name : Agned

Gender : bisexual

Face :  https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/999021363471847485/999962613213573242/FPMLt5VVQAUnqsN.jpg?width=398&height=471

Born date : 21/5/1950

age : 24

Religion : Muslim

Da Hoodian PIG


Roblox user : G8JHGPA2GUNH2PAMN34G

Roblox profile : https://www.roblox.com/users/3560046581/profile

Discord User : Zymth#0001

Discord id : 710926391570333697


Addresse : Pleasant Park

Ip :
│ City        │ Coventry
│ Region      │ England
│ Country     │ United Kingdom
│ Postal      │ CV2
│ Lat/Lon     │ 52.4259 -1.4628
│ ISP         │ Sky UK Limited
│ Mobile      │ False
│ Proxy/VPN   │ False
│ Hosting     │ False

--------------------------------------⚜️(Other Monkeys)⚜️--------------------------------------

Mother : sel#1000
ip :
Born : 22/06/1942

Father : lori#1337
ip : 113.25.562.5
Born : 11/02/1922