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Name: Xenia karzish
Gender: Women
Age: 18
Country: Netherlands
Addres: Boijl
Place of birth: Rotterdam
Eye color: brown
Work: kruidvat in oosterwolde
Tiktok: yxyulia
Phone number: +31657486613
Hair color: Dark brown

Rason of this dox:  was naive enough to enter into a relationship with her, hoping she would be faithful. But in reality, 
she turned out to be flirting and calling countless other guys behind my back. When I discovered her deceit, 
she blocked me without any remorse, claiming she missed me. As if that wasn't enough, 
she turned all my friends against me, emotionally and sexually abused me, and even sent people to threaten me with violence and more misery. 
She has made my life a living hell, and I will not rest until everyone knows the true monster she is.