{this is a repost the old one was not on my ccc}

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                   Fat fucking narcissist thinks everything should be handed to her because she cant handle a little inconvenience 
                                            and I don't think anyone genuinely likes her. 


Name++ Natalie Robinson
Age++ 18
Number++ +1 (443) 870-1550
Address++  9518 Whitehurst Dr Owings Mills, MD  21117
Twitter++ @BelleMattel
'Secret' Twitter Account++ @phatpussybimbo
Discord++ pinkloser#3288 (ID-732726621441884161)
Insta++ @Bellemattel and @madamnatnat
Father++ Michael A Robinson
Phone++ (262) 492-2643
Address++ 9518 Whitehurst Dr Owings Mills, MD  21117
Email++ meikepasch@hotmail.com


Photos of her

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