____ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ __ _ _ __ ____ ___ _ _ ( _ \ / _\ ( _ \( __)( \ ( _ \( \/ ) ( ( \( )/ __) / __) / _\ / )( \ / _\(_ _)/ __)/ )( \ ) // \ ) __/ ) _) ) D ( ) _ ( ) / / / )(( (_ \( (_ \/ \\ /\ // \ )( ( (__ ) __ ( (__\_)\_/\_/(__) (____)(____/ (____/(__/ \_)__)(__)\___/ \___/\_/\_/(_/\_)\_/\_/(__) \___)\_)(_/ REASON FOR DOX: BEEFING WITH NIGGAWATCH SECURITY ????‍♂️????‍♂️????‍♂️ Kid; if you didn’t want to get doxed, then you shouldn’t have beefed with us in the first place… Name: Christopher J. Andres Age: 30s Landline: +1 (316) 721-8687 Address: 6747 W Par Ln Apt 1501 Wichita, KS 67212 Shotgun ,________________________________ |__________,----------._ [____] ""-,__ __...-----===" (_(||||||||||||)___________/ "" | `----------' Krogg98[ ))"-, | "" `, _,--...___ | `/ "" Relatives: - Judy A. Andes (80+) - Shannon M. Schwartz (50s) - Lori Ann Bennett (50s) _----..................___ __,,..,-====> _,.--''------'' | _____ ______________`''--._ \ `\ __..--'' | /::: / /::::::::::::::\ `\ \ `'' | /____/ /___ ____ _____::| . \ \ Muela GRIZZLY ,.... | ` ` \_| ( ) | `. /` `.\ ,,''`'- ,.----------.._ ` | `. | ,' ` `-. | `-._ \ ``.. / `---..............> _----..................___ __,,..,-====> _,.--''------'' | _____ ______________`''--._ \ `\ __..--'' | /::: / /::::::::::::::\ `\ \ `'' | /____/ /___ ____ _____::| . \ \ Muela GRIZZLY ,.... | ` ` \_| ( ) | `. /` `.\ ,,''`'- ,.----------.._ ` | `. | ,' ` `-. | `-._ \ ``.. / `---..............>