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│ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- │

▌                      Table of contents                         ▌
▌      (1|1)  Introduction.............................          ▌
▌      (2|2)  Personal Information.....................          ▌
▌      (3|3)  Social Media Accounts....................          ▌
▌      (4|4)  IP Information...........................          ▌
▌      (5|5)  Proof....................                          ▌
▌                      (1|1)  Introduction                      ▌
Raman Asher is a pedophile that we met on Omegle. He asked for a sex chat (I was catfishing 
as a 14y/o girl that was just chilling on Omegle and chilling). He wanted my socials (Instagram,
Snapchat etc). On snapchat, he was coercing me into doing a sex chat and asks me to moan.

Screw this pedo up as much as you can, legends would say that he is still texting and harassing me.

This guy fell for the easiest thing in the book (grabify) and thinks he is cool with his ninja wannabe mask and outfit.
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▌                  (2|2)  Personal Information                  ▌

---FULL NAME--- Raman Asher
--- Age --- 19
---Email--- ramanasher88@gmail.com
---Picture(s)--- https://imgur.com/yPmKeDF
---Phone--- Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro
---Religion--- Hindu
---Gender--- Male
---Country--- India
--- City ---Bhopal

▌                  3|3  Social Media Accounts                  ▌

---Instagram--- @rhythm_of_my_heartbeat
---Snapchat--- ladyhunter21936 & Broken_But_Beautiful17

▌                      (4|4)  IP/Location Information                     ▌
-IP Address:
-ISP: Jio
-Location: Hinotiya Jageer, Huzur, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, 462101, IND
-Latitude/Longitude: 23.2487/77.4066
-Postal Code: 462101
-State/Region: Madhya Pradesh

▌                      (5|5)  Proof (Screenshots and Video)                ▌

(him wanting to do a sex chat and making me think that it's alright to do it
also this bitch ass mf also lying about where he lives LMAOO).

(lmao he clicked it but it didn't show for him lel).

(asking to do sex trade again)

(asking me to moan for him, who does this guy think he is?)

(how he sounds and his pedo face again xD)

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  |             | [\]     []|___) |                  |  That was fun eh? (Created by Doxxer Loque)          