.-""""-""-.              .' ;               
          .'           `.          .'  /                  (spams me with my face pic)                                                                           (spams me with personal shit)    
         /               `-:     .'   /-.                             |                                                                                                       |
        /                  ;_  .'   .'  /                             |                                                                                                       |
     .-'    .-"-.("-._      7 / /     .'               [ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\
     "-,:  /     "--. ; .-,: / :     ')  ___           [            proof.1                                                                                               proof.2                \
      /  \:        _ `:/  ;;:  ;    .'  /   l          [   https://prnt.sc/qWaRr3XRE1Ta                          NOTE TO ALL TheCohen STAFF:               https://prnt.sc/jr6B1j-P7aSN           \                       \                       \                                      \
      L_ ;  / _    6`    // ; :    ';.-'   /           [                                                                                                                                          /
        \:.: :6         ;" :  ;.--""    _ (            [ i am not an enemy of thecohen, orhaim simply sent my full name in chat and regularly spams me with my pics in Direct messages           /
         `-`.    `     j  _;-"       .-" `.\           -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/                                                                                                                                         /
         ..--\    -'  / `"        .-"      "                                                                              
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 /   '-'  .-"   :         i     \                                                 FIRSTLY, THE THING THAT BOTHERS OR THE MOST- PICS!
|               |            m   \                                                        -.-.-.-.OLDER  PICS.-.-.-.-
 `-._  .-"       ;                `.                                                     https://prnt.sc/Pt-qKw8XFuRH
    /.'          :                  "-.                                                  https://prnt.sc/Ujx33ctW_fi2
    "             \                  "-.                                                 https://prnt.sc/6Go0prEbrFUM
                   \                     ""--.._.-.                                      https://prnt.sc/uNLd5_S8fjGG
                    `.        . \l-._              "-._                                   -.-.-.-.NEWER  PICS.-.-.-.-
                      `.   _._`;-'   ""---...__        l                                 https://prnt.sc/QtMO6YD7QBo5
                       :      l__.-.           """"""""                                  https://prnt.sc/_LpzwHF7sSiY       
                        \     :     \                                                    https://prnt.sc/634V1qUtrNY_
                         `.      .'  \                                                     
                           `._.-" `.  ;                                                    
                                                                                          ------SECOND, SOME INFO I FOUND------   
                                                                                          Age: 19 (בכיתה י"ג)
                                                                                          full name: or haim turgeman (●'◡'●)
                                                                                          Lives at: Ashdod, israel ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ                                                                                          
                                                                                          Former School: itzhak rabin school in ashdod (¬‿¬)
                                                                                          Grandmas name: Dolly Turgeman - דולי תורגמן (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
                                                                                          Grandpas name: Gabby turgeman - גבי תורגמן (⌐■_■)
                                                                                          Grandpa's phone number: +972528315058
                                                                                          Half his discord token: NTcwMDA5NTgyOTQ5MzY3ODIw
                                                                                          Weighs: 4826 Tons

                                                                                        -=-=-=-=-=-SOCIAL MEDIAS=-=-=-=-=-        
                                                                                        Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006437654159&mibextid=LQQJ4d
                                                                                        Instagram: https://instagram.com/orhaim_turgeman?igshid=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA==
                                                                                        Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@orhaim_turgeman?_t=8gNSFNmMBJH&_r=1
                                                                                        Walla Mail: orhaim0@walla.com                   
                                                                                        Facebook Alternate account: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008229189855&mibextid=LQQJ4d