Reason for dox: This guy's a pedo, and likes to act harmful, he also posted a fake dox on himself to try and get people harrased Personal Information Name: Liam Ullrich Address: 39383 Eda Villages Apt. 602 Hilo, HI 96721 Latitude and longitude: 26.554943, -78.388677 Phone number: 738-261-7108 DOB: March 9th 2007 SSN: 225-35-1435 Physical Characteristics Height: 5'2 (LOL) Weight: 147.1 lbs Gender: male Eye color: blue Ethnicity: white Blood type: O+ Financial Information Credit card number: 5395-3373-8517 (visa) Exp date: 5/24 CVV: 115 Internet Details IP: Passwords: ]_=i4MgheAW, ilikefrogs4, FuckUNigger Emails:,,