Welcome to the Dox!
                                                              I Doxxed this fucker because.
                             1. He is Autistic as fuck and litterly every time I talk to him I want to fucking shoot sombody
                                                     2. He is the biggest fucking snitch/loudmouth.
                                                              3. I just don't like him.
                                                                       Main Dox
                                                            Full Legal Name: Owen Carvalho.
                                             Usernames: Luigiuso11, Luigi, BlueScorpion70, Claptrap, gClaptrap.
                                                   Address: 54 Oliver Street Fairhaven Massachusetts.
                                Phone Number: (508)-542-6668 *I'm not sure if its still accurate/if he shut his line off.
                                                           Age: 15. Birth date: 7/1/2008 M/D/Y 
                                                                   3. Social Media
                                                                  Discord: gclaptrap
                                                                   4. Conclusion
                                                           That's all Info I got right now.
                                        This nigga changed his YouTube and I am not bothered to find that shit right now,
                                                          Love Ya!