Name: Stephen Vance Ignacio
Sex: Male
Age: 22
State: Texas
City: Plano
Address: still looking for exact address
Discord: ComebackSeasonToBeBased#2556
License Plate Number: RPF5148
Ethnicity: Asian
Hobbies: Taekwondo tournaments in Houston and Spending 12 hours a day on discord
Reason for dox:
 I've known Stephen for almost 2 years he was a good friend of mine. I have a discord server all my friends
use and Stephen was in it. He kept sexually harassing my girlfriend and all my female friends even though they are minors 
just like I am. So I decided enough was enough and I did some digging on Stephen which would end up leading to the biggest
scandal I've seen on discord. I found screenshots of him saying ATTROCIOUS things to minors, I found him bragging about sexually
harassing minors, I found him sexually harassing on minors even after they said they are underage for the 5th time. 
When this evidence was presented to Stephen he denied it all and claimed that he was lying about being 22 for 2 years and
that he was actually 16 which turned to 17 then 15 then 14. He never stuck to the same story he tried convincing me he was a minor
by bribing his nephew with money if he help his phone for video call and took pictures for proof. Stephen had been telling one of his friends 
all of this thinking he was getting away with it but little did he know that friend was feeding me info this entire time. He then also threatened
to kill me and my entire family.